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MINUTES OF SPECIAL FETING OF <br />BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF <br />BERKELEY PUMP COMPANY <br />l <br />A special meeting of the Board of Directors of Berkeley Pump Company <br />was held on the 4th day of August 1980 at the hour of 3:00 P.M. <br />at the principle office of the Corporation. <br />All of the directors were present except Berne A. Schepman and <br />Robert L. Chambers who had been notified of the meeting and its <br />business by phone earlier. <br />iLe Pi resident stated that h~ '.:ad ar. offer to bu}~ the Harr~.s^n ^r^^arr., <br />in Grand Island which adjoins the souther: border of our Grand Island <br />plant and is 3-1/2 acres with a house on it. He stated that this <br />is necessary property for us for future expansion as it is the only- <br />way that we can expand. He asked that. we consider this and give ii <br />the necessary authority to him and the, power of attorney to <br />John Albers to sign the necessary papers to make the transaction <br />cam lete. He thought that the land could be purchased for around' '~, <br />P <br />$J0,000.00 and that it could be financed over a five year period ' <br />at 20% interest with a down payment not to exceed 30%: <br />After a full discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and <br />unanimously carried the following resolution was adopted: <br />RESOLVED: That this Corporation give the President complete <br />authority to negotiate for the 3-1/2 acres of <br />land south of our Grand Island plant and have <br />the proper papers drawn and the financing arranged <br />with a maximum price of $70,000.00 with financing <br />at 10% and not more than 30% down to be paid off <br />in about five years. Also John Albers is given power <br />of attczney to sign the necessary papers. <br />Further, the President informed the Board that Bartley L. Bulmore, <br />the Branch Manager of the Denver Branch had passed away. The <br />newly appointed Manager is George F, Herget and he recommended <br />that he be appointed the Registered Agent. <br />After a full discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and <br />unanimously carried the following resolution was adopted: <br />RESOLVED: That George F. Herget, the Manager of the Denver <br />Branch be appointed as our Registered Agent for the State of <br />Colorado. <br />~- There being no further business, the ~e ing was adjou <br />~ ` ~ .ti,~-~..~ <br />~ ~ ~ ~ „ ~ a p o a, Secretary <br />Fred F. Stadelhofer, resi enC (contd Pg. 2) <br /> <br />L' <br /> <br /> <br />