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<br />ToRetberwith~aad including alt buildlnKs, all 6xtuees including but not limited to nll ylumbing, heating, light <br />ing, vrntflsting, refrigerating, inemeretinR, air conditioning ayparaM+, and rlevators (the mortKagor hereby <br />deelering that it i~ intended shat the items herein enumerated >hall Ire deemrd to have been prrmanently im <br />Galled as part of the realty), and all impruvrments now or hereattrr rxiaing thereon; thr- hereditament" and <br />eppurtenaners and a@ other rights therouvto belonging, or in anywise atepertnining, and the rrvereion and rr- <br />versiuns, remainder and rcmsinders, all rights of rcdemytion, and the rents, issue,,, and profits of the shove <br />desrribetl~property -(provided, however, that the mortgagor Khali be rntided to the possrs.iwr ol',aid property <br />anJ b-collect and retain the -ents, iaeum:, and profits until default hereundrr), To have and lu hold the ,;amr <br />unto the~csatrigagee-sad theatsarsanors is interaa,t art the morkgagee forever.iu_lee simple ar>urh othev.entate, <br />if nay, as is ataxd hereto. <br />Tbs. mortgsger aevvenanb that be u lawfully aeiaed and pwsewed of Gad hu the right to ae11 and covvey said <br />property: that the same is tree-from all encumbrances .e>ceept as hereinabove recited;. and that he 6eroby bistL <br />himself sod. his sttecaseon in.ivterest to warrant and deievd the title aforesaid thereto svd every pert thereo( agaimt <br />the eltimsaf tell petsous adtamtaoever, <br />~~_ <br />This inatrumovt is given to secure the payment of a proroiseoty vote dated C~~r~ "~~ ~ f Y S '~ <br />o' <br />imthepriaaipalsumo[~dt7,2fl0,Uf1 ,eignedby David C. Davis and Verdna 7. Davis <br />inhehsltnt themselves. <br />»aA r~.,. 92i.12-TS) r{~+bp~ tldlaoY .n OM~M,.. <br />