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80-- uv~3~7 <br />(I) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium m order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Szcretary .` Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />Yat;onal Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder, or <br />(II) ff and so long as said note o1 even date and this instrumeet are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge %in lieu oja mortgage insurance premium/ which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (I(1?) of one-half (I?Z) per centum of :Ste average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal tq the ground rents. if any, next due. plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />prriicies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property /a11 as esrinrured by the dlorrgagrty !ess all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to elapse before one momh pour to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, are- <br />miums, taxis and special assessments; and <br />(cj All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and alt payments [a be made under <br />the Here secured hereby shall hr added nrcether. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment in be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the seder set forth: <br />(I) premium charges under the contract of insurance with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, <br />or month'ry charge fi+t lieu nl nmrrgage insurance premium/, as the case may be: <br />ill) ground rents. taxes. assessments, fire and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />lilt) interest on the nuts secured hereby. and <br />I (Y) amortir~uo.^ of the principal of .aid note. <br />Any deficicney an the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shall. unless made good bye the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the Hex[ such payment.[itute an e.ent of de["auLt under [his mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may collect a "talc charge" not to exceed h,a:r ::sots t+M1y) Cor each dollar ($ l) of each payment more <br />than fifteen (IS) Jays in areas to cover the Tatra cs pease tarvnlved in Ilan<iling delinquent payments. <br />:3. Thal if the total of [be payments made by the yinrl.pngor under (%,' of paragraph '? preceding shall exceed <br />the amount n( pavmenk+ actuaih made be the Morteirgee 'or Ercrund ntnits, taxes and assessments or insurance pre- <br />miums, av the ease may 6e, such excess, if the loan is curre•m.:tt the option of the 9lortgagor, shall fie credited by <br />the Mortgagee on subsequent payments to be made by [he Mortgagor, ur refunded to the ~lnrtgaKur_ If, however, the <br />monthk payments made by the Mortgagor under r id of paragraph 'preceding shall no[ t>c sufficient n> pay ground <br />rent. [axes and assessments or in~uranee premium..+.- the saw mate he. when the <ame rhall heoome due and pay- <br />able. then the Mnrtgagtrr Shalt pat io the >lortgagee asp amount neressan~ to make up the deficiency. on or 6nfom <br />the dale when payment of such ground rents. lazon asses-menu or insurance pmmiums shall he due. If at any <br />lime [he Storigagor shall tender to the Mnrtgae;ee. in aecordanrr• with the prusi=ion- of the note secured hereby, <br />full payment of the entire indebtedness repmsenwti thenrby, the Moneagee -hall. in computing the amount of such <br />Indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor alt payments :node uarcr the pro+-tsx>ns of , ~~; of paragraph _' <br />hereof which the Mnrtaagee has nut become obligated to par to the ^een•tarr ni' Huusutg and t-Than Decelopmcnt <br />and :uiy balance remainins in the funds oecunudated odor die poll isi,.im ..t rr-~ ul pars graph ^ hercol. If there <br />shall be a default under any of the prat i>iuns of this muriga}>,r re=ultin~ in a publSe -.ile n( the I,rremi,c- cuvored <br />herebv~, or i[ file thxigagee acquin•s ttte pnpern otht•r~-i-e :+(le~r dt•lault. !ht• Monuae~`t• -hall 'apple. at the titer,.!t <br />rice commencement of -uch nroccedin g=. nr at the time the unnx•nv rv ,nhent l-+• ,u~uutrw th_ irdam•e Ihen n-matn- <br />iag in the fonds accumui a[sd ;mdcr r,., ;;f pltragrap,h "S pcec eciin(!~ .~ ; : cc:ut u?ata ~t the a:nc:uul ,;€ prmcipai thc:t <br />remainink unpaid under viitl nuu• .md -hall ur~perlt :ad'plr•1 um pant rnoni- ,thlch -hall hat+• be+•n mado under t,rr <br />of paragraph ._ - <br />~. 'flat the Mortgagor writ l€n et Hood rents. t-wes..:.x smenh. -~. seer :.ric•-. :na :Hoer e+ ernmrniai mumapai <br />charges, fines, or impositions, for whn~h prof n¢~n bus not nec•n mane ixreninri or e-,,na ~n oclault thereof rhr Vturigagce nr;rc <br />pay the same: and that the Mortgagor writ pn+mpU, dciner rite =+fi u;J receipt- dtt•rel,n I„the Alorteaere. <br />S. fhe Mortgagor will pars ::II luxe. which mart hs• Ic•t and up+,n rhr \I r,rt e.:_c•e . inlere~t rn ,:ud rrei ,sl:ue :end !mprut c~ <br />menu, and which may he !ruled upon thu mortgu}r ,~r the ,tell ~rcurru heir h, +hni non io the ,~tiem vtcv -m h rs Hal ltohlbit- <br />ed by law and only to fhe client th;n such tslll mn nr kc this loon uvuruuv, - uJme : nt ,ncom. L, x. Kl:ne .n t edertd. <br />' ul <br />imposed an Mortgagee, and trill file the uthrral rccerpl .hue utg ~ncn ^n, nrc•nr , wt Ihr tt,n Igager ~. p+•n , ndatum „t rhr. under <br />taking, or if the Mortgagor rs prohibited hY any Lnv r.+ t ,~I hercntter c tuung Irnm rat mg rhr ,+hnlr ••r .,n, ; .n nor. vl lix eGue- <br />caid lases. or upon Ihr rendering of am court drt Ter yv ohlMunt; rhr ^a~ nsnt rs ;hr M„r. saFOt or .;n~ •.:r: h ;,r tr.. rl d .u:h law <br />or decree provides iha[:my ;unount . ,:ud ht the Al otig.r6l,n -h:,;l rr .,rJrtr.i „~, the ..,,,~i:::+gr drht, Ux \Lniu•+ger .i+:;ll h. t <br />[he right ro give ninety days written rnuucr u, rite nu Ter nl rhr r:.urleagrd r: rnusr~. ~cuwnnp Ihr r•n mom rl dx ,nunc;rgr <br />debt. If such ^atiee he giycn. the s:ud JeM .bail brcomr doe. P•~t:+rlr .:no .,vk•ctu~l_ ..t 11e ctPU,num .,t s,,:d mncit ,i,, •., <br />fi- Thai should he lad to pot =m<,run ut keep .~ .o__t, .,~ • .. ,dr.e ter m rh,. Ahul polar- 4trn :hc Vhnlp.iure .,. .. <br />lion, may pat or perCurm Ihr ,amr.:md ail eypenouwr •u uroac c :aura ru rhr Onnt q,,ri gum ,,,,ins „n the :hm r Hole. <br />shall he secured hereby. and sh:dl hear interest aI the late Lei tool m the s.ud Hole unni o.nJ <br />,. Chat hr hereby as±lgns, trens[cn and xis mgr io rhr Morrtianec-:n br ~pp!rra la,t ar,i rhr Pat stem ,~r rhr Hair .md _,'~I <br />cams secured hereby .n case uF a del:nrlt In Ihr prrtunn;uicr .,f dot ,d ahr reran ..nd ~+mamuu. ..f INS A.baic~+gr ~,r rhr ca:d <br />note, all the Trot>. ref rnursond mconu m he derlveJ tr„nr the r~n,t [tap. a lrem nr-~lun nc -,Tin tlmr -+~ Ihr ;~rur[g.rt;r nurct~IrJ- <br />ness strait remain unpaid: and the Mortgagee shall hate lower to .,pp,+ml ::nt :,¢ent nr .:gents it nun Jesus f or fur p~lpu,c of <br />repaving said premises nod of renurg the .uoa• and collecting Ihr rents, let Tours ,i mi n m;,t p.rt .vu of quid nt- <br />cumes :dl expenses of repairing ssld premums unu necesan comnusnn,m :nut ctpc•nsrs uieunrd m renting .,nd inanngme rhr <br />,ter and r . t+tleaing ;tntas therefrom. Ehe t•;rl.use ~-.n- m -. ....+t -~ h,• ,: e - !al rhr .ri..•h r•~^r ~- t , ~d m„rtgap, <br />rndchtedness, <br />r. That he will keep the Improvements now earsnng or hereafter rrrt lrli on the n nn gaged lnq,rnv . . ~,, .. <br />rcyuired from time tit time by the .Mortgnger egamal loss ht ;tie anti u0trr i::v:rr d••~ t.nuaiurs dnu ,_onunycnrlrs ~nr~mh <br />amounts and far such Penuds as may Le required h, the Aiurtaagrr mni •~ ill p,ry ,•romplit :. itrn duc..urt prenuuw. an ,us h <br />in»uranca provision far payment of which has not hren rnadr he2mbel ore 411 muu anc¢ stall he• .'en red m tt,mp:,ure..:p- <br />pmved hY the Mortgagee and [he policies and renewals Iherco( shall hr held ht Ihr Llnrtgngee anJ hate .Him hid thrrrlo Ins <br />payable clauses in favor of and in form ucceptaMe to the Mongugre In etrnl of lose A h,t igugol e d! gnc loon cdratr nowr ht <br />mail to the Mortgsgee, who stay stake proof of loo tf not mndr Pn,mpdt Pt alony.,pol .wJ r.,eh imuruwc ~~nn p,ar, •~ . <br />cerned is hereby authorized and directed nt make p;ry nrsm fur wdt loss die rctlt Io the Mor tgager unread of ^, Ihr M1l ortgagoi <br />and the Mortgagee laintly, and the msur:mce prxuceJs, ur any pan thetruf. may he appimxl ht Ihr Mung:rgce :.1 its „pmm eel L•ri <br />to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured ur to the reuuruinn or repair o(ihe pn,prm d.un;rgrd !n ct rnl rn Lit r. h~~ <br />sure of this mortgage or other transfer of title m the murgaged pn,pel !y m ctnngm+hmrai of the rndrhtrJnc.~ ,t-.wcJ herrbt . <br />aN right, title and imerest of the Mortgagor m anJ n, any msurancc h,:,hcres titcn m forte .hall pa.. n,!he lut~h.uri of gnuar <br />2 Thal as additiumd and collateral senuily for Ihr p;rv mem of rhr non• oc~cnhrd .end ell .uin. w hra•nrr Jar unJci rhr. <br />mortgage. the hlnrtgagnr hereby assign, to the Mortgagee all lnrtits. retcnue~. n•, .,:new r;ghtc nnJ henrhis :~., re I„ Uri <br />Mortgagor under any and all oil anti gas hues nn vrid Dremne~. t+rth lhr nghl to iecrite .md recrrpt lot the ~amrrrrrnJ apps <br />them to said indebtedness as well before ac after Aelauit in the a+ndmans of rhr. moo g.,gc. .urJ the Mungagre mat dent ~n,i. •ue <br />Cor and recover' anq such payments when due and nayaMe. but =.tsrEl nut he -r_:raeJ =. ,.... !-hit as±agmnem r- t~., Irnrns,!e <br />and tt_^cwne cult and void upon release of Ibis muugage. - <br />