8~- 0(~~~28
<br />UNIFOa!.i COV P.N INTS. Bo(rnwrr and I-ender COx'ena[B and agfCC as follows
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal oC and inicrest on the
<br />mdehtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provide) in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future ;~Jvanccs secured h}' this Ueed o('I rust.
<br />2. Fattds for Taxes aad Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />n, Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest arc payable under the Nole, until the Note is paid in fnti.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds'") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes ~md assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Decd of Trust, and ground rents nn the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus onrtwel(th of yearly premium inswlimcnts for mortgage insu rmcc, if any, all as reasonably estimated snitially and from
<br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thzrcof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed 6y a Federal or
<br />start agency (including [-ender if Lender is such an institution). Ixnder shall apply the Funds to pay s;tid taxes, assessments.
<br />:nsruance premiums and ground rents Lender ma}• not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing Said account
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments anJ hills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Ixnder may agree in writing at the time of,.ezectttion of this
<br />Deed aF Trust That interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to h pail, Lender shall not br: requtred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an atmuai accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fund; are pledged as additional security for the sums sect[red
<br />by this Dcrd of Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior ro
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessment., insnr:urce premiums and ground rents, shat) excceJ the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and emurd rents as they tai due, such excess sh:dl he. at Bnrrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaiJ to Borrower or credited to Harrower on monthly instatimcnis_o( Funds. !f the amount of the Funds
<br />hclJ by Lender shat! not be sttdictent to pay rases, aisessmcnls, insurance pmmiums and ground renK as they fall due.
<br />Bnrrowtr shall pay to Lender any amnant neceswrv to make up the deficiency within 30 Jays from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in toll of alt sums secured by this DceJ of 'I-rust, l.codcr shall promptly refund to Barrawcr any Funds
<br />held by Lender. !f under paragraph IS hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acyuircd by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply. no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any-Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this. peed of Trust.
<br />J. AppBcafion of Payments. Unless applicable I:rw provodas otherwise, atl payments received. by Lender under the
<br />dote and paragraphs t and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender first in paymem of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Nntc, then to the principal o! the Nate, and then to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />Q. Charges; Lietrs Borrower shall pay all was.. assessments ;cod other charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Decd of Trust and leasehold payments or ground rants, if any, to the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof oa if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />ro the payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts eviJencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dischar&e any lien which has priority over this Doed of Trust provide). that borrower shall not be
<br />required to discharge any such teen so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the pa}•ment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall in good fauh conreu such lien by, or Defend enforcement u( such lien in.
<br />legal proceedings which operate to prevent"ihc enforcement of the hen <sr €orfeinue of the Property or any part ehrreoi.
<br />5, hazard Imuraace. Borrower shall keep the improvements nose existing or hereafter erected nn the Property insured
<br />against loss 6y fire, hazards included within the term "euended coverage", anJ such other hazards as Lender may require
<br />and in such amounts and fur such periods as LcnJer may reywre; provided, chat I Winder shall not reyuim that the amount e€
<br />such coverage exceed that amount u[ coverage ieywrcd to par the owns ~.:catred by th:s Dccd of Trust.
<br />The insurance carrier prm'iJiug the insurance .hall he chosen by Bormwer aeblecr to approval h}' Lender: provide).
<br />that such approval shall not be unreasonably wtthneid. All premmms on auurance poucirs shall be,paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower makine payment, when due, directly to the
<br />insaeaacc career.
<br />Atl msuranrr pahcics and renewals thercut shall he in form acuptabte to f-erdrr and sfaali mcieyde a standard mortgage
<br />clause ire favor of and in form aeteptabk to LcnJer. Lender shalFhave rile ngh[ to hold .the pulictes and renru•ais' thereoL
<br />:end Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all reness ui notices and all rrcnpts of p:ud premiums. lh the event of loss.
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice Ia the msurance carnrrutd Lender. Lender may ma}.e proof of loss :I wt made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower urheru at agree m wen ing, msurance proceeds ,hall Ix app;icJ to restoration ur repmr of
<br />ti:e Property damaged. provided wch restoration or repau :. nttunnrcally teamhle .ueJ the scu:ntV al lhrs UecJ of 'Trust :
<br />not thereby impaereJ. If such restoration or repay :s not economically tras:hie or :I the security ul this Dee) u( ~ITust ,valid
<br />he rmpatreJ, the insurance protteds shall hr applial to the sum, soured b} rfus UceJ nl 1'nut, w:d: the excees. d any. pool
<br />to Borrower. if the Pmpert}' is abanduneJ by Hnrmwcr, ur if Born,uer folk to respond to Lender within 30 Jays from the
<br />dale noose is maileJ by Lender to Borrower that the insurance canter nlicrc to settle a claim kar insurance benefits. I.enJer
<br />is authonmd to collect and apply the ~nsurancr proceeds at Lender's option wither to testy+rauon ur repwr of the Property
<br />or to the sums secured by thes Dred of "Trust.
<br />Unless i.ender anJ Borrower nlhrnvisr agree in uroiag, :uty wdt dpphru nae of procteds to pnnci poi shall not catond
<br />or postpone the due Jate of the mun8dy installments refer rrJ to m paragraphs I anJ ?hereof ur change the amount tit
<br />wch installments. I( under paragraph iS hercot the Prupeny :s acyuircd he I ender, all tight, title and interest of Born,wer
<br />in and to :tn}' insurance pohcics and in and to the procteds tlterenl resulri,t Innu damagre m the Properly prior ur the sale
<br />or uapeisilion shall pass to Lender to the latent of the sums settueJ by tlw Dced of 1 rust uuntrdtalely poor m ,wch >.Jr or
<br />acyuisitiat.
<br />6. Prraeryalion and Mtrialenancr of Property; Lcaxhuldst Cnndnminlams-, fYannrd finil Drrelopmrnls. Bon uwct
<br />.hall keep the Pmpcm m goof rcpuu , rid sh:Ji tit cununit waur or pctnw uup.unncnt .m Jrteurn anon nl Ihr Pn+pmty
<br />anJ shall uauply wuh the provtsunu of :m} Ieax• if this DceJ uf'1 nut is tin ^ IcasrhulJ II tlu, Dec) tit l"runt is on :: unit m a
<br />Condamimum nr a pianneJ unit developnunL It<xnswer shuli ptrhxm ,JI ul Bon oa era ohhgauou, carder the Dec Lu:mou
<br />or ~uvcnnnR crew ung ur gostnung the a,udouunumt or phuuwJ amt Jcs clopmcnt, the h}.laws .nut rcpulat:om nl 6tc
<br />condominium or planntJ truer Jtvel.gnnanl. anJ consul ucN du<una-ms It n cunduminwm ar planucd amt dcvciopn:cm
<br />rider i5 execute) h}' Borr ower end reconltd rogtther snub chi, Dee) of i n:,t, the iubrn,urb , ud ;:grcrmcnh of s a"h i nisi
<br />shall ht meortxnatcd into and shall amend :ueJ suppitman the co,en.mb uuJ ,:~ cnn•n Ix nl chi, Deal ni Tort .i, d the : iJri
<br />were a pan hereof.
<br />7. Fmlecfloo ui LrnJrr's Seruril}. If Hormwer f:uk n, p~'r form the e stn;uus nnJ ap conxul+ avu;unwl m tht,
<br />Decd of Trua1, or it ,:ny :a•uon ,a proses) wg : uucn.ed ,s bleb matcnaih .Jlec„ I code: ~s role: t>I m the I'ropenv.
<br />indudmg. Lm not limited ta, eminent dom:un, mioiv~eney, cote color tenn•m, or nrtd nrtena•nr. ,~i pi orecdinp. ~ a1, Ong .
<br />banAntpi or drecdcn:, thtn Lcodcr at LtnJet'> uphau, upon nut rc iu Bon uu et, nws i lobe , n h dppr ,L..i~ur.c , i, b
<br />sums ant wt.e such action neassun~ to prntca I enter; tenet est. i rdndnrg, "m n,a LnntcJn ~~~~+ivu ,rntcnl nl
<br />reasunuhle auorne}~s fees :mJ uurv upo, the Prolx•t is m nt.J,c rcp:un II 1 tnJrt ~~yw ed i Dire-n;e ~~~ , .~
<br />condition of making the loan secured hs rtes Ilrcd of Il cot, 19a nos a sh.:ll pan the pre, non, rryuneJ t,~ ~ , ~ ~ u,h
<br />unurance in effect until such time as the :ryurren:tm fur ~ uh msar.:uce tc nninae, m n4.. n.e with Ho: i,~w c. , rid
<br />Lender written agrccmuu or , pplia:blc L:w Bun ow cr shut! p.q the antuunt ,~I .dl nnntl~ape :n•u r.urcr Pr. ern tin:, ~ , the
<br />manner prrn•ided under paragraph ?hereof.
<br />Any amounts Disbursed h} 1 i~udw pm xt.ua ,,, Iht, p.u.tpt.~p6 ,ith ~ntctcv thrirn~, ..all ! , i ~.nl~n '
<br />uulthicdness of 6onuwer secun•d h} riw Derd of hu,t I'nlc„ Ilon over .:rid I ender ag: cc to oche: Ito: nt, of h~' ~nt nl~
<br />mm~ums shall he payable upnr ,Duce from Le r to Run riwa :cyucsttnt; lens ntenl rhrrr.~t, and ,~ .,^ heal nn,:. d '~ ~ ,~ riw
<br />date of di;bunument ;u dm r,ac payable irnm note w time n nt.mDing pn . opal under :hc ~no~ ~.~ . _. I•.n n:eni ~•i ~i ,., .~
<br />:tt such late vouiJ he ,~„nu dry' to :,ppheuhle tau. : win,1, r -m , nh d:n,,::nr. ,hail i,e,u -.~. e~t .~i ih,~ I, ii~hc'~ .re
<br />~:rmissihlc under applic attic law. Nothin{: :nnt•uncd `~n chic pa ~r.,ph :' ,hail inluuc I cndvr t„ m. tit .any cs{•. u.e , i w0..
<br />any' as.tis-m hereunder.
<br />&. inspection. t.endet cony ae:: i.r ,- :.. m he made ,...+-n.ddr . utr~e, :~po :., u,l anpa~~ ,. of i o I'~.,pr n, ~..J. .:
<br />that Lender shall give Ben rower u, _i.a pn,.t to Win} sorb u.+pc, ann ,{„~. ~ISiny, ie.~,.~u.~~dr ..~~..~ :ha~i~ i ~~~Liicd '.~ Il,roi.+.
<br />nnertst m the i'rocerty.
<br />