<br />Thal the-Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedne® as txmiobefor~'(fiv4idpd.~" ~" ~ ' - -"
<br />That the Mortgagor is ilia owner of said property in fee simple-and has good right and lawful authority to sell axd' J' -
<br />' convey the same a~ that the same is free and.elear af. any lies or encumbrance; seal: ttmt Mortgagor wilt warrant ami.5tefand the=. ~_ "
<br />title to said'prtriixiaes agairrat--tfie claims, of adk persons wliixidsoesrer. - - - - - -
<br />To pay-imvterfiately when doe sod payable ail-general taus, epeeist-taxes, special assessments, water charges, x+ver sera- ' -
<br />ice clxarges, and otherttzea and charges against said .property, and all -taxes-levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with the priginat or duplicate receipts therefor. T'he Mortgagor agrees that: thsrc sliett t>p~ aadea- trf~,.--- - "
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated fry the Mortgagee
<br />~ to tee au6rcienf (b enable -Ehe Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar Cltergea~rrpon-the pcem• - '
<br />- :~ tees subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall be forEhwiih-deptmiteC-6y the- - - "-
<br />~ Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall tee deemed a default in
<br />~ payment of fazes; asses ants, ur similac charges required hereunder. -
<br />The Mortgagor agrees .that Lhere shall also be added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required here-
<br />/[ under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be suNicient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance
<br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because u[ the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />ments shall be forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Ahy default tinder this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment o[ ipsurance premiums.- If the policy or policies deposited are such as hvmx-
<br />owners or all risk pnlic'es, and the deposi4s are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to
<br />- pay premiums nn risks required to he insured by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the ahoy paragraphs may, at the nptiort of the Mortgagee, be hetd~by it and
<br />commingled with other such (ands or its own Funds Cnr Che payment' 06 sash items, sort until so applied, such payments are hereby
<br />pledgrd,as security for the-u$paid balance of-the mortgage indebtedness. - -
<br />Tu proc e, deliver to, and maintain for the benefit nt the Mortgagee d(rring the ]its of this mortgage original policies and
<br />renewals thereof,xdelivered at least t.en days befnre the expiration ,xf any such Policies, insuring against fire and other insurable
<br />hazards, casualties, and rnntingencies as the Mortgagee may reyaire, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in companies acceptable to lhr Mortgagee. with Ices payable clause in favor of and in Corm acreptable to the 4tnrtga-
<br />gee. In the a ant any policy is no[ r ~rrl un ur before ten days of tls expiration, tier btartgagee may Irroeu rc rnsurance an the
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefprN and such s shall become vnmediatnly due and payable with interest at the rate set
<br />Eorth in said note until paid and shall br• sec red byx this mortgage- Failure un the pa ri of the Mortgagor to furnish such re Ovals
<br />as are heroin required or failure to pay a sums arfvanmd hereunder shalh at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default
<br />under the terms of this mortgage The drlivrq~ of such w,hcie, shall. ,n the ra rot nC default, cnnsb bete nn assignment o[ Ihr un-
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any s ved by the Mortgagee by r assn of ;, s , r damage m_ red against may he r,•tamrd by the Mortgagee
<br />and applied toward rthe payment of the debt hereby su red, >, at the opann of the Mortgagee - rah a either wholly ur in
<br />part may he paid o er to the Mortgagor u, be used to repair such builrlines or to budd~new buildings in~thrir piacr or far a -
<br />other purpose o object ==;atisfadory hr the Mortgagee without affecting the hen .m the mortgage Grr the full amuu nt seeumd hrrev~
<br />by haters such payment oorr tr,uk place.
<br />Tu prompely repair, restore o rrdruild any hu ildings ~, onpr+,v,•menls n ~,r he reattrr on the prrmis,•s whrrh m v he~
<br />come damaged or destroyed; n. keep .fluid pr r good , nditron a.nd rrpx = nd [ear from any n •ehamc's hen a other !ern n
<br />claim o[ lien nut exPrr-csly _.vtuxrdinatod trr tlr.•rt; rs hrn>nf- :cot t, halter c r gr r:m ta_ miawful « of c . n. n u -v m r is „.
<br />»aid property n.r to perrrut waste on Ovid Premises, n, r Io do xny other .,rt w-hrr.>nc~ the Pn,petrty hereby r. v,•yedt shall become
<br />r cn
<br />le== valuable, our to rbminish ur !mpair iL va!uo 6y env art .:r nmi~s~..n to aa. r„ cr:mpL. ~.~rth elf reymrrmrnts „f law with respect
<br />to the mortgaged premrses-and the oar thrnvof.
<br />'That should the pn• v Part thaa•of f>., lak,•n ~ r d:,rnagrd t,v , ~ .d n,.-;nd9u~ nnprovr m,-nt ., ,ondem n. ,.
<br />proceeding. or under the right otseminrnt domain, a am other m r, the Mortgage,• .hall M• rnttthvl to all 'cumprnsauun
<br />awards, and any other payment a retie( therefor, and shall be entitledn oft its opton. to commence, appear in and prtscru 4r i rts
<br />own n e any action ur prcrceediug, .r to make any oornpn im .rttlomrm i rction Forth such taking f.r damage. All such
<br />compensation, awards, damages, right of action and Pmceedsr a e hereby assigned tu'fthe Mortgagee, who rtay. after deduet~ng
<br />therefrom all its expenses, release any moneys so received by rt u alxpty Ihe• same on any indebtedness se red hereby.'I'hc Mort-
<br />gagor agrees to execute such further assignments of any cam prnsanon, awe His, damages, and rights of actmn and pr,xeerls as the
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That in ass of failure to perform any of thv revenants herein, the Mortgagee may do on the :14ortgagor's behalf ev ry thing
<br />w covenanted: that the Mortgagee may also do any act it mxy deem sure to pmd•rt the lien Iherro(: Ihat the Mortgagor will
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Morlgageef(or any of the above purpus s. and such moneys together with -
<br />intareet thereon et the rate provided in said note shall become so much ariditwnal intlehtrdnessr hereby srrured and m v be in
<br />eluded in any decree fineclueinR this mnrEgage and he paid out of the rot. ur to , rds of sale of said pr m n i! nut va,thrrwtsc
<br />paid; that it shall oat be obligatory uln>n the Murtgager [o inquire inW the valirhty of any lien, rncumhmnce s, ur claim m ad-
<br />vancing moneys as above authorized, but nuthinK herein contained shah M construed xs requiring the Mortgagee hr arlvanre :my
<br />mmteya for any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall nut im ur any lx•rsunal liability 6ecmxsr of x . -
<br />thing it cosy do or omit to du hereunder.
<br />In the event o[ the default by Murtgxgar in the payment of any installment, as required by the Nutr secured hemby-, n
<br />in the performance of the, obligation in this murtgnge or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall he entitled h. drclarr the
<br />debt aecpred hereby duo and payable without Holier, and the Mortgagee shell he rnGtled at its option. without none,- ,~ither by itsell
<br />nr by a receiver to be appaintcvl by the court thereof, and without regard to the adrgUacy of any seeurtty- fur the indobtranrs.. se
<br />cured hereby. to enter aline and take pars3edsian ,it the mortgaged premises, and to cullrrt and n•reive the rents, icsuea and profits
<br />thereof, and apply the same, .leas costa of operelion end tullertion, uprm the indebtedness s. ed by this nnrigagr. Ovid n•ms.
<br />issues seal profile being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further security fur the payment otfall indrbaalnrsnxs«rur<sl hereby.
<br />Thr Mortgagee shell have the power to appoint any nKent or agents it may desire for the purpose ut repairing said pn•m-
<br />ieea; renting the same; collecting the rents, revenues and income, ,cod it rosy pay out of stud in all rx penses a nd a ent~
<br />ing and managing the same end of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance r maining, it any. shall he applied toward the
<br />discharge at the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upon n•Irase of this murtgnge
<br />
<br />