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~ -- <br />SQ- ~' ~ ~ ~ 31 <br />t1 I) :~ <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO. - <br />IavowALtMENBVTtfFSErtusEN~s:Tbat David A. Boerkircher and Ginger R. Boerkircher, <br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether Otte or mots, is conodmation of fhe>a~'aF - <br />Fifteen Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------------- . <br />loaned to said trtortgagnr by The Fquitabk 13uadmg and ].uart Assaeiation of Grand idand, Nebraska, Mortgytga, upon ~ 5D shares of stack of <br />sad ASSOCIATION, Certifi+ate No. L 23, 76O , do hereby graot, wrtvey std rrortga~ge tmto the sad ASSOCIATION stn-fa8nelog <br />described real estate, situated in hall Cotmty, Nebraska: <br />LOT NINETY EIGHT (98) IN BUENAVISTA <br />SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TD THE CITY <br />OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with all the tenements, hereditaments :cod appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor wvcringa, all window s+aeens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air wnditioning, and plumbing and wa[ercquipmen[ and actxssorks [hereto pumps, stove, <br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attache) to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereaz the said mortgagor has ag[eed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and wal pay all taxes and asxsaneata levied or <br />assessed upon said premius and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby htfom the same shall 6ecomt delinquent; to furnish approved <br />imtunnce upon the buildings an said premises situated in the sum of $ ~ 5 , OOU . QO payable to said ASSOCtAT10N and to deliver to <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance: and not to commit or perms any waste un or about said premises; <br />In case of de(adi in the pcrformancc of any of the terms and conditions ui' this mortgage ur the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, Fse entitled to immediate posASVan of the mortgaged prcmaes and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets user to [he <br />rrtgagee all the rents, revenues and inwme In !*: derived tram the trtorigagtd premises during sorb tune as the mortgage indebtedness shall rcrmin <br />tmpaid: anJ the mortgagee shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents it array desert for the purpose of repai[irtg said promixs a~ tenting <br />the sans and crrlkcrireg the rrptz, rvenuez and inwmc, std it may pay out of sad income all expenses of tepairitiq said nromrssa and necessary <br />wrttaus~+rrts and expc!tses incurred in renting and managing the sartu and of v~olktting +tntats therefrom; iht batenrx rcnmining, if any, to be <br />applkd towarJ the Jiscitargc of said rrtortgage indeMedness; these rights of ehe mortgagee may be exercised at any [vne during the existents of such <br />tktnult, i:respeclix of any ten:parary waist :rf ttrc sarrte. <br />Thtzt 1'rescnts, however, art upon eke Condition, That if the sarJ Mortgagor shall repay said loan un ur before the trraturiiy ai said shares by <br />paymenC pay monthly to said ASSO(71 AT10N ul the sum specified in the [kind secumd hereby as intermt and principal on said loan, on or befott <br />the 1Wentieth day oC each and every month, un41 stud loan rs fully peed; pay all taxes anJ assessments levied against said prortdsea and on this Mortgage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinyuency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon m the sum uF 5 ~ 5 , OOO. OO payable <br />to said A550(:IATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon dentanJ all stoney by a pa+d fur such axes, assesanrenls and Insurance with interoat at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay: (xrrmt nu waste un said promises; keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and wnditions of the nand liu b ~ 5,000 OOthts day given by the card Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATI(Nl, and wmply <br />with all the rcgtd¢rncnts uC the Constituliun and 9y-laws of sad ASSOCIATION; thin these presents shall hewnx null and vwd, utherwiw they <br />shall retests in full force and stay 6e forecbsed at the spline oC the said AS50(71ATION abet Iailure fur three months to make any of stud <br />payments ur be thrrx tramths in xrrcars in malting swd mmuhly pxynsenls, ur to keep anJ comply wuh the agrcenrents anJ conditions of said bunt; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a rcreiver appuinte6 (orihwith m such futeclusure pruceedmgx. <br />i( there is any cluuige in uwrterslup of the real mate nwrigaged herein, 6y snk w otherwise, then the ensue retnatnutg indebtedness hereby <br />secured sl~il, at the uptiesn of Ttre Equitable ntdlding and Loan Association of (;rand Island, Nebraska, bearmz imntedkttiy dot and payable without <br />fwther twUax, and the ansount rcrrtsining Jue wider sail bond, and any other tmnd for any aJdthuna advances made thereunder, sMa, Irom the <br />dale of cxcrcuc u(said aptiun, bear intacal a1 the nutximunt legal rata, std this mortgage nay then 6e foreclosed to satisfy the amount Jut un said <br />bond, and any other bond (w additiortal advanma, together with aJl soots paid by wd The I~.ytdtable I(wldutg and Loan Assus:ialiun ul (:rnnJ Island, <br />Nebraska foe inwratxx,tues std estessnrents, and abstracting extension charges, with intemH thereon, from Jalc ut payrrront ut the nmximwn <br />legs rate. <br />Aa pnsvidod in ttx tk,nd secwed hereby, while this mortgage remains m en'eet the m~tlgngee nvty haea':r advance addi4mta sums to the <br />Makers of said Boma, their aasigrts ur suuroswrs in intecest, which sums shall he within the stcunty of this nwrtgage the setts as the (weds originally <br />recured theroby, the total ansouni of pri,;;ioal debt trot to cx+xed at airy time the original anruunt ol'this ;nurlgagt. <br />tbtsa tha 20th. day of ~ August A, n, ; , 00 <br />, <br />Da~A. Boerk' thep.~ / j <br />Ginge R. Bv' oerkircher <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss On this 2Oth . day of August V u 8O , txfare nst, <br />CQUN'CY OF BALL <br />the undersigneJ, a Notary i'ubhc m and fur vrid Cuwuy, persurully canes <br />David A. Boerkircher and Ginger R. Boerkircher, each in his and her own right, and as <br />spouse of each other wt's ar(' +x"~'nally knawn to <br />me In bo the idenlital patron S whose narm S drf? alTixed to the above instrument as coo+tgaljur S anJ they savtcady <br />acktwwkJged [he said irtatrumunl to be their voluntary act and ilea). ~ t <br />WITNESS my hand nrd Notarial Seal the date aforeaairl. <br />,~ <br />My Comr " 5.--~ ~ '~ r ~~'- . '- <br />iPlalM Ri _t <br />9 tr y <br />