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so-~~~~7y SECOND MORTGAGE <br />Form 5'^r dtrv u,.-rt <br />- ~Fjlf~ ~IlDetttUCe, Mnde and N,t«atea mix day ..r August ?2 A. {, 1980 <br />ny sod between Darryle Wilhelmi <br />.party m th< neat pen. <br />„,a Eldon ,_I .- and,_Janet.O..,M._..Bensort... _ _ parry nr m<argnnd pan. <br />,. ....._.. ... t .. _.__. .. <br />wITNESS~:rti, thst Inc sale party or the neat part, roe and to considerntim, of (; ~.> OOO.OO <br />'r - .Four, _ thousand, _and._no/100...--- ----- --- ---.DOt.t.ARS, pale h safe _ ' <br />-......_..._..._.. y psr1Y o! the <br />secoml part, the receipt whereo[ la hereby acknnwirdgrd, hna granted. lxirgnineA, sold amt conveyed, and 6y these presents, - . <br />rfxa grant. bargain, nett and convey, unto said party of the sec and port. the following described reel propcny altunie In U,r <br />i c~n~t~et of land caalnplrising a ., an o~tthe~oi'es~w~iaarter, Northwest Quarter (N4Ftr,N4P-~} of <br />Section Nine (9)> TarlnsYiip Eleven (11)'North'; Rartge_Nine' f'47 West of-the 6tYl P:M.; hall County, <br />Nebrasl~:; ai3d more°Pes ticfzlarly' described' as follows': ' Re€'erring' to the Northwest. corner of said- <br />Section-NLrte.-(J)-A-Distance of-Five Hundred Forty...afai...Seven..Tentha._(540._7.)...£Qet.,...AUir~..or. less to a , <br />point ort.tbe prolo~/gation._of. the.. easterly line of Wheeler Avenue, thence rurm3rtg_stuttheasterly- <br />along the easterly .line of Wheeler Avenue a distance of et_ght hundred forty and seven tetit~ (8~-D.7) <br />feet to the Northerly line of Twenty-TYiird Street to' t}ie actual' point 'oi" "FiegYriniYf~'; 'tYiettee r~umt?g <br />_ ~;". <br />.:.`Northeasterly along the Northerly line of Twenty Third Street a Distance of-One Htuxixed <br />Eleaen and Thirty-seven Hundredths (111.37) Feet thence northwesterly parallel <br />I to the Westerly line of Locust Street a distance of one huntireti eighteen (ll8,0} Feet; <br />thence running Southwesterly and parallel to the NorFh Line of Tvfenty Third Street a <br />distance of one hundred eleven and thirty-seven hundredths (111.37) feet to the Easterly <br />Line of Wheeler Avenue; thence running Southeasterly along and upon the Easterly Line <br />of Wheeler Avenue a distance of One hundred Eighiaeen (ll8',0) Feet to the point of <br />beginning subject to eas~rient granted to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska as recorded <br />in Book 10, Page 7, Miscellaneous Record Book 3n'Register of Deeds Office, Ha11 County,, <br />i Nebraska. <br />and wh<rcna, the pnrty of the Hret part L 6t eJ In keep lhn buildings If nny, upon add {ire nrl 1 t 1 m .vu, 'mn- <br />pany ur cumpantea npproveJ by said party nt thq second port, for the full inxurn Dlr vulnc ag:unnl to«s by tin and w uukhn mawdh <br />extended rovrrnge and deliver to anhl party o[ the acrnnd port thq pulley nr politics ranlnining n slnndnnl n url{;ngr rl:ru!c wuh <br />the lose payable to naid pnrty of Lhe second port, or nssigns, unJ has ngrerd In pny nii lnxrs and nsarssment« :tg:ru+,t :.i;.I I•rrn,~ <br />lace before the come, by law, become delinyuent, and hoe ngrerd that if sold pnrty of the Ii rst port dote non In'n\'n u• xuch <br />lnauranee, m falls to pay all taxers na aforeauhl, then said party of fhr second pxrl, or holder hereof, mny p:p' such iuaururre <br />and taxes, or either ar them, and eii amounts so paid Dy said pnrty of the sea:ond purl shell Denr irtere+[ nt fhr : • <br />per cent per annum from the data of payment, amt th(s mortgage shall gland na securely thrrefoq and au iJ sum nm y' be <br />added to the amount of the morignge, debt, and the eumc recovered na n port thereof, 9nw, it lhrv sldA pnrty r•f fhr Bast pat t <br />, r <br />.obeli well and fn,lY PaY or cacao to bn pnid the salA xum of n nne,V i t Anlll nn(q . , mrntluned, with mla•real thrn•mt ura.,nl- <br />Ing to the t<nor and rITect of saki nnlq and shell keep xn hi Guil~lings inaurc,d ns nfurrsalJ, and shall keep alt tit zrs and <br />nnarnamenla paid, and ehaU duty krep, uml pgrP,nn n11 the other rovrnu nls and ngrerotrnls hen•in natuu uc~l, then Ihr.•+. <br />' pronenle to br null 4ml void. Rut if .smd nom of mnnr•y : r nny pn rt thereof, nr nny Inlurrat thee.-un, Ya nut pn:.l when fhr <br />la dal, df It sold buildings shall nut ha, kept insured ne n(urran iJ, nr tf tLlt' taiga arW naaexanirnfa ngnb,.st .v tt.l p.'a:t:vs,~. ;, <br />nut pnld at or before tho time the same became Dy taw delhtyurnt, or 1[ said. l::rtr{y of me t7 rsi lrUrt ah:Ul •bct ;, o+•p u-,,i <br />prr(orrm any covenei)la ~hlreln contnlaed the holder hcnut shell h;tvq the n(n inn to Ilan~,lnrr fhr whole nt sold mdrbtrJn on~a duo itnd <br />' pays hla at uny'timc nflec such ffiIlure ur detnult, and mny mote Udn uu neUnn nt I:t\v or cquuy In t t r ihr .n m,~, ~ nd Fhr . ~~,... <br />mence'a,<nt of such action shall b< the only notice of ihr cxrrc Lsn of sold option required. <br />AND I'C 15 F'UttTfIER PROYIDF.D AND ACItEED, Thut the anhl hlurtgngor shalt nod will pny nii loxes IrerrJ upon thw <br />mortgage of the debt neeured lh<re L•y, together wflh nny other taxes nr nasunsmenta which mny he irv lr~l under fhr Lu ws ..1 <br />Nebrnaka, ngnlnal the nnld Mortgngee, or the legnl holder of tho sold prlnclpnl note nn nccounl of lhts Indcbtrdnear <br />AND IT IS FU RTtiER PROVID[iD AND AORILi: D, that me :,,marl M•:r: {{,,at;.~r+: a ,nt and !! v ith fhr of •,rt(~, •:,:~'~ <br />Ihal o n( the cnndiriuna fur gktnN thin loon i ~ that thu Murl+u K<u> do t nd wtll ~ unrtn~r to ..w n: +f~ro<c a{•r ihr r~~ul <br />heroinnde avribed as fhr .er veil P[`v re dwvlltng of lha• to Kug r' 1•,nK « th:. r c:tK::Ke • • <I ~thr x ud nut. pro ed hero l~tt~~~ <br />err thrreni. rrma peed, I( ut qnY time, whtlr fhr rn• ttt,,a Kr +u cl h~::t and d:r n n,~ fur wh.~h rh:i tn,: t •. <br />aecuP,ty, a onY purl the trot, ra sine unp Id, fhr.• undvrntggnr drMu ipu{.etc yell u , unrry ihr n•uI r, lute beer to r.~~~ rtl .~5. ~~~r ~: , <br />pert Them ol, n the Mutt gagora do nut hove or 'cnae to t+e r trrli• Iu red trait r::t nlr' „r onY purl ihr re..1 ar.:,.c ~~• rrar•.,utl; <br />~Pt,nnY decl atedthc l nP t~d'.orancip~ii nbai neee well~nrnlerr nh~ of elite rnulrl,,a ht naJnhirirbYtttn,u .~dtre re tY rdu eh rod pu~".~ Ic, r~">. ut : <br />Ott ~t~timmtp ~~eeeof, <br />IN PRESENC&t 6F `~I f~~t•"" G^%%•./4~•~- y <br />"Dar Wilhelmi <br />gTATIC Oy.* ]RM KA, j On lDln 6~ < ~ dny of '~w:4~i•~'~ A, It iP ~ ~ <br />t as ~~~lll <br />Cnuniy nf- \ ..~ heton mr, ,a Nntnry(t Public In and fur ~Utc sold County persm,ttlly on nn• the ntx., <br />- - - named ~1~1~w ~1 w ~..TnF.7~+Wy.4 <br />iU[RRt ROtRRY, ~, of RNr, <br />RLCHARt) fi, "RATTkE ~ <br />frt. ~ ,t~1 <br />My rnm mission expires ~~ <br />who pcrwvtnll)' known In nt~ <br />lu he th< Idrnllcnl peranu whose: nnnrr l+, Rixud to fhr ntwvp instrument <br />nn grantor and acknrrwledgc.l snlrl Ina{ra nlCn( In Dr '\~"' \'o111 nine)' HCt turd Jred. <br />W'TTNE55 my hand an Nnl nri tad the dxtc InaUt(nr' td. <br />'~ a,..~~~ ~t',rbue <br />i~ r iq~ 1 <br />