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.: ��,�.�. �; ___ <br /> .� - ' - . _ - `rt t'N •.fF�l}WiA1 '' _ . . _ _" .. _ _'__' <br /> � � <br /> '_: .. ' ' � . ' i p'�r�i. _ . . . ' '- _ __.. . ...._ <br /> � � <br /> . , . . . } . _..-.-Y •.r- ' _ "' . . _ __- <br /> . . . _ _ ' _ .._ '.. + "`.""" _ " ' ' -. <br /> -'`. . ,� i . . - .. ..-. . . � " . < ."_• ' " - _ <br /> �_ . -' _- . . . . . _ .. . ` = . . . . . _ ' . ��+ I���R��_�'- . . <br /> : 'T���;�`_H,S�:L�1t[Ip[!QVQ�EItLS ItOW Q[�Ild�Q!f�OR t�G jl[Oplfiys���s���5*, <br /> alld��dYY�4R,��-��,��.���• IUj:iC�00iilCQiS Aila�ltlOilS 5�13�50�}G OdY!(C��tht5$bCUflEy; <br /> Insuiuc�it. All o�3M f"6�c�ni�'�s�ft�to u►this Sccusit�*,insuuit�ent as the°Fropeitg."=' - . � . . <br /> @ORROWffii;C'f��iA.'!F�S.��Bbaiower�is Iawfully,seised of the eslate de�eby,cot�veYod�utd t�as tho agh�to�r.`�at� <br /> �cunvajr tf�c i�eityta�3h�t tt�M :� ,� ',3s,:emenanabered,execpc fSrs•�b�es of reco�...Botcower wa�tas�.aniT,�-. <br /> _ willdefe�d$ee�11}�,cba�W th�P.�xt}':ag�i��t a11 alaims a�dem�sisubject to any eneumbtu�cesof recotd. "�..-.�: - - -- <br /> _— THIS.SE�URT9`Y'IN9'�R�FiF,I!@F�?�. a.w .'.an�faa�tt:cAVeaaa.�s,fl�,tiational � and aon-uaifom� ooveaanu wuh <br /> — - tlFnitd��azi�tic�as�i�luris�otstaams�tRt���sifQsntsee�tity�.�tcove�ingroal�toperty- _ - - __ <br /> iJNiIF01iM CQ��$N/1P1'�'S.:$a�vrer and�.esx�ec;a�vrt�7at�ad aS�ee as follows: • . <br /> 2. Pay�iwt a��P�LtviR�1#nd7qter�est>Peep�3�4Ati1�ild.#.�te Cl�sr�es. Earower shall p�ompti�i�ay when,due tde <br /> priue'spai of and'ant�uo ah�ddba�.wi���Y��N���°Y��Y�at and late charges due under the Nae. <br /> - Z F�adn ta�73�xesaad tnsaif�4ce�Subjtct to appliq6�al�t�,os�a wntun waiver hy�Lendcr�Botr�owa shail pay to <br /> - •Lendcr oa t1iG�`,awnthlY�P�3'+�tt ar�dsr�under the Not�w�f�ti�Nate is paid"m fuU.a sum Q°Funds"1 for:(a?y�F; <br /> uu�cs aa0 ass�ts v►�ioh:may�;�attbn Pi+orit��over this Security:Iw�ocmne�t as a lien or�.the Pt�npe�ty:�(b)YeartY tea.uhalQ.. <br />, PaY���,gtomr�•nents on,tb�-�� i�•any; tc),Y+�Y:t�azard or property insarance prein�umc: (d):Yearty.�toad <br /> �� insuranoe gte�miams,.if,an3� feI�Y�1`�'�F�insuratxe premiqms,if.�uy:and(�any sums pa►Ynble bg Bormwer tu• _-_-- - -- - <br /> - I� ac�with•ti�pmavi,[c�ts-af:�a�a�h,8:ialiw of,the payment of mortgage insurance ptemnuns. These � <br /> _- itans a�e�aUad''Bsesnw it�: La,r��m9:}�,at�auntiu�e,coltec[aaf tata�Tt�nds in ari amount noetoexceedthe maximum <br /> nu <br /> � 'h � amount a<t�far•a fodemUy��tei�tC��+�i�t�?lmn,may.require far�arrower's escnow account•�u�der tl�ee federal R�eat =--- <br /> � <br /> ��,: :;'� � Fstxtt Se�tleanrsi•�dutes Act of,t97�as�am�rle�fia�tisrsc to ii�e:i'�U.S.G§260i ei seq.("RE3PA'�.unless anotlicr, �—� <br /> t�vr thai.a �trs to the Fu1sds sets a Iessec att�w1�: If�so;Le�er itray:ai aAy time,copect and hold Funds in an amount cwt to -- <br /> � "�•� - excc�d:tl�Ics�r aa�ouni: LRt�der taaK'��te th��tiuF Fa�T �ue on the 6asis of cumeni daw aaQ reasoaable ': . ��e=- <br />,# , r,_. �.-� <br /> ' �:,- .: esiimat�s cif.r.��adEUres of�future Escmw,ista�►s or oWerwise in�with appticable law. _ ����� <br /> �.;•°.z r . The Rm;�s shallibc Mld•in�an,in5tihi�ltr��wi�ose deposits are pzs�d by a federal agency;insttumentaliry,or entity, _ - <br /> ` '�'� 4 (including Les�des,if�I:ender is su¢b an;u►stitu4m5),os in aay Federaf i�imze l.oan 8ank. l.ender sl�alt appiy t6o Funds to pay ��:-. _ <br /> ,i : . [dw'Escrow items. Lendenmay,•aatich��Hcamwer f�tspiding and aipplying the Faods,annuatIy analyzing the escrow ' „�- ., <br /> '� �.� ��'�'� aoo�uii.or verifyin�•ti�H.x�.Items.,un1:.'ss L:ender Pr�ys Boriower intenest on ttte"Euncis�aod applica6le taw permits ' =� ��,��,,,:.. - <br /> ..;:..�r'�A'.;iz:. , f��sa �?�:: <br /> . ,:� �3'er to maice sucb a cfiar�p..Htnvcve,•:.[�en�t may s�eqai�Borrower ta pay a osiee-�anGe cfiarge for an independcnt t�eal .���'�,.�,,�. <br /> i.4 'T��....�., r .. :-es�Ee taxrcparting sesxiae ased b}'��;e.�suJ+c�.'s�caan with this loan.unless appliaa6le�daw provides otherwise. Unless an ... . �- } - <br /> f ,, . , . ._ .� ,a�,a�eement is made or�appliCabk+I�,'�.Yeq}�itcs:`��st to be paid Lendes s�aU not 6e reqi�ired"tv pa�Boirower an�interest or ` <br /> • -r''� }f r�raings on the Funds. Bartowes:aM�i:rnd@t may agree in wnting,haweder.that interest shaU be pai�oa the Funds. Lender - <br /> '�. <br /> " �'��. � �.give ta Barmwer.wiihoulictt�Se,an.annual accu��the.Ci�ids,showtng credits and deirits to the FunQs and the � ,���: <br /> •- ' p�pase far which ea�ch d�6i�t,td t!�Faads was made. 77��sds are pfedged as addiuflnal security far all sums securecl by : - ,Y;c •�- <br /> .,c;.i ,r,:� --- <br /> .;.,";=:5- �� .�� tlu�Secutlty.Illst[ufi:t11: .. .: . ;.... .:;,t;;�;";, `_-`-_-- <br /> -��. _ . If the Fun�s�held�try�,i;eriaer�esceed�the amounts �na"stted�ar t�;�etd hy applicabte taw.Lender shal!account ta� .. - •_� � . <br /> za?� Barrawer for�tt�s�c.�ss Pun��in�accorda�nce wiih the r�eri�s o��rP]icabte taw. If the amormt of the Funds hetd 6y ' �;� �r` _ <br /> - A =� r <br /> Lendes at a�►}•;ti�is nat�sufficient ta pay.the Escmw Items afien due.Lendet may so notify Bqirau�er in wrldng,and,in <br /> - ;Y.z.'.= BaJra:��er sl�Ui , to•Lender the ar�wunt aeoe�ary to make up the defruea�c9. �osr¢v"ver shall malce up the ;` �a-��,�1<<,:.z= <br />