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<br />SO-- Ut~436J5 MORTGAGE <br />'FH1S INDENTURE, made thfe 14th day of 4ttgrtct _,__. 19 ,$Q_, by and-between <br />Willis A. Lcvnburq and Wilfna L Lemburg husband and wife each in his and her own right <br />Hall s <br />of Cormty, Nebraska, mmortgagor-, and Greed Island Trost Company of Grand Intend, a corporation <br />organised end existseg under the lava of Nebraska with its prsndpal of(fce and place of bmineae at Grand Island, Nebraska, mmortgagee; - <br />WPl'NESSETH: That said mortgagor S , foread in comideiati® of the sum of <br />Ten Thousand Eigtlt Hundred Sixty-six dollars and QO/100 ***** ~~1$70,866.OOe- 7 <br />the reeript of which Ss hereby ackmwkdged, do - by these presents mortgage and wenaptnetrs'e~E~it~agae, to ucn~orsMnd ssaigse, <br />fornver, all the following described real estate. situated in [he County of _ Ha 11 -_ _ - ,• <br />sal State of Nebraska, to-wit: ~ ., ~. ~ ....., _--. - - <br />Lot Six (6} and the South Twenty Eight Feed (28') of Lot Five (6} <br />of Block Two (2}, Third Addition to Cairn, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, end plumbing equipment and fixtures. indudrag screens, awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, and window ahadoe or Minds, used o0 or in cosset*ion with said property, whether the same are now Iocatee on said property or hereutter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE ANO TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and eiugular the tenements, heratfitements and appurtenances thareunm 6e- <br />kfngtag, or Sa attywiae nppertainsng, forever, std warren[ the title to the snare. Said morgagor y._.... hereby mvamnt __._-. with said <br />mortgagee that ---L. ha ~! _.._ -.3V°G...... at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner z of the premises xbcve conveyed and described, <br />and era _ seed of a good end indefensible estate of inheritance theresn, tree and clear of all encumbranrxs, xnd chat _f;_he _jt_will <br />warravt xnd de€end the title thereto forever agasnnt the claims and demands of all pereone whomxnwer. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this imtru~ot is executed and dolivered Co secure the payment of the sum of _ ___ __. _ -__-.._ __ ____ <br />Tan Thousand Fight Hnnrlrpl)_.Sla,.t-y-Six dp11aY<_duCLQn~lnn Dollarsls.__:Lll,liE,fi ~1H._.._--__I. <br />with interest thereon, together wild[ such tdtnrges and advanare as may be dun and payable to said mortgagce under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note o(even date herewith rind secured hereby, executed by sxid morlgagors_.__ to said nwrtgegee, payable ns eaprexs YI <br />is said ante, xnd to serum the perfotmtmce of nU the terms end rnoditione can[ainad therein. The terms of said nato are hereby i[a:orpora[ect <br />heroin by LWs refereaee. <br />IC ie the intention and egreersent of the pmtim hereto that this mortgepe shall also secure any future advatrces mnda to said mortgngor_~.. <br />by xaid mortgagee, xnd aqy std ell indebtedneee N addstion to the amount above etnted whit!, said martKagors, ar any of them, mxy owe to <br />sand mortgagee, however evidenad, wbother by rota, book ecmunt or otherwise. This rmrtgaga ehttU remain in full force nod effect between <br />the parties hereto and thew heire, peraDml reprarw [tstives, aucceeaors and assigns, until ell amounts encored herounder, including tutun~ <br />edvanues, rim paid in full with inemwl,. <br />The roortgagorrr._ hereby ansie~t ___. to sale! mortgages all rents sad incrome ttrining at any rind all tbnaa from said property and <br />hereby authorise said mortgages or ire agent. et Sts option, upon de[ault, to tabs chmge of eakf property xnd collar ell route and im;ome <br />theretrum sort apply the assns to tdr payment of intermt, Principal, inaurence premiums, taxes, aessaemesW. repairs or knprovrsmnts <br />tteaeseary to keep easel property in teaastable wnditkur, or to other chartfae or pnymmta provided far herein or in the nuW hereby secured. "Phis <br />[aril Fvsigaa-rant a6Att."a2ltiiaa iA Imso ants! the unpaid hnlacrs of acid acts is fully pant. Thu taking cf posara.-xizn hereunder +i,al! iu ao mttnner <br />prevent at retard sass! tmRgegee-in the coaectios of said soma by fareclonuro or otherwise. <br />The failure of the mortgagee W assert any of its rights hereunder et any time shall sat ba canatrued xs a waiver of itx right to xsaart the <br />sarm at 84Y later time, and to Snaist upon std enfa^x strict rnmptisnce with all the terms and provision of said note and of this rnortgega. <br />IE said mortgagor 5 ehal! canes W 6e paid to said moRgagee the entire amount dm it hereunder, std umfer-the terms end provisoes <br />of said rote hereby secured, iceluding future advnncee, sod any extemions or renewals thereof in emordance with the tenor end provisions <br />thereof, and if said mortgagor,_S._ sball compky with all the provssom of said noW sad of [hie mortgaKn, then these preaenl shell he void; <br />otlnrwiee to remain m [dl Solna a~ et~at, and said mortgagee shell beentitled to the possession of all of acid property, std may. at its option, <br />declare the whole o[ said note sad sU iodabtedneae repreeented thereby W be immediately due sad payable. std may forxh,eo this mortgage <br />~ take any other legal action to protect its right. Appraiaemeat waived. <br />Thfe tmttgage shall be banding upon sal shell enure to the bemfit oE.the heirs, a:xcutore, adn[iniatratore, sucteasxrs std assigns of th.. <br />respective parties htxeto. <br />IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, said Mortgagor3._ _ hem hereunto eat __ ___.. t-k12;r__. hand _.~. the day xnd year first above <br />1 <br />r 7 r --~~ ,Lh~- <br />wit' n. -il <br />~. <br />_--- -_ _ ._ __ _-_ - -'~- ~ - ~='s'i'r' - <br />- -- _ - .._ <br />Willis A, Lembtlrq,r <br />WiLna L. <br />