<br />St?-- .~ L~ .~ # a ~ ~~R71'('~~~~
<br />Gt
<br />19rir attoet8a~e made atxd carried iato.this dad o[
<br />19 , by and betireea George 0. Voss and Cleo A. Voss ~ ,,
<br />(barziaafter referred to as atortgsgor) cad the Adminisentor of the Small Bttsinm Administratiao, as a~ey of the-
<br />Covervmeat aE.the United States of America (hereinafter referred to~ as mortgtt6ee), tv6o-aaonraias•aK:o~rpe,lmd
<br />pLloeofbt>.meaaat Empire State Building, 19th and Farttam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.
<br />~Prursasas'e. that fw• thn oonrideration htxeiaafter sated, rceript of-which is.hanhy vled~p~t, ;tlie
<br />~4~r doe y-~~Bc. sell.- gram, aaaige, and convey noto the mortsadee, his anotx7ron sad •+..+~-
<br />of the>folbwind dnerihed ptapeny nftaated`and heiotl in the t'.otmtq of Hall
<br />tau °f' Nebraska.
<br />_ Lot Nine (9) in Block Five (S} in Collb'geAddition. ~'
<br />to West Lawn, in the city of Grand ls)'and, Nebraska.:
<br />Together with and ipeltrdiryt all LuHdirtRs, ail 6xtarew ieeluding bW nut limited to all plumbiaa, heatirtit, litthl-
<br />iag, venlllatitgt, rtfrittenlinR, inrineretinK, air rmalitioniag, apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />derlaeittg drat it in intended that thr hems herein enuntrrated ..hull in+ tlernted 4t havr been permanenllc in-
<br />stallydaa purl oC rice realty ), and all intprovrntrnts now or herral'Irr existing therrun; the hereditauu>nts and
<br />appurtettaatew-atad all other ri;;hts thereunta LelortginK, m• in anywieco appertaininK, and lhr reversion and rr-
<br />veraiunz, remainder and rrmainder., all rights of rrdemptiuu, and the rent+, issurs, and pratits of We uhuvr
<br />deser'ihed properly (provided, hua rvrr, that the nmrl gngor shall Ire rntilled to thr posscsiou ai .aid properly
<br />ant! to rullert and raisin the rrrts, issttes, and ptt~fit until drfault herennrier}. Ta have a€..# to hoiti tha ,rarer
<br />unto the muetKUtee umi thr weressars in interact of the mortgagee former in far simple or *ua•fi ,rthrr estate,
<br />if any, aa~ is stated herein.
<br />The m,oddapor covenants That he ie tawfuliy seised cad poeaeeaed of and Rae the right to Belt and canvey acid
<br />property;-that the aaeoe u Eree from all enctmtbraaeos except ae hereinabovr recited; and that ha hereby binds
<br />hittuel[_gyd hi~,~uccuaon is inteteai to warrant and defend tha title aforesaid thereto and rvery pan thereof agaixut
<br />t!G eliims of all perwoit whomsoever. .,,
<br />,~'-.,t.: i~s•a
<br />7•his iantrument is given to secure the payment of a promiaeory note dated v
<br />in theprincipal`eurn of E-24~,100.00' , aigaad by George 0. and Cleo A. Voss •
<br />"` Mhaii ai themselves.
<br />YHA {'gem 4]113-1ft Pee.le.~. xdWU. ,ee aWol.e..
<br />