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ZI-WARR4N i7 DE£O <br />F.noe G yWaK Cos„ ~e/. Lt~e(n, thbr. <br />~~~--C3043~8 WARRANTY DEED <br />P,artdall Vii. Hartmann and 'Michelle R. Hartmattu, L§tshand and 6'ife, each- in his- and her owe <br />right and. as spouse of each other ,herein called the granter whether one or mare; <br />is consideration of Forty-1'tve T.hottsard and no/100 bOLLA1tS <br />reeetved frnm grantee, does grant, bargain, s.>Ii, convey and confirm. unto <br />Jan *f. Lawrence, a siagle Berson <br />herein called the grantee whether ane or morn, the fallowing described real property in <br />tiall ............................................_..... County, Nebraska: <br />ane Acre of land located in tt*.e Southeast corner of Lot "'hree (3} in :Toss Subdivisioit'of- <br />all that Hart of the Fast Falf of the Southwest ftuarter (L"kSG":,) and the tdest One Ea1f of <br />the Southeast Quarter (f~?gSE%) of Section Eleven (l.l}, in Tovrnship Eleven (Zl} North, <br />P.ange dQine (9) Nest of the Sixth !'.Tf. lying. Soutk~ of the Lincoln E?igltwap more particularly <br />described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the ?~3est 1?slf of the <br />Southeast (?carter (Ii~SLr-:J of said Section 11, Township Eleven ?irth, Ranp:e °ane (9) <br />idest of the Sixth P.L, running thence in a P?ortherly direction along the: East line-of <br />the Nest Half of the Southeast ~rtarter (F!~:SE'---} for a distance of Twenty (20) rods, running <br />thence in a kesterly direction at right angles for a distance of Eight (8} rods, <br />rumting thence in a Southerly direction at right angles, for a distance of 'I'stenty (20) <br />rods, rnnninq thence in an Easterly direction at right angles, for a distance of Fight (8) <br />rods *_o the place of beginning. <br />To have and to hold the above deszrlhed premises together with Bill tenements, hereditaments <br />and appnrtettances thereto belanging nrto the granter rend f:o grantee's heirs and ;tssigns forever. <br />and thz grxnior daps hcreh.- covenant with the Grantee and with ttrantee'4 heirs and assigns <br />that greater is lawfully seised of said premises; that Thor arc free front encumbrance <br />lixcept Easements and Restrictiors of ^ecord . <br />that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and chat „rnntor warrants and will <br />defend the title to said premises against the lawfiil claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />Dated .."august 14 tS <br />STATEh1ENT ATTACHED i 1J-'- j /;' i y <br />NE6RASKA DOCUMENTARY l y / ~ ~ ~ <br />................... STAMP TAx................~........_........._ ~J.. ~~C:~~,c.Gs../~ ....~~;ELG.:/._7?/L _'?Z?"~-- <br />AUG 1 5 1980 <br />~-~- ev--•~!~- <br />s'1'a7'>•; OF' NF$HLsti1:<~, County of !:all <br />Before me, n notary public qualified for .vain r•,utnty, ,,crsonally Caere <br />14aada1l "3. Hartmann and 'Sichelle ".. i?artmann, t"usband and `Fife <br />~~~ 141.v conunrssron espires~......':':. ~`'.1f.~- ~....... 19.~L... <br />rea...~.a..ann f..~r :............_........... <br />known to me to he tiro identical uerson or parsons n'Yw siguzd iho foregoing instnnneat and noknowledged <br />the execution thoreof to be his, her or their voluntary ac nd decd. <br />f <br />Witness my hand ttnd notarial seal on .....Aut::f~................._ 19 ~0.._. <br />............._. .......... ..... ..~.... ..: ....:~'.`.~./:..'.`. Votary Public. <br />` ~+MMrll: ~ I . <br />