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8o---;i t~i -3 ~ tt c~ <br />MORTOAOE <br />Ii990RTOACE IRAN NO. 73, 750 <br />stop'AIa.MENBYTHFSEPRESEN'IS:That David D. Martin and Debra Ann Martin, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />- MoRga6~, arhethts ace rx tmre, ie meodatttioa-af th tat®atf-. <br />Twelve Thousand and No11G0----------------------- ----------------------------- <br />barred to said ttrorigagor by The Fquitabk BuTdivg and Loan Asorntion of Grand Ishod, NeMatta, Mortptgvs, ttpoc T ZD a~tae[aesdt ~_ <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifiok No. Lp3, 75D , do lteaeby grant, convey and trroRga~e :tmn the srirt A~OCSATfOH thre "fa6oryts- <br />deatn"bed rtai estam, situated m Hall County. Nebraska: <br />LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK TEN (]0) IN CLARKSON'S FIRST ADDITION <br />TO THE VILLAGE OF ALDA, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />taget~r with a0 the tenements, Mreditaments and appunenattces theremno tmbnging, irrctuding attadmd noor coverings,. all window saeerrs, <br />vdndow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mnditbning,and plumbing and water equipment axd accessories thereto, pumps,ROVtts, <br />rcfrigtn[ors, and other fixtums and equipment sow or hereafter attached to or used k connection with raid real estate. <br />And whertas the said mortgagor has agreed and dots hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wilt pay aU taxes and asaesvnents kvad or <br />aaesscd upon said premises and upon [his mortgage and the bond secured thercbv before [he same shall bewrru dtlirrquent; to furnish approved <br />instuance upon the buildings on cast premim situated in tht sum of S ] 2 , DDD. DD Payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the polkas for said insuran¢; and nm to wmmit or permit any waste on ur about said premises; <br />In case of default in the performance of any of the arms and conditions of ibis rtartgagc or tlm band secured hereby, the rnoRgaga shall, <br />on demand, 6e rnti[Eed Yo inucediatc possession oC the mortgaged premises and the rnurtyagor hereby a vgns, transftrs artd sets oxr to the <br />mortgagee all the rents, rexnues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premius dmirrg sudt time ax the mo[(gpge in.debtedrmss shall remain <br />rmpaid; and the mortgagee shalt tux the power to appoint any agent ur agents it may desue far the propose oC rcpairiog saiai premises amt rrn[vtg <br />the saint and wike;ing the mots, rtxnuts and inwrtx, and it msY paY wt of said inwmc alt expenses of repaving sahl prtnuses arxt necemry <br />tr*mmi3=ions and ~_xpenres incmrtd in renting and nwuging the same and ut wlkutarg rxmafs t{sercfrom; tart 6afan[z remaining, if eay, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said inartgag< indebtedncs; these rights of the tta,rfgyagee nay Fse exercised at any time dining rite exiskna of such <br />dcfaufi, irrtspecfix of any temporary waixr of the sarrr_. <br />Tbtst Pre~nts, hsswexr, ue upon the Corsditiuu, That tf the said Mortgagor stall repay said tarn on ar befott the maturity of said charts by <br />payrtmnq pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of [he sum specified in the Hond secured hereby as uuerest and principal un said loan, un or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and exry month, until said loan is fully paid; pay all axes and assessments levied agaiml said premises and on this MaRgage <br />and the flood secured thereby, !afore delinquency; famish approxd insurance upon the buildings thercun N the sum of I ] 2 , DDD. DD payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon denund ail money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />[he maximum legal rate thercun from date of payment all of whicAt Mortgagor hereby agrces « r pay;permil nu waste on said prexnises;kap and wmply <br />whir aft the agfeerntnts and conditions of ttm aotrct (or S ] 2 , DDD , DOthir day grin by the sad Mortgagor ro mid ASSiR:lAT10N, a»d comply <br />with all the requverrmnls of the Conalitulion and nY-Lrws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents stall become null end wid, otherwise they <br />shall rtrtuin in tali force and trmy 6e fortc{osed at the option ul the sad A.SSIXIIATION alter faibre fur three mmrtlu to make any u( said <br />payrmnts of bt three months :n axreats N makurg caul monthly payments, ur to keep and comply wrth tiro agreeratnts and conditions of said Mond; <br />and Martypgor agrers la hax a receixr appuintad forthwith ut such fores:krsme pruaenltngs. <br />If them is any charge in uwnerilti~ of [he real estate rttor[gagtd herein, by sale ur olhtrwiae, then the rntire rerrraining indebtedness hereby <br />stxtue+i shall, at the uplicxe of T!x fgdlabk Suadiag :red Ltsats Ataodation of Graruf !stand, Nebraska, bzwrut inuxrtdiaicl due std <br />fmlher notice, sod rite arrouol re dot umkr sari botd, and ao Y paYabk vrithout <br />nsaininB y other bond for any additanal advances nude thereunder, strati, from the <br />desk of exercise of said option, hear inlmen al the maxinrunt kgsl raft, sad this nrurtgsgc rmy then be foreckaal to ntisfy the amount due on acid <br />bo::', sod any other bond for additional advances, fugciMr with all sums paid by said 'tiro liyuilabk adldiog and Loan Asaucwtion or (.rand islaxrd, <br />Nebraska fm inxruance, taxes and assexsrrmnts, and abatractitrg exkrisiun charges, with inkrcat thereon, frnrn date of payment a[ the martimum <br />kgil rate. <br />As providnl in the )land sauced hereby, while thts mortgage rentahts in elftct ltrc csxsrtgagee nmy hereafter advamx addr[iunal Gums W [ht <br />tmlteu of said aoml, !Mir aaugns or successors rn inter+st, which swtn shall be within the security of this ttmrtgage rim same as tht (ands orrgirwlly <br />sactrred ilrereby, the total anwunl of psintspal dtbt rwt to c:ceecl at any nine the original amount u(this mortgage. <br />l3aied tls~ i ith, say of Augus [. A.1)., 19 80 <br />'~~ p '. -, -r , <br />v,7,7Ma tine- ___.________ <br />Debra Ann Martin ` <br />STATE OF NEf1RA.S$p,~ss. fin this 11th. day of August ly BD ,bcfon rot, <br />ct~ItN rv t>H tlAU. <br />the undeaigned, a Notary Pubbc m and loc sand County, persema0y amt <br />David D. Martin and Debra Ann Martin, each in his and her own right and as sppOUSe of <br />edCh Other whd are pdraunally known to <br />ow to tr lfre idrntkal pexaon S F ,,"sat+td.~Ikj n`~aOrLe:5e d r 2 affixed to the shove ins4 ursmut as nrortgagut S and C hey sexallY <br />adcsrowfedged the Gard hutrm»ar~jto~2 „~lqy ~ ~~vsttuntary act and decd. <br />~. / <br />WITNESS m - t`l aitQ Nntarut$eal li~ate afocessici. <br />( -r <br />MY Co nc}p}res,:~ ~Z ~~~4~ ~ ! ~ft~. ~ ~f "-`i /-'"t< - <br />ls ~ <br />. ~ rNotary i`ubiit <br />wraiY m -. <br />t, <br />!,rh` ~,, <br />