t3(}4.: JC~434~.
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<br />1Lia:me:naat~ and eateeed htio thls- / ~j' day of
<br />l9 ~©..6g and.betalraan SOHN s: BAI~$ AN!) JUDY-Pf; BARER
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small flaaiars Adminiauatioa, eta agettry of-the
<br />Governmaai of the United States of America (hereieaftar tefarred to as mortgagee}; who tta an.~of~- -
<br />'Rcrrtesstn'a; flat for the eaaddetratim fietreinafter stated. receipt o[ -which- ir. haselgt
<br />taortgager'doa herabg moctgags, sell, Rraat, asigu, and convey unto the martgageq 6ia aaaarmaoro tttml:atrl6ei,;ail
<br />of the fallowing-dncribed'ptopetrty eitoated and-6eimg~in the Co®tpof Hall .
<br />c.sm ~ Nzzb;-aaka
<br />Lot Twenty'(20), Block Tvro (2), itt
<br />Southerti Acres Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall.-County, Nebraska.
<br />Together withand including al! huihlings, atl fixtures including but not iimitrd to all plumbhxg, heating, lght•
<br />irtq, vralilatittg, refrigeralinq, ineinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and rlevuturs (the mortgagor hrrrh)~
<br />declaring that it i. inleuded that the items herein rnumeraleJ shtdl be drrtned pr have horn permanently ir+-
<br />stalled as part of the rrallr ), and all improa'rruents nuw ur hereafter r5isting thereon: the herrJitanarnb r!ud
<br />appurtenances and all other rights thrrrunto helongiuq, or is anywise. appertaining, :uuf the revrn-ion and rr-
<br />versions, remainder and rrmaindena, all riXhts of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the shove
<br />desrPibal-$roparty- (provideJ, l+owever, Iha! the mart ;ardor shalt Ixe rntitle3} 'tl. the lass-essie,,r +:!• se+id prs,l,rrts.
<br />and to rnllert and retain the rents, issuaa, and profits until default lrereemdrr). "!'o leave rend to Isahl the sneer
<br />untnthe-mortgagee anJ the successors in interest of the mortgagee forever in fee simple nr such other estate,
<br />if any, as-ia stated herein.
<br />The. m/uetgagor eoveatw6t that he is lawfuify xiaed and possessed of and has th0 right to x11 a>71t convoy said
<br />property; thrt the sates a fees from all eacumfiraaea except an hereinabove recited; and that he heroby binds
<br />hitnself end his suceessora in interest to warrant sad defend the title aforesaid thereto and every pan thereof against
<br />tha eiaiina o[ all peesoea whomsoever. ,/.
<br />This inetrumeot is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ~MKr ~.Z` . /S%~p ,
<br />in-.the-priaeipsl-aw.icCO`.-31y5^vA-:DO~- ,signed byJOlTv' B. BAKER ANA JUDY tai. BAKER
<br />in laahalf of THEPfSELVES..
<br />,I+A Forn 92T 15-T2) Pr~rleu. Ealttew .,o eb,alo,~.
<br />