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<br />maatatt~e (trade sad etattete~ti Ett;o,this ao_ ~' daT of Q.-~
<br />!9 ~ ; ifry and between Nancy L. Bond _. _
<br />(hereinafter raferred to u mortgagor) and the Admiairtrator of the Stnali So®nes Administration, rn rg®cy of the - --
<br />Government.of.the Uttiteil States of America {hereiaafter referred to u mettgegee), ttd~o msdntavmr an ofim sad
<br />P!'0°~b~'t ,Empire State Building, 19th b Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 681(12
<br />R:"re~tsra. that. foe the oomiderados -heeeituftor stated,. rseeipt of wlr.~ io htms~` the
<br />mort~ee does. hereby-mo~be. sell,. grant, aaaiyn, and eonsey atoto :the-mces~, hia:ootraaera statlt satli~pa, *1!
<br />of the followin6•descrihed property atnated and being-in the Cumty of Hal - -- - . - . - . ,
<br />Strte of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Thirty-three (33) in First Addition to I
<br />Holcomb's Highway Homes, Being a,Stibdivision. ~ -.
<br />of Part of she Northeast Qtu-irter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (NE~„NEk) and a Part of
<br />Lot Four (4) Mainland, All in Section Twenty-
<br />Eight (28), Township F,Ieven (11) north, Range Nine
<br />(9) West of the 6th P.M.
<br />Together with and including r11 buildings, aA fixtures iaduding but nut lirnitrd to all plumbing, Mating, light-
<br />ing, ventNating, tr1'rigeraling, ineintreting, sir eonditioning apparatus, and elevators (the mort,^,agor hereby
<br />davlnring that it is inttndeti that the items herein nmmrrated sb¢II be drrntrd dt have beex perm¢nrndy in-
<br />.tailed as part of the realty), and aH improvements now ur htreafter exintiug thtreon; the heredilaments xnd
<br />appurttnrnres and all /.(her rights thereunto Iwlonging, or in anywiat apitertahring, and the reversion xnd rr-
<br />versions, remainder and remainder:, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above
<br />described-' property (provirird, howeytr, that thy. rnorltcagor shall br rntidrd to the possrsiun oi'said property
<br />and to-rolled ¢nd retain the rents, issues, auJ profits until drf¢ult hrrrundrr). To have and io hold the sxmr
<br />unto the mortgagee and the sueressors in interest of the mortgagrr iorerrr in fee simple or such other eniaip
<br />if sag, as 'w stated herein.
<br />The mortgagor, cevenanL that he is lawfully seiaml and ;loseeeeed of and has the right to sell and convey said
<br />property; thrt the came is free fram all encumbrances ezcept u hercinabove recited; and that he hereby binds
<br />hitwelE acrd his sacceswn in interest,to warrant and defend the title aforceaid thereto and every pan thereof against
<br />the ehiime of oil peraom whomsoever.
<br />This inetrumeat is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ~L!v`t~ua'~ `'"~•! `~ f~~' ~:~
<br />in'the principal 'earn of $ 22, 400.00 , signed by Nancy L. Bond
<br />inhthsit¢f herself.
<br />,BA yo,w 9rl 1 h]al en,,ao, Edfaew ~n OMela~.
<br />