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80- ut~ s3b3 <br />(l) month crier to its due date [he annual mortgage insurance przmtum in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium ?o the Secretary of Housing artd Urban Developmzm purwant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder- or <br />(tt) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />L`rban Deveiornnern. a monthly charge (in lieu of ^ mortgage ntsurmrce premium] which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (!/12) of one-half (1l2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into amount delipquencies or prepayments. <br />(b) A sum equal tq the ground rents, if any, nett due, pies thz prerniums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, phts taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property /a!! as estimated bt• the :Norrgagc•c,% less al! sums already paid :hereto: dividzd by the <br />number of months to elapse before one month poor to the date when sorb ground rents, nremtmns, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinquent, such sums iv bz held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground cents, pre- <br />miums. taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two precedine subsections of this paragraph and all payments tc be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall bz addzd tocether_ and the aggregate amount thereof shalt be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment m br applied by the Mortgagee to the folL:win¢ items to the order set forth: <br />(!) premium charges under the am[ract o(insurancc with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. <br />nr mor,th!g dtarer!rrt lic.c .,f ruorrgnge insvrance premiwnl, as the case may bz; <br />ftlj gmm~d rents. taxes. assesvuents, the and other hazard insurance prerniums: <br />it} mic-test on arc --- x~eured herehr: and <br />(iVJ amoruranon of the pnncipai of satd rote. <br />Am deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly payment shalh unless made good by the Mort- <br />gagor poor n, the doe date :;i the nrzt such paymznt, antsutwz un event of default uodrr this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee ma,y cnllrcl a -'tort char¢z" not ro axcced t~,,:r cents (aM181 for each dollar (g t 1 of each payment more <br />[hart tltizen ! I51 days to areas to cnvzr the extra ca pen.~~ involved art handling delinquent pnymznts. <br />.S. That iF the total of the payment= made be the Morteam>r under r b/ of paragraph _' preceding shall exceed <br />then amount of pavment~ actual h~ mode by the• Nnrtgapee fur unrnnd mot-, taw and a~sessmen is or insurance. pre- <br />miums, :xs the ca.=e mac be, -uch esecss. if the Iaan is current..u the option of the 3fortgagur, slant! 6e credited by <br />rho 1lortgrtgee un ~ubseyuent pap menu t.,r be made 6y the Mon eager. or «_•tundud ar the Mortgagor. if, however, the <br />monthly garments made by the 31rrtgagor under r b; of paragraph _' prec•edmg shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />rent. lases and acne-sments ur incur:nice premiums. as the ease miry be. ashen Qte game =hall become due and pay- <br />able, then the Mortgagor =hall pas} to the Mon2aeee am amount per-e-san~ to make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date when payment of =ugh emend n•nt-, iaso~. a~~e~.~mem- or in~urunre premiunt.~ shall be duo- [f at app <br />time the 1longagor -hall fonder to the liortgaece, m urenrtl:nice offs the pr~:i-inns of the note hecured hereby, <br />lull payment of the entire indebtedne-- rap re~enu•d ihembt, the 1lorteacee ,hall. In computing the amount of such <br />indebrcdness, credit [n the account of nc~ ~\inrtgngur all par inept. made- under nc~ prestemns of r.:. of paragraph <br />tterr ,t xhich tht- lhrrt~agi-r~ h- i ,t !x~[~,.ntc• [,.,liea!tu to hx: ; t thv r-e[ n~t:in ,[t Han-+na :md ,Than llr.-ehry,menr <br />and am oaf uncr remaining in the fundn acrumulntrd under the pttn t~um+ of -'--ul paragraph ~_' hereof. If [hero <br />-hall h« a defndt under :rap .,1 ihr• pnitl-um~ al thl- mnr4[:u,e r+°ullin}+, m u paid tr~ -uir~ of rho pmmme.~ rnyen•d <br />hereby. ur if du' Mnn~•ayre mequt m- flee pmpem uthen[i,r, ~fu•r del shit, tier ~Ltrt~:e!cr• -h uli sppit- at the nine of <br />.,,. ,.+m m.•I[+=•mr~nt ,+r urn p.or[• -.:In.-. ,=r a[ the trine the pn[ltrtt; - natensi - ,~ itn tad [nr i,atanc ~~ :,,en remain- <br />iae ::: tha land- accumulated under " ~ ui paragraph S pceced:n". ar e ereelit a_alr.-I art ~ noon: of princtpul atwt <br />,,.,,"..,,,,, I,,,rDet;. .,n; D:t: rm°m;•.. I.... t. ;.... .. [... ... ......<.. ....dr,r .., <br />r^mz. r.Spe uepand anger -alt:....^~ ... _hsll ..._ ,:din-! ,. ,,~.:, -,,..~, ,.,,. .,, r„ ,~,,.,.~ ,,,, .. <br />"f anruraph '!. <br />Ih.,; the AlartgaY;.,r ~i{I P.It ac mi !rot- ,~ar~..,~. „mm~t, , . -,.,c. .~, ~„ ,tort =-ernmen;,S .~• a;um<:pal <br />charge,. hoe,. .,r mtpo,mon,, `[,r :, hlcl! p: n;nnm I:e, not been made hclemhci pre .: ~ . ml quit the rr! ihr ilnnpagre rut, <br />pat the ,anu•. and toot Ihr AL~rtgagol - ;Il prom pelt Jeht rr the ,~tlirlnl:rrnph rflerrL.,lul ~nrc~ VI [,r tg::ecc <br />fhc• Atungngnr udt pin a8 Lnr, etuch m;n hr let icd upon the ALnipeere . +ntci c.t w ,.na :< ~,Itr .inn snmrr:r <br />!Went,. :mu whch ma, hr lettr[i upon the mong;lge or the Jrht-crured bright ~h~nl ~,nl: n• Inc r:l.cnt Ihui .u.n n u,a pn,u:hn- <br />ed to lea .m.i rrlc to the es[ent that ,uch udi not nclsr :nu !,,.a! uwrou,l. '`ut rtdud:ne ao, .c t~., ~cltr ~n haJcra!. <br />u m <br />Impn.rd .+n \1.utg,tgre. and v. i{i file the ,Ilhcut; rr:rlpt ~h„u ing •:rih rat:nrni the 11.,ltg:lp_rr '~ p„n , i[-:..,~1„n ,.; thls under <br />rakmg_ nr tt the \Lrrtgagor a pnrhlbac•}I ht ,un i.:u n:•u nr nrre:d to ctnong Isom [+_lune the „n:•!.i ,:r _ut, ponnni of the.aen- <br />,md Ce'u•a c+t uDun the rendering of .my c,nrn decsre pnlhtMung the put went ^t the \lortgagor „r .nit .uch ui sr~. ,a d ,edt i::n <br />or drCrer Prt,rides Iflat :mr mnnuni w gold ht the •,lnrtgagur .h:dl he .rz-dltrd an the nu, rtFa ce tight. the \tungagcr .het" he[ e <br />:he right to ~'tte ninety J.rt, tltlen no1KC h, ihr „toner ,•i the art e9grd pre rn hg-. rcUU plop. tar ;- ~ gni ,,i the nk,r%g,me <br />debt if wch m+uce it given. the n:mi Jrht ,ban become Joe. taro u!Nr .Ind calk[ uhlr e! ^m rspir.:wm o! , ~iiri nmcl: oat. <br />, I ~ r p. ut!u ~~ ~- <br />r, hat .huuid hr taJ i[ ., twin of berg : _, , r.l - rJ f, on c:rec. =hen the A9oreagcc. -.i ass o, <br />r.:nuy t*at er Per form the ,nine. and vdl rtpe nth tore. so rnadr ,hall hr !udrd In dle inning-, =um :•,: ing ol; Ihr chore Hole. <br />saa17 hr cct wed hrrehs .:mJ ,hall hr-ar uric re,t al the rde set L,rth m the ~:ud nolg. pout ne:J <br />!hail !:r herrh4 .,,ss:gn+. trop step al to ,ri, [r, rt to the \lortgagre. t[, ne appi:rJ I.,u:uu the pa, nu•nt ,,. the .^=,-ir .n}d .I~. <br />-,,., en;rru hgrrh: n [. u'rf:,ult rn :hr prrfl,naance of an[ of Ihr Irrtn, a .ununu•u, I , .,, , lhnigaec ,•. '.he,:nd <br />note 4fI [hr rents_ Ic, rnurs and income I<r hr drrl[ed from tllr mortgaged pr clout, during ,u.n unit .I.:ne n,[,I tgagr nruehtru <br />Wrse ,hail remain unpald::md [hr Atarlgager -h,lll hate paw zr n, appoint em agent or ogrnh a nun Jenne I„r the purpux~ of <br />repatring sold prr:nitrs unJ of rrnung the ,nine :mJ .olleeung the n•nP, n•: cnuc•, .i mi nlcons.., mi i! nhn p,n ,•nt of sing in- <br />comes ail exprn.ea [d rcpauing cold prcrmsrs ahd necem:uv annnus>rc;ns anU : Ypen,e+ mcun rd u: reuung and managing ihr <br />afid [-i --"itc..,iin rctne, itrrtcllcrl.l [nr Yand}tc rC(mnniig, it :lily, t." ~~r el'Iti tC[~ , -eiJ ,c a,1,. ti:W i.i , i -.,,.: :-.Iltgagl' <br />rtdrhtrdncsa. <br />'Ihat !re udl krrP the Imp: ovrmerus non reuung or hrrralicr nrr!cd on the mortgagcu ^m pent. nuurerl .i, nt.n he <br />IC4niretl in+ip anti i[+ InWC hl nc~• .turtgagre '..g:nnYl t,,.S, h, fire .Ilitl „lilc'1 II a::IrU,. n.inir. .,rid :,,nlinLt'nrlc~ III ,nth <br />amounts and for ouch prongs as min he rrgmrrd he dx• \1 urlcaecr .Ind a ill pe: p:om pr: ., ern dug..:- , peg mnum un , :rh <br />insurance pnxrsion fro pat meat nt uhtch has nu[ been made herrm6rhtrr III mwr.,nre ,h:di he ...n lrJ n ampanlcs ap~ <br />pnrveJ by the Viprtgager and the Dahacs end !e~c~als thrteef ,h:Jl hg hell ht ihr VI of icuger ,mJ hint at Ll[iwd thrt eta L.,, <br />pati able loosen m fur[+r of arni m form acceptable to the 1Lrttgugrr In e[-em ,~t 4•„ Al nrlulgla u+ll gltr munrJime n„ua• M <br />mail a+[he rilortgagce. :+h.+mng make prt,oi of los, d' mil made pr on}pth b, r.,.h rn,w;mu- tumprmy tou~ <br />rergrd is hereby au[honzed and Jlrectrd n, nwke pet meat lot ,uch L,s, d:rectir m the Vougager ur.irau al n, the ~bt urtgagm <br />.Ind the Morgagor Jointly-. ;[rid the imur :rxe Pru:eeJ,. or ,nit par I thrrcnf gnat he ,rppned M the At urtcagcr el In npnon eilbe: <br />m the reduction of the mdrhtrdnrs hereby scoured or to Ihr re,tormon .u rcpau at the ptoprm damaucd In runt nl' Inrrrl„- <br />slirrof This nwrtgage or other transfer of vat to the mortgaged prt,pent m rvmgm shmov ul the inJehtednr„ ,rcureJ hrn•M. <br />all right, title anJ intrresl of Ihr Mortgagor m anJ L, not rnsurnncr P„ ,thin nr 1. ~r~c ,hail n .:~, lug pu: Jrncl „ m:micc <br />i u^I c[e <br />9. Than as additional and eollaterJ ,ccuntt fen the pay ntent ,d thrtnotc [ie~cnbcd . nu Jt . „ , i,~ :, me dug uuJcl Iho <br />mortgage. the Alorrgugur hereby . signs to the Atortgagce ;:!I proht+. rrwnurs teilces aghts -L^.J hcnen!+ ur Ion;, n ihr. <br />Murtgagorrmder }Inv nnJ :Ili od and gas :rase, un s:nJ pre tntsz.- ,nth t7x• nghl n, Irtei, e ,ind ~u rl Pt tin the ,.,me ,Ind _q,plt <br />dtem to said indebtedness :[s :cell heforr a, attrt dr(auh m the ron,6unm of Iho nxntp•.clgr, clue the \L,r tpagrc• mat Je mono. ,sic <br />tar and recover am- such payment; a pert dug and payable, but sh:ili pot hr rr[nnreJ ,~, n= d„ i hls ,,.,;gnmenl n w Irrn;lnalr <br />and heanne null and void upon reteax of the mortgage. <br />