SZ-A-REAL ESTATE 1gORTGAGE-;Wink Tax CWwe) tRevia~ 1962) 15s Auamm Gmo3 e~1,dY Hur. Lt>t~C Ndw.
<br />I
<br />~.i 5~~~$
<br />[GVOW ALL ASSN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Fred L. Scarborough _
<br />>f Hali Cotmty, and Stare of Nebraska- , fn mnsideratim trf
<br />?orty Five 'thousand and DD/100------- - F]OL7al)SS - !'~
<br />a head paid, do hereby SELL and- CONVEY tmto FIVE POINTS BANK - - - -
<br />rf Hall County, State of Nebraska the foBowmg.descrihed pxe~spratad '~;
<br />n Aal l Cotmty, and State of Nebraska . towitr - - -
<br />Lot Eight CB) in Block Two C2) in Pleasant View Addition to' __-_ +
<br />the City of Grand Island, Nall County, Nebraska ~
<br />ai%.
<br />3s
<br />1
<br />i,_p~
<br />li' 'j~
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an ahsalute title in fee simple, including afl the rights nt homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee{s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express
<br />condition that if the said mortgagor(sj, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagee{sl, his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum ai 545, OD0.00
<br />payable es foUaws, to wit
<br />$45,DDO.DD due in 180 days or before
<br />gate August i9, i9SD
<br />with interest acavrding /n the tenor and rlfect of thr mortgagors written pmmissarzy note hearing Ol1FR1dAtClWmtiJtflflnl6tRN7t9Rt7[ j
<br />scut shall pay ail taxes and assrssment. levwtl upon saW real estate, and aq other taxes. levies and asxwssmrnta 1. vird utxrn this '~
<br />mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to seaun, before the same Ixrnmes dvhnyuent, and keep the buildings on
<br />said premises insured for the smn of S 45 , 000.00 ,loss, if any, Dayable to the said mortgage •`. then these presents
<br />m txe void, otherwise to be and remain in toll force. '
<br />I'I IS FORTHER AGF2EliD (f) Thrt if thn said mortgagor shall (ail to pay such tazaw or pnxvro such insurance, the
<br />said mortgagee may pay such taxes and prcx-ure such i surance: and the a advamed, with ink•n•st at 14 ~wr
<br />cent, shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as seruritwfnr the same. 12) 'That a failure In pay any
<br />o[ said money, either principal or interest, when the same hca:omes due, or u failure to anmpty with any cd the kttegoinq
<br />agreements, shall cause the whole sum u[ money herein srrured to become doe and vlluctiblu at ono. at the option of the
<br />mortgages.
<br />Signed this 19 day oP August t9 SO . -
<br />In preaerrcc of "~` ~ ::. ~.._ ~ ~a~r'.,r ~ ~°°,y~ "~ - -.
<br />r 1
<br />STATE OF............NEB1ii~BKA.. t>~amy of Ha.ll..
<br />Before ma, a wtary public qualified tar paid county, personally canrn
<br />-Ynown to-me to fx the identical person or persona ho signed fha [o g g i from at mrd acknuwledgetl the exeauuon
<br />ihereoi to he hie, bar or them voluntary net and i xi
<br />Witness mY hand and nulari ~ .... .. A~ t 9 -" 1 .. ~ '(/
<br />MY commission expires:...... .. ~^.!~IR /•f.~TrG 't•!~.:L~,.` r. .l(~~y..`-.-.~+..... Notary Pubhe. ~~
<br />9TATE OF....._....._._ ......................_............._.......... Entered on nwuerical index and iile~i for record
<br />..._._.. sa.
<br />Couuty _ ..................................._......_..._....._....... in the Ifegister o[ Deeds Otirce of said County the
<br /> of......................._......_._....._....., 19......_...., at........ .......-........ _._. o clack and_........._...._.... .. .minutes _..-....-... ...... ht.,
<br />artd rarnrded in Book...__...._.___....._......._.....of....... _....._.. _............ Pnge...__._.___-_..-__.._..__.__.. i
<br />........__.._.. ._ .._... .......__ ......... ........ Reg, of I)ewts;
<br />$y..... ......_... ... _._._.... _.. _. .... . .. Deputy ;
<br />