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<br />;. <br />,~ <br />rbi. qa°tt6a®a made and mia:ed inW this ~ Z da, o[ rl`~ y ~ 5 <br />14 ~, by and 6etwem Paul B.. L. Sensenbach, Sr, and Katherine P. Sensenbaeh <br />(hereinafter referred to u Taortgasor) and the Administrator of the Small Boaineaa Admiaistratioq an a~aey ad.the <br />Coverammt of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to u mortgagee), who maintains an o6ee and <br />phtmofbttvoeoat ire State Bld <br />Emp g., 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68102 <br />'Rte. that for the eoraidcration hemm~after stated, neeipt of whichv hereby a~nowledeed; tds <br />does hereby mortpge, aefl, grmt, arai6o, and convey onto the mortgagee, his sttaeators and: a~.;a_ B <br />of the fslloxind ddtxibed propert7 dtnated sad belmtq is the Comty of ~i7 <br />Suteof=. Nebraska ~ ', <br />Part of Lot "H" of Joehnck's Subdivision, located on part of the Southeast,' <br />Quarter (SE 1/4) o£ Section Fifteen (i5)'; Too ship Eleven (11) Northy <br />-Range Nine (4) AEst of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as fgllowa•. <br />da®mencing at the intersection of the; Westerly line of 'South Cherry, Streeti •' <br />and the Section line between Section 1~ and' 22 iti Township 11 .North', Range, 9. <br />WEst of the 6th P.H., and running thence Northerly along the Westerly line <br />of said South Cherry Street a distance of 548.9 Feet, which is the actual <br />point of beginnittg; running thence Westerly parallel to the South line o£ <br />MacArthur Street a distance of 100 Feet; running thence Northerly and <br />parallel to the Westerly line of South Cherry Street, a distance of 116.6 Feet; <br />running thence Easterly along the Southerly line of MacArthur Street, a <br />disatnce of 100 Feet; and running thence Southerly along the Westerly line <br />of Cherry Street a distance of 116.6 Feet to the Actual point of beginning <br />and subject to aright-of=t,.ay across the Northerly 33 feet thereof'. <br />Tsgether with and including all build(ngs, ail fixtures including but not limited Io all plumbing, heating, light- <br />ing, v. ntiiating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatu., an,l elrvutors (the mortRugor herehy <br />declaring that it is intended that the items herein enumerated .hall he deemed to have been pertnenently in• <br />stalled a- part of the reap}'), and all improvemems now or hereafter existing thereony the, hereditamenta and <br />appurtenances and alt Mher rights (hereunto belonging, or in aaywisc uppertaininv, and the reversion and re- <br />versions, eemaimler and remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above <br />described- property (presided, however, that the- moriga;toehalC br entitled to the Iwssession of .aid property <br />and to collets atul rerainthr rents, issues, and IuoGts until default hereunder). 7'o have and to haid the wane <br />unto the: nyutgagee and the suecensora is intoreyi of the mortgagee forever iu Cee simple or such other estate, <br />if xny; sate ~aiated herein. <br />'1$e-ttrortEagor oarmanla that-hn is IawfuBy seised and paasessed of and hu the right to Boll and convey said <br />property•_tb{t the.utue~_is ftrt frotra all wcumbrattcea except-u hereinabove recited;-and that. be herehy-binds <br />hiarelf sad his saeeenon in interest,te warrant and de[md the title aforesaid thereto and every part thamof against <br />the eiaimaot all:.perroae.*rltamaaevea. <br />1'1tia~iastnrmest is givmr to secdn the payment of a promissory note dated t ~ ~~ 5 ~~~~~ , <br />igthopriariµr~}zettsaaL,t: _.y200.~"-:,.sianadity <br />S~senbaeFi Paul R. L. Sensenbach, Sr. and Katherine P. ' <br />in behalf of th@mne2Vea <br />!iS.i FOrSS Sir {S+:3J Pro+Irw Ed:ifaM „• OSw3x,. <br />i ..~ z <br /><i ~t .... <br />