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<br />LAST wILL AND TESTAMENT <br />OF <br />FREDERICK SC-iW?EGER <br />ZN THE NAME QF GOD, AMEN. <br />I, FREDERICK SCHWIEGER, pf Hall County, State ^f Nebraska, being <br />of sound mind and Cis,,^csing memcry, dct ~:,:reby dzalare the fallowing to 6e <br />my LAST '~IiLL AND TESTAMENT. I hereby revcke all former wills and codicils <br />b,y, irre roads. <br />FT_RST <br />i hereby direct all ny gust debts and expenses, including those <br />of my lES* ;llness, interment, and expenses o° administration be firs+. <br />fully paid as seen a-.__ ^y death as pessi!ale. <br />SECOND <br />hzrahy devise and bequeath to my bsleved wi°e, Ruth A. W. <br />S±'hwiege.~, ail my meal any rszsxgnnal rp,azrt,r, _here«zr .~it,~at.zd, shz o-c <br />have and to hold absclutzly; _. thz event Ruth A. W. Schwieger should are- <br />decease me, fail to s,:rv_vs ^+e by shirty Ways, cr die ~l~i th me as a result <br />of a common accident, then end _n either event, this devise enp bacues` <br />shall ?.apse in favpr of my chilrrer, Frederick Schwieger, .., Sob <br />5chwieoer, Patricia S=llmir,g, Gary Schwieger. Camzs Schuieaer, Sandra <br />McIntosh, .:acquelin Ensley, and Stzven P. Schwiegzr, :hey to have and '..~ <br />hold absolutely, share and share alike; in the even*. env of the afpre- <br />mentioned children should predecease me, leaving issue surviving me, then <br />to the surviving issue of said deceased child, by righ`. of rapres*~ntatian; <br />if .here be no Issas of any of the deceased children surviving ma, then <br />this bequest shall lapse in favpr p~ ';ha remaining chip'^an or Cr,z sur- <br />viving issue of said children, by right pf representation, they to `+~}ve <br />and to hold, share and sharp alike. <br />~~+~'~ ~'+~``!~ Frade k Sch~ieger <br />Br <br />