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ao- utr~~sal 1 <br /> etttta~ into thfa `~ aad at Cel.-.~.~--~''~ . <br />19 ~S ~~'~*'~ John C. and Shirley M. Houselog <br />IheFeauftes referred to as mortgagor} aad the Adtttiniatrstor of the Small Basiner Admini.tntion,.an aseaey of the <br />Goverammt.of the United 5tatn of America (hereinafter-referred to as mortgagee), who tsaiotttios-an_q_ffiioeand <br />plaee~b®eratEmpire State Building, 19th and Farnam, Ueaha, Nebraska 6B102' <br />ptttttt~tttra; that far the cooeideradna henrinafear Gated, roxipi of• herab7 ~.`,tLe <br />mortgagor dos hetebymeggage, eeNv Rrantr aaFiga, a~ eoavey oMe the tnmtgagee; hia meaeaaoEe aaj; aetatgtr, aH <br />of thefolbtrin6"dexeeihed property aitoated and-being is the Contaty of Ball ~ - - <br />~~ ~- - Plebraska - - <br />The South 56.£eet of the-North 112 feet of the East Half.. <br />of B1ock~Ten (10).in Pleasant Home Sub-I)ivision.of..Par;. <br />of the East: Half of the Southeast Quarter (E~SE'~),o£ <br />Section Twenty-one (21), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. <br />Together with andineladinR aH bnihfinRs, a!1 fixtures inciudwg but nut iiv~ited to all plumbing, heating, light- <br />ini(, ventilaliag, refrigerating, irtrinereting, air ennditioning appnralnn. and elevators (the nwrtgagor hereby <br />derlarinR. the6-it i» intended that the items herein enumerated shall be clremed to have been prrmaaemly in. <br />staUetl as part of the realty},and all improvemreFts naw or.hereafter existing thereon; the hereditammtts and <br />appurtettettrea and all otherrights there=torn beloagittg, or in anywise opprrtaining, and the reversion and re- <br />versions, rntwinder end remainder,, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profit„ of the above <br />described-property (provided; leowrver, that the mort„arszr shall I,r retitled to the pus.essiaat of said proprrt <br />and to colter! and retain the rents, issues, and profit., until ilefanlt hereunder}. To have and to hoitl the snore <br />unep the-morl~U,;;ee and the successors in interest of the utortgagre forever in fee simple or such other estate, <br />if-any, as fa stated herein. <br />The mortgagor ratranaote that he u Iawfttlly seised aad poeaeesed of aad has the right to Bell aad convey said <br />progeny; that the same u fore from all eacumbraatxa a:cep! as hereinabove recited; and that he htreby buds <br />hitnltelf aad hu wecaraors io iatereet to watraat aad defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against <br />the claims of ^11 pp[lppl_whemaoevec, <br />This instromeat ie given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated t4~~ <br />is-the priacipa7eum of b 55, OUp.00 . eigaed:by~S~o~h, uyfC. yEiouselog attd Shirley M. Houselog <br />;n hrhali of themselves C-'~=t'""`d ~a-c~.~.,-h ~j.~r..-,,.e: • > ~,?7r "~.,-r. v. t ~ • <br />,W Fe.m 41T (3.]!1 Pru.tee, iAxt.u.e. OLy1,N. ~ F+r -` <br />