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80- ~r1i3~~ <br />THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. fP NOT UNDERSTOOD. SEEM LEGAL ADYICB. - <br />~,.~ PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />~: For gxAyd.r l: re by Nembe.r H We Nebrr4 Reston - a.rri.ttoa <br />"-__-G¢~=1~----~~[L-~rr__.-__s-. REALTORS >y..!S <br />' ' ____.198 <br />Nebneke - ~ l'r <br />I, the naderaigned Purchaser, hereby spree to purchase the property described as follows: ,. - <br />Addrese 3oY !.fio~e~/~!-=--~_!~.._~~'c_~- /~~_" ~._---'_- <br />Legal Description -~ ! ~Bd"2A'~TiCC~--~rrr'f 1_~i~-- >--vt~il~_-------_ <br />_ ` <br />utdudHeg aR tixiurae and equipment permanently attached to said premises. The only peraohal property indaded lru follows: »,,.. ' <br />Sir ../~ ~./-1~/~±f%~-_- _______ ________ <br />Subjett, however, and on cwdition that the owner thereof hm good ~~elid end merketsbte title. in fee simple, and saw owner agrees to- <br />convey title b said property w me or my nominees by warranty deed nr _._ __ -<!2r-~ ~.G-'.'_>____ free and rlrnr ni all Hera,.' ' <br />encumbneces or special lases levied or easeaeed, except ___~?i+ae_-_--_-_______ _ <br />Sutjeet, however. to all building and use reatrir[iona, utility easement. and covenants now of record. Selkrrgreen to pay any aseeaa--~ - , <br />manta tar paving, curb, sidewalk gr utilities prrcious~NOmtruetedpr under construtt;on t ye[ anaeased aa.of date of actuptuaca~ <br />of rhfa dtfer. O - ~ fi.>i. /.-~. ..rilfiY ~o/sriro> x:513. oen <br />1 etgroe to Pal fox same `'~ ~~ ____-.-_~~-~_-~..~_ ,_- __ (t:~a~.,t 2" "' i ~O" <br />oa t~ LoDowiag terms: S ~~ °r'~ deposited herewith Rs evidenre by your rrreipt duchrd below.-8dance So bE paid-only sa et~.yrtL;: -. <br />it follawittg paragraphs ?~_'is~~. '-"._ _-l~c^~s'S' ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - - <br />/3 Halance of !-____.--_ to 6e paid in rash or cenrfied chrrk at time of delivery of deed, ao financing <br />being required. <br />/2 Conditbael Upon Loan or Aaaumption of £:isting 6forignge <br />eta Balance of {~`~ "!"_-____ to 6e paid in cash or by rertefied cheek at time of delivery of dear!. conditional ' <br />CarGdKlarr~ hgwevsq upon my ability w obtain n loan, to he serurod by fin[ mortgage nn about described properly, fa lhe.~ <br />Upm Loan amount of g-__-__--. Saul loan to he V'A_____, FHA___~_, GOt•7VE7PTK)hAL~!i~_, <br />INSURED CON VENTIONAL__ ___._. CA/FHA________ or -_.____. <br />16 I agree to ueume end pay existing mortgage w _.____ ___ nubjett to Me approvd of the mort- <br />Aseumptfon 8agee, in the approximate amount of 11________ _-_ and pay the balance in cash or by tenditd check from <br />o{ ExitSiog my own toads et time of delivery of deed: m being understood that prearnt mortgage terms nR for interest, <br />Mortgage rate u( .___ `b per annum which interest rate may be incnnsrd by the mortgagee ea • condition of the <br />aaaumption of paid mongege to no[ more than .__._ `L per annum. interest on existing kran to 6e proraerd to <br />date of closing. 1 also agree to reimburse the Seller for the amount in the escrow raeerva acrnunt which is to ba <br />' ~ anaignad to me, cad to pay any loan aaaumption fees <br />3 hrraby authorize Seller or iheu agent to negotiate n loan or mongagu ,. mption nn the above basis. and 7 agree b sign alt - <br />papeza and pay all Buyer's costa in connection therewith, and to eatebhsh r resrrvea as required. 1 further agree to use my <br />beat eftorte taarham and mortgage or approval for the monRage aaaumption. ~lfraaid loan or the n gumption of the eaisiing mortgage <br />is not approved within ._..30 .Jaya from date of acceptance hereof. ekes offer to he null end void and the money paid <br />6smnil6 to be rotumrd to me. Provided, however, that J procrsaing of the Innn nr mortgage ageumptinn hen not been rompJetrd <br />bp.iha {etttiiug agency within the above pmt, such t ma limit shdt ha amemuiraily rrtrnded until the {ending agrnq has, in tiro <br />normal toprrq of its butintaa, edvraad either approval or rrjea-i;on <br />_ !'s eeiancr ac by ~-..1t az:3 ^ seper,!e land ryntnc•, with Seiler railing tar addiunnni ranh or cvnifred rherk pavmrot <br />of lr~~-._._~al time of exrt•ulinn of the contrort. and nvnamdrr ur r...-_,_-_,_«._-_ ._ .. p•iA <br />.. m mnnth!y peymems of S _ ___- -_ _ _ r .. wh+rR monthly payments ahdi inriade interest a[ the rate <br />of __. % per annum cumputa•d monthly on threaauni unpaid portion et the pgnc+pal plea ii 11th the rteeuaf.- <br />lases ncd insurance. <br />_yt~C~L_'_~.z..•~.~wr.t.^____.~=__~r___. ____. ____L~,.G'_Gf+___~~-~:__-T~~_ <br />IS Tea Proration tFer oxen rapeseed iw advmve. if ward. du wo/ use /61 <br />ALL maaolidated red eeta[e tease which :°41 become drhnquent in the year 19 .. wdl be treated as though all are currant to:ua, and <br />tboN taxes sad non, ii now ranted, ehdi be pro-rated as of date of closing ____-__-_. SeUrr shall pay sR Oexea foe 19-._ acrd . <br />prior yeah. <br />/g Tu Proration IFor taxra asaeenrd in arrear.. it used, du not unr /51 - <br />ALL consolidated rod rstete teen for the year l9_,~A Ibeand an rurrrnt aaaensment and mill Ievvi and rents, {t now rented, nhnll be <br />pro•ntad a of date of closing . ~~rt,.- -'7::11!.=f. Seller ehr: I per all taxes Ir+r 19 ZY and prix gran. <br />Voaaeation rat laid premises ahdi 6e delivered to mr un nr before __ ~ •~i.1'_.~'~_~=__- at ~_-~ ~~! o'clock ~.M. <br />Se4er shall tpminh to Purchaser rather n mplrte abstract of titir ~~enilied w date by n bonded abatrerterl nr a tale meuronar <br />commitment (bindrrl. na dnwrminrd by Boller Thr rust ut nwnrrs and morlgeRrrs tide inxurnnrr policy isaurd in connrcewn xith this <br />sdr thin!! be eyualiy di. ided hetwrrn Purchaser enA 5rlier N'uhm ten Uui Rays !hereafter. Purchaser shall dnc~er u, 5a-slur a euµy rat <br />attorney's apmton ahnx mg defects, i(n n the ntle If title delrots u o found. Seflrr. otter wriurn notice lherr.•f, chat! onrlravor to <br />correct the same to PurNreser'a anusfa.~tim,t w~thm n rrnsunahlr pe od ,~( pmt inn in exrerd thins days tram Ihr da«• of the opinion. <br />It to uaderatoryd thu the dorumentnry n•vrnue nn the conyryerce rw to hr pxul fur by Selia•r. <br />ec:a, it .ray, shall br prorated to date of closing. • <br />It is understood and agreed that in the event Sellrro hold title pr cold property as jaiM tenants, they err cnnermumg an jwnt tenants <br />in rhea accepuoce of thu after. <br />11 thin propunnrun is accepted, I egrrr to close said purchane on or before the ____._^'.'_ -_ day of _-_._ °'r'"°"•'. ~ .__ _ ___ . 17 Y'• <br />I request a cermne mspecpon of the bwidmgs at my rxprnae lexcepl should 1 obtain a VA loan, said expense shall 6e prod by <br />Seller! and should termites end/or termite demagea be found, the termites wilt be treated and!nr «•rmitr damage rnrrected d Sellers <br />expanse. in the evens the roar nl repair end!or treatment shell ex cad three prrceni 1:1': 1 of the purchase pace strove ant forth.. the <br />Seller shag have the uppon w declare this Purchase Agreementcto br null end void in which event any down pay meal shall,ne <br />returned to the Purchuer <br />This oltrr is based upu y pe mat mspe•clion or in vrs«gapon of ehr perm ors and nor upon any n•pn•srntaurm nr x anlirs rat <br />.ondition by the Seller ,~rnhm agent, Seller egrres to maintain, un«I il.•lit rev ut closing, ih•~ h~•apnv.. art .nn AU U.n~.nw. ..x«rr hou«•r. <br />ewer. plumbing, o-lenncnl vvstems. and am hutlt~m appbenevs i ~ nrkmg r mdrn~m <br />s It es understood enA ngrerd that this egrremrn[ shell in nu manner hr runstrurd to can the pre mt. ra or p. give right to «rke <br />ponaesaion thereof. <br />Any risk rf loan to the property shell hr borne by the Seller un«I «tle he,s barn r vd w the Puechas.•r in the ream prtar t~ . <br />rloemg the structures on card prnprny are materially Anmxged by fin. ,~xplosion ..r any other n r. Purchaser shall have the. right to <br />rescind thin agreement. whereupon the Boller nhall then refund to the Purchaser rho depomt mode herrundu r. <br />In the event !fie Royer ia+ia w conaununnu• the purahasn. the Sc•Ilrr may, a[ his np«on, rrtnm the rtmrst m ay pa+d by the~Huy •+ <br />r v ens <br />as liquidated demagea for such failure, n utilize such other legal rrmedira as pro a nilaidr w Seller by r on or such failgg; <br />This after in null end void if not accepted by the Seiler nn or bTf ;r• a ~ >e •^'~..c'Y~'•4 . .~/~'.^'."-'. <br />-24/c.r~4...~~,.~Gr~a ~': z.</ .. .. _. _.. Royer <br />