<br />Lender's written agreement or apphcabic taw. Horrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph with interact Ihcreen. shalt become additional
<br />indel+tedness a( Horrower secured be [his Mortgage. Unless Horrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amotmts shaft he payable upon notice Frnm Lende: to Horrower requesting payment thereof, and shat) hear interest from the
<br />date of disbnrsemeni at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Nate Untess payment of
<br />interest at such rate would 6c contrary to appticable taw. in which event such amounts shat! bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. inspection. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />[haF Lender shall give Horrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest iu the Property.
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cnnsequcntia;, in ~mnnection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall tx applied to the sums secured by This Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takine of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />nthenvise agree in writing, there shall be applied Ia the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proteeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of (he sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property Immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horrower. -
<br />If the Pfoperty is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender tc Borrower that the condemnor offers io make
<br />an award ur settle a claim (or damages, Horrower (ails ro respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />maiird, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured hr this btorteage.
<br />Llrtless Lender and Horrower othenvisc agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt oat extend
<br />or postpone d+e due date oC the monthly installments referred to is paraeraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such ipstaliments.
<br />70. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the lime for payment or modification of amorti=alion ai' the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage Granted by Lender In any successor !u interest of Horrower shall not nper:rte Ia release. in any manner,
<br />the liability of ;he original Horrower and Hnrmwer's succcssrn-s in imcresc. t.cndcr shall no[ be required to cnmmcnce
<br />proceedings a,ainsi such successor or refuse In exrenal time (nr payment o utherwiu• modify amnriizanon of the sums
<br />.,cured by this h4ortgagc by reason of .uty demand made by the oriclnal Harrower .end Rorrnwxr's succecsan in interest.
<br />77. Forbearaece 6y Lender Not s Waiver. Any fanc~arancc by Lender in exercisim; am~ right nr rcmedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise atTurded h applicable !,•., shall not be .I waiver of ar preclude the exercise of anc such right ar remedy.
<br />The pracurcmeni of insurance or the payment of taxes .x other bees or ahargcs by f ender d+a31 not he a o:,leer of f cndcr's
<br />right n? a cekratc the matu rite of the mdchtcdncs .cured by Ihi. Vortgapc.
<br />12. ,Remedies Cumulative. Ail remedies pen, idcd m this Dfortgace a c dislin<l and nrmulativc to any other right or
<br />rcmedy ender This Mungagc or ,)larded he Loy nr cqu;l s'..nnl m:n' he c . „ a•,I a urrcnlly. indcpendcndv or v ccessivcly-
<br />13. Successors mrd Assigns boned; J ~m and Seremi i.iabilin~; Capiinns, The < Hots and aerccments he«in
<br />contained shall hind, and the rights hereunder ,hall !mire a?. tiu r ccuve successnrt and s.. _ - of I ender ~~!nd Borrower,
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. :UI c vcn:uus anJ :Ig reauncnLS of Bornnvcr sh:al he joint :rod serer,).
<br />"Lhe options and headings of the paragraphs of ;his M1fnr¢ace :ere fur ronvenrenee note :mr, ... r. not to he !ISed to
<br />:n [cr,•rcl or define the provisions hcreol.
<br />E0. Noliee. Hxcept tau any nonce rcmiired under applicable hue to he c ~ ra her manrcr. I:u :Inv nnfice ro
<br />Bsum:a~rr provided for in d?is htorts.:ge sr.:!! ' vcn !.. „u;hn• :rh nnE!a•~•' ,rt,fed a:! ic!i!rc:•.:•d ~, Apr
<br />the I'rrrperty Address or at .t t o;he- -,ddros s~ Aorrr,ra- n v il~a;grr. t t once • , i c'ule- r ~idc i i „~ u
<br />Ih --1' , ROtit:C m LCndCr Sh:,ll he , nV ,ila'al - .:-I . a 5ltt .. ... .. ,
<br />n ch i4hcr address as f_cndc- ma?~ ale ` n' tc ha' -rote: • ro Hn pr '-d ~ ~ - ~1 is r. ! . 'd d ~ hies
<br />Morgage shall be teemed n+havc boon n en ;o Ain cos: cr aI ! ~nalet ....en .! at..n the manner „ecigruleJ La a,~,
<br />15. Uniform Mortgage Governing 1 :~nv; Sevcrability. lhn loon of mnngocc annrhincs un~farm .ovcnnnnr l.,; nauunai
<br />use and Han-uniform covenants with limited s moon: ho µirnJl.r u,n to n,nannro a undone ,rtes, in.t r!nxnt .
<br />real property This Mortgage shall he a creed i,a the tau nl the ! ,Jn e•,n in achich the Propern L,cetcal In~Ihr
<br />event th:u any provision or aauu of Ihi. Mortgage or the NUIC nuulins ,anh upplicahlc la•a wch :nullici ,uali r ,it;e_t
<br />other provisions of this biongagr or the Note svhreh r be a cite, unhmrt the .r n!hcun¢ prrn isian .,ud ~;, Ihi+
<br />end the provisions of the Mortgage :rod nc~ \,qc :r draared Ia her. uahlc.
<br />16. borrower Cnpy. Hormurr Shall be fun?nshcd a sonlormrd ..opv nl ihc,. stwtc ..ard.ai..tla,w.-~lauauugw..rt riµ I~, n.i
<br />ai c\Ca'In tan ar aflCr fCCardatian I+e I'a'i?f. .. 'M •~a,C-nllnxfgx?9 `d i'~,
<br />17. 'Cransfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or am reef of the I'rr, pcrn~ nr an inierigntMer~in7iL(1,cdd n~'jramfern~d
<br />by Ron over wuhout Lenders poor wnuen .onsenl, exeludmg Lrl a ~:IUwt ui alien or 'encumhrance~ suhenh n.ac t,
<br />the. Mortgage. rh) the creation of a purehnse monr:v , . nr. nvuc,l for it,nnchold app) l:ux cs. ~.~i Ira n,lrr ba~ dc, nc~
<br />dcstt•m ar by opcrmion of Ina upon the dtath of :, jour ale nrl o
<br />Lender ma), al I rndtrA upluai. Jn Luc ,ell rho a .a red M Ih:S Von edge L, .,
<br />Inunedlntcly due and payable. Louder shall ha,c u.usrd .u, ~, opu,m .,..-rlri,rtc il. pool ! ,the •-.da• ar Irai;-!n I .i,.~ ~.
<br />-~ 'm i ~ -.,,.
<br />:rod the pcaon lu whom the I'ropcrl) i, to 6c salJ or Iran--~teucd r:.r.h ., s Iibec Ihnt the ~ eJil ~ . „ ; Ir
<br />n satislsclur)• to Lender and Ihul fire intercu payahtc on !hc + nn- x rru h, •hn 11~anguec sh:dl he sl s„ I:Ite '.ice t ender
<br />shall rcqucst. If I ender has waived Ihr option m aecelcratc i+ euicd~ ~ ~ Ihr, pa r:uRa ph 17 :Hui it Borrower\ waccu~n :
<br />unerest has oxecuted a written assumpBan .tg«cnunt aa:epte;l tin ..rank ha I ender, I ender .hail release Aan~m+rr from, :u,
<br />ahlipahnns under Ihtc Mortgage and Ihr Nn[e.
<br />E! Lcrdp ~i±< •_.I ..let-r, .. ,, .....1 B. • .,... ~ I., ~t-t. , .,_
<br />pn ageq+h I-i hcrcai Such nolrec ,h:Jl pt vrdc .~ pc al ,•r n,a Ics, rl h.rn ut d.rs, linen the data the non , ~drJ „nl~~~•
<br />,+In:h Id ~rn,wer may pity Ihr: .wn.. da:.;arcd der,- it lion.,,, cr L"I. '~ , p.,, .~~Jr „mr, hl ~~ ~ I„ Iha~ r.i.n ~~ ~~ , ~, l,c~ .,.
<br />Lender miry. ,,)thaw further oouce or ricmund o-r Rau nu er. i,?, oLc .Ira rcnxahes pet r.u!u:.l b•: paru_I,rph :., .,,_I, ,
<br />Nurv-Lie: n=uam Covennn rs. borrower and Lende) lunhci ~, ,u aul .urd ., yr re a+ follows
<br />78. Aereivraliuu; Renmdira. Lxeept as provided in p:uapraph 17 he cal, upon &rt'ru+scr's breach of :ury a a or
<br />nprecntent of korrower in Ihis \inrlpage, i mludinp the rut u..uds tr? payr ++hcu due a soon seared b) Ihis 1Ln spa„.~.
<br />Lender prier to arretcratioo shall :nail notice In Bureau era tided i r Iznrapraph 7.l ahercuf s cif+inp: t It the breach:
<br />12) the nefion reyuired to cure ntdr 6rraa•h; 13! a dote, Hai Ics. I,lmu 311 du). loon tlu• dole the nosier is ntaih^ri br th,n a„rr,
<br />by which such breach must be cured; and IJ{ that failure to core such breach nn ar hefiue the dote specilied in the uotire
<br />may result in ar'eicralion of the stuns secured hr this ~1orlgape, fnreclosurc hr judicial {>nnrcdinp :uul sale of t7u• 1'nq,crh.
<br />The notice shall further inform Borrower pl' the right m «iuatate aftr. accelrruiun :ultl (he right ton eel i ? the Imeclusurc
<br />proceeding the Han-existence of a deGndt or any usher dcfenx• of Bornrner to araeleruiun and fureclueurr. 11 the breach
<br />is not cored on or before (Ire date specitird in (he notic¢, f ruder at Lender's upN•, ma) declaro al! of the s t ,oA by
<br />this M1tpriguge to he imnrediately due mrd payable ++iduuu (uriher Aennuul :old ma. tlnrcclau bt judicial proceeding a,~Lendcr
<br />shell be entiilyd to collect in such proceeding all expense u( fonchnu«, Ina-ludiup, Irut not limited d,, cods of duce rurnbrn
<br />evidence, ;ttniraeis and title reports.
<br />f4. Borrower's itigM to keinsiatc. ?:onvuhsL:ndmg Lend.,: .cl, ~, .,;,,,n -d arc , .m: ~, ad he Ihr \i.•I ~.;: ,
<br />iior n±sver shall have the rigiv to ii;n~e :wry pnarrdlns iregun i,? i uidri L• ~ nlni ~e Ins, Vol lga5 ~6sa„nl~n r~cJ ~. ... , ~~~_
<br />