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$o` 0~~43~0 {flurig~e <br />THIS MORTGAGE is madc. this~_day of An¢u$t 19_~,bawreen tM Mortgagor, <br />non w_ war.Ni2z ana~'UBAIi I,. WAGNIT2 . wngae address is <br />Road Colorado Sprines Colorado 80907 tMrein 'Lmtder'I. <br />WMreas, Borrower and Lender Mve executed a Construetian Lqan Agreement of even date iheroin "Agreement•) under. <br />which Land'. Ms made eq aorrower a loan to eM prindpal amount of FIFTY ONE THOIISAND AND NO ONE <br />HUNDRED-------------------------- fwnar> (5~a000. 00) ("Loan Amonnt•i far tM express <br />purpose of performing certain work on fhe mortgaged premises describetl bebw; sad <br />WMreas, in rmnection with the Agreement and pursuant to iK terms, Borrower has a eculed a Note (herein 'Note°) <br />of even date in the Lwn Amount payable to iM Lender whereby IM Borrower obligated ifsel/ to pay to the Lender the <br />amounts so advanced, plus inters:[ as tMreln Stated a5 wuay+:: On the first (1st) day of the tenth <br />(10th) month following the month of the initial delivery by Evans Products <br />Company of materials for the exterior erection of the Capp Home or Ridge~Home <br />a single payment equal to all the outstanding principal and accrued interest <br />on said note. <br />To secure to lender (af the repayment of tM indebtedness eviden¢d by the Note with interest tMrean as set 1arM <br />n tM Nate,any extensions and/or ra wets ar nrotli841ions of such Note, tM payment of ail o1Mr sums with interost <br />hereon advan¢d in cordance herewith to protect the security of this Mortgage and the per(armattce of the edvenants <br />antl agreements o/ IMCBOrrower herein contained antl contained in the Agreement, and ib) the repayment of any future <br />atlvanas, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph _ hereof, herein "Future Advances", <br />Borrower d¢s Mrcby mortgage, grant, and mnvey to teller, •the following descnbetl property located in the County <br />o/ hall and Suu of Na hracka <br />Lot Twelve (12), Westroads Estates Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with ail the Improvements n r hereafter a ectetl on the property and all a eats, rights. appurlenences, rents, <br />royalties, m rat, off and gas rights and pro(i ts, water, water rights and wafer stock, antl salt fixtures n r horeafler attached <br />to the mortgaged premtses, all of whtch, itcluding r¢placemants and additions thereto, shall be dcemed bobs and r apart of <br />IM property c red by this Mortgage: antl all of the foregoing, together with said properly a e herein re/erred to asa'Ihe "Property" <br />8or ants chat Harrower is lawfully s sed of tM estate Hereby c veyed antl has the right to mortgage, grant and <br />vey tM Property, That the Properly i umbered, antl that Borrower wdl w ant and defend generally the Utle Io the <br />Properly against all claims and demands subject to any easements and reslri coons :approved by Lender in writing. <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lantler covenant antl agree as lollows: <br />1. Payment of Pri n~al antl Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when tlue the principal of and interest on the ItMebtad- <br />n evidenced by IM Note antl late charges as provided in lM Nole. <br />ea 3. Funds for Taxes antl Insurance. Subject to Lender's option under Paragraphs 4 and 5 Mreol. Borrower >hall pay to <br />Lender on tM day monthly ~nslallm:nts o/ principal and Interest are payable under tM Note, until the Note is paitl in full, a Sum <br />(Mrein "Funds"1 equal to one~twelflh of the yearly taxes antl a»essmenls which may attain priority over Ihfs Mortgage, plus <br />oM-twelfth o/ [M yearly premium insla llmenls (or hazard insurance, all as reasonably estimated indiaNy antl Iron time to Uma <br />by Lender on lM 6»IS of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates 1Mreof. Lender steel I hold IM Funds In an account which <br />Is insured by a Federal ar Slate agency and sMll apply IM funds Iron said account to pay 5>Id taxes, assessments, antl <br />in>urenca promlums. LetWer shall make no charge (or so Mltling and applying tM Funtla, analyzing said account ar verifying <br />ana compiling aald a»eaaments and bills. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at tM time of execution of this Mortgage <br />that interest on tM Funtla shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made. Lender shall not be required to Day <br />Borrower any interest on tM Funds. Lender shall glue a sorrows., without charge, an vat accounting of the Funds showirg <br />cretlits and debits to the Funds, mgrost, if sny, paid to Borrower an IM Funds and tM purpeca tar which each debts tv tM Funds <br />w made. 7M Funtls are pledged a5 adtlibonai security far ill sums secured by this Mtlrlgago. <br />alit tM amount o1 Funds held by Lentler, together with lM tutors monthly inslalimenla of hinds payable error to the duo tlata> of <br />taxaa, a»e»menls, antl insurance premiums shall axcaetl tM amount roqui rod to pay said uxas, assasamenb and Insurance <br />premiums as they fall due, such excess 6MII be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to <br />Borrower on moMhfy Inatallmenu of funds. If tM ateaum of tM Funtls hold by Lender sMll trot be sufficient to pay taxes. <br />a>aessments, and {nsurenee promiums » tfxry tall due, Burr shall pay to lender sny a cunt necessary to m>ke up the <br />depciency within 30 days after noti¢ from Lertder tv Borrower requesting payment tM revt.m <br />Upon payment in foil at ail sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any funds Mid by <br />lender. <br />CM-CEN-il-75 <br />RM531 <br />ORIGINAL RETURN TO EYANS FINANCIAL CORP.. ]OR ROWER RE T:.iN COPY <br />