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THE MQRTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor yritl pay the hereinbefore provided. - <br />That the Mortgagor is the dwaer of said property in Cee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell acrd- "- <br />rnnvey the same and that the acme-ix Free-and clear-of airy Lien or encura6rance: and that Mortgagor will warrant and defervt the - <br />title to said premises againsf-the claixrn' of ak persona'. whomsoever. - - <br />To pay immediateiy"when due and payable all general•tazes, special faxes, special sasessments, water charges, sewer sere-= :. <br />ice charges, acrd other fazes and charges against said profrerty. and aU taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon request, with •the :ariginat or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shall be-a&!ad to -. <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence Of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee _ _ <br />to Fre sufficient- fo- etjabie the Mortgagee to Pay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar-charges upon tSre-prams <br />lees subject thereto; any deficiency because of the, insufficiency cat such additional payment shall 6e forthwith deposited -by the -~ <br />,Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a default in <br />-payment of taxes, assessments, nr simifar charges required hereunder.. - - - <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall aitw fte added to each monthly payment Of principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to he sufficient tr. enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any insurance policy delivered LO the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because Of the insufficiency Of such additional pay- <br />ments shalt he forthwith dap sited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgage' upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this _ <br />paragraph shall he deemed a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited are such as home- <br />owners or all risk policies, and the deposits see irvsutficient ro pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums or. risks required to Irn insurrvf by this mortgage. - - <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the atu,ve pa ra graphs may, al. the option of the Mortgagee, Fx• held by it and ' <br />commingled with other such funds nr its o n (ands for the payment O( such itemis, nand until so applied, such Payments are hereby <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtedness <br />To pr«vre, deliver ac sad maintain (or the hem•fit ~,i fh,• Mori.gaKee riurln{; the life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, deliverc<t at Least tend s 1>Pfr,re the expiration .,f a :uch policies, iasu nog against fire and other in arable <br />harards, casualties, and mntirgencies as athe Mortgagee may require, rin an amount equal to the indebtadneas secured by this '~, <br />lt9ortgage, and in armyanirs ameptablr to the :vtortgager, with los payable efause~ rn favor of and in term acceptable to the Mortga- <br />gee. In the a ant a y {mlicy m not r. wwi .~ r Mr6+re ! r days oC it expiration- thr• ?4la rtgagee m y procure its r n the <br />imprm~ements` Pay the premium therefor. and .ouch sr m :hat: hee~.>me in mediar.Jp due and payable wi"th interest at the rate set <br />forth in card note until paid and =_hall h • s.c red h~ rths monKage Failure on the pare Of [hr Mortgagor to tarnish such re wets <br />re heroin required nr failure to pay any su advancer' hereunder shall. at the option of the Mortgagee, c slit ate a default <br />under the f s of this mortgage. 'the drli,'erv~,f .uch po!ieien shall. ua the .arnt o! default. anns:itule an nssignment of the un <br />earned premmm. <br />Any s ~-rd by [he Ylr~rt ~.rzr•r by r as„ „f Ines ,.r damage :n_ red .rKa+nst may he mtained by the lic~,rtgagre <br />and applied toward rthe~ pas. men( of the JeM her.•by s. u. red.:, at the ,gn:on~~f 'hr Mortgagor, such su either wholly uz in <br />part n -- Ix-- paid o .r t.--, tho Mnrtg. .n he a sd tr, .r , rh hu ildin „r .., .,uad', ew hu iidinKS Choi pla- .x - <br />other pur[x+so r object satisfactory ro~thr• Mortgage. urthmrt ifiectinx tfirshen ~ ra the mr rtgaee for the full amountr-E•currrl rhere~ <br />by before such payment ever took place <br />"I~n pn mptl} reps ea[un~ „ rrbuil<I .- i,u ~;d:nc. ~ i ... n~"n i. r., re,nr ~,.~ :hr pr .which : •c <br />,e damage.) , drstroyrclf, to keep sail pr -. - .~I ,, far: and zrg,a:. ,:,~. - .r from oar .r n:, ~hrn ,- athr-ocher, cc <br />claim of lien out exprr, sly sri«srdinatrd to tho io n honed- n. , •uRter •~r pe~rm~u rd unlawful rrcr ~, m: w fo rxat or. <br />card property nor to permit w-seta .en saki : . .n,r r: Arlo s .,thee a,~t •.+-her=r•?,v !hr pr=,;,e rt :' '. rehv raa. veyrdr=hall twceme <br />~:rmasr~ • <br />le~~ss valuah!e. sor to dim:::auh ::r ::::;:a:r iL+ va!::r b- env art -..-..... ............... .... :.!., _ at: a!f .. .... ..s r,f law with r _- <br />to the mortgaged prreusee and the use the rrol <br />"Choi should the pea •,r an ' pan the real fs• eke:, ~ r ...vnup•d he r. .,.., .d -: pobie" : npn•vrmrnt ,, ndr~n,na uun <br />proceeding, ar under the right 1af er •nt dr•mnua. r ether r anner, !hr Mortgaget•'shail hr entakd to all uunpe rsatmns, <br />awards, and any other pacmrnt ..r r<~he( then•for. and shall ,~ entitled, at its ~gn:on, L+ rOminrnre. appear in and prosecute m its <br />Own name env anion ur i:r r(hnK, .r to make ' ompr sa. ,ettiemea:t : ~ ~ct n:n +.-rth such tak:nK or damage. All such <br />comPerisalion, a ards, <1amaKrs• right of sctron anrlvpna;ea•eis n e hereby assigned for the Mortgagoe. who may, after drductinK <br />therefrom alt its expanse ,release any moneys s re~erved by it ur apply the ~ indeblednecr s red hereby. The Mnrt- <br />gegor agrees to execute wch further assignments of any .-nmprnsahun. awards~~lamaq v~ and nKhts of act~m and pn,ceads as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That in easy of failure to perform nny of the cnvenanrs hrrru,. the !>lon Kxgrr may do nn the Mortgagor's behalf eve rylhinK <br />scr covenanted; the; the Mortgagee may also d0 any act :t naay darn a ., v t.. pn~tr•rl the hen thereof: that the MurIKaKOr w•ilI <br />repay upon demand any moneys Paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee For n v „t the above purposes, and sue•h moneys tnge[lirr with <br />inlerext thereon at the rata provided in said note shall tarume su much adduinnal indebtedness hereby sa rrK1 and may M in- <br />cluded in ant decser foreclosing thi, n OrlgeK~ and la• paid out of the r ant-, or proceeds of role of seed premses iC not nt}+rrwise <br />paid; that it shaft nut he Obligatory upon the MnrtgaKa'e to inquin• into the validity of any ban, : umbraurr<. o claim a nd" <br />veucing moneya as above authorized, but nulhiuq herein routained shall Ix~ c nstrucd a, retlwru+K the Mnr(gagrr to udvancer:rny <br />mort;ys for any such purlxase nor Lo do any act henrmuleq and that Mnrtgegeo .shall not incur y ta•r.,maal habdity fwcausr of a „ - <br />thipg it mq• do or omit to do hereunder. <br />In the event of the default 6y Mortgagor in the payment of nny i astallmem.:a required by the tiolr .ecu ed han•hy. or ~ ss <br />irs the prsrfermanLr ::[ the ,.tl {{-_-t, in t.h tgagr or u: the ,~ t red @aerehv the. 17. !p' cc,~ .h:dl h,. ,~,uul t •lc,.l..:,~ t6: <br />debt secured hereby due and payable with- t alias, and the M< thaK shall be entitled t t. ptmn, w:thoui m 1 tl er Ly :hell <br />Or by a receiver to he appuine rd by the court ihrrva,f, and witixnrt regard ba the adrq uacy of env .ra-only &rr Jre rr:da•oterines~, ..~ <br />cured hereby, to enter up<m wed take pos§<'ssion of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and reecive /hr rrnta. +ssues nod profits <br />thereof and apply the same, less costs of oiteratinn and collection. opm the inde•htwJnrss aarured by Ihim mortKSKe, .aid rents, <br />issues amt profile being hereby aesignrd to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of all indebtedness savored hrn•by <br />'Cho Mortgagee shall have the po r [n appuua[ any agent r agent.. it mat destrn for the pu rPow nl n•pnu'uig wad Pnm+- <br />ises; rontin6 the sam collecting tho runise re sand In and d may pay out of soul it " +. all ex prn+r•. uuv rn.l a .•nt <br />ing anri managing the same and of collectinRvtter ersntals the rclmm. The balance rrmaimng. i(aany. shall he apphrd toward <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to tcrminalr and lavoonu• mill and .-u~d upm+ rrlonv ~d lion mortgage <br /> <br />