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<br />lt()~H7GAGE
<br />IGafOW At.L MEN BY TtiFSE eRFSEN7S: That Koann R. Hansen, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or rrwr, in cotrsidetatioa of the taint of
<br />Twant~r-Nina Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------ 00[.LARS
<br />lamed to said mortgagor by The Equitable Buit~ and Loan Assooation of Grand Island, Nebraska. Mortgagee, upon 29O ilram of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifigte Na. L 23+' T~ , do htttby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC[g770N the foBowht~
<br />desmbed real estate, situated in Hatt County, Nebraska:
<br />together with ad the tenements, hemditaments mtd appurtenances thereunto to^lungrng, mdudmg aua<tteJ Ituur ~ureruy(s, all window ssvecas,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, mr umditianing, anJ plumbing and water eywprrxnt acrd accesavarres thereto, pampa, stores,
<br />refrigerators, and other Fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to nr irscJ m rumrrcU:n: wuh c ad reaF raia4r.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has ugmed and does hereby agree that the mwigagor .hall anJ wdl psy all taxes oral asatsurmuts Foust u,
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bunt secure) Urere{,y brtu:r :':. ,aloe sEaU hexrxrr JeSsrsd~ns. (~? furn~s approve')
<br />irlsuranrx upon the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of spg, OOO.OO pavahle to seed LSS(X'IATION and to deltwr to rood
<br />ASSOCIATION the pc+li lea for said insurance; and oat to commit ur pet mrt any waste u:: u; ar.rus sate prnnocs,
<br />In case of default m the performance of any ui thz terms and conditions u( ihrs n unv_agc r the h and ss.wed hereby, rho nnxtga{fra~ ilr>sB,
<br />on demand, ne rntitlcd to immediate possession ut the nuxtgaged pre enJ the : sngagor} ! rrb~ .rs,rgu, Hales. mtJ lxis :~reu. ¢o ttxe
<br />mortgagee ail the rents- revenues and inwme to 6r darned from the nun tkagrd (^re - -1 a-nd t =. _~ _ t~ge ur:t«?~tzlr~~ ~~;'r (rs~
<br />a- t
<br />unpaid; and the nxrtgager shall havz the power to aplxmt! anV aarrt rsr ar ~::t: ;: n: ,- - ::er t ,:- -. ;< - -ps °v~ ;a s .~, y rrt:..g
<br />the sane a^d cutiec(ing rhr rents, ;rvcr.;xs and ircc;:re, and it :a2` uu' ~ ~:::; In.,:rr;r - „" -- intro, -- nea~~ -
<br />l Pay :t .-c tR r~,r ,-~ ;e(saremg aa;.i p*z ,+ raaijr
<br />comnrissimrs and czprnxs mcwrrJ w rcnturg and managing site same and `,~,I eufied mg :ousels iherrhmn, lira irataure rcnrauung, aJ vane, Iu twc
<br />applied toward the dixharge of ssrd v,arigag=• u~debtPdnrs<.. Utr~~ rigs ,.: - _ _. __., e. _ ..u, _ ,~,,,.. -_ 3' .v„
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waive: of !hc same - - -
<br />These Presents, however, arc opera the Cundmon, 1 hat a tis m:J \furtgagm xhaa upay +.+ul L:un a u nature the nraruuty ul +.uil slows i,y
<br />payrtrent; pay mumhly to said ASSIX'IATION u( the sum speaficJ m Use t±und xrwrJ be:cby e, uue:r~.t u:;t pnnr:i:a: un u:w' .:nn, ur: ,:: Hat:,:e
<br />the Twentiethday of each and every nronth, until sa:J loan u l ally patd. pay all taxes anJ uswssnrzm+ IrvrzJ agarnst rind prermsza and on thra Martga(pv
<br />and the 6onJ secured thereby, before drlinyuency, lunuslr approved ursurancc u{am Ur.+bwlJrngs tnenron .n rhr sum of S 2g, GOG. OG (u}antr
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay [u said ASSOCIATION upon JemanJ all mwrry by :t purl lu: such loxes, a,.+rs~n:eut. and meuraucv wnh u:tcrest at
<br />the maximum Iegal rate thereon tram date of payrrtrnt all of which \fungagur Imreht agrees to pay, prone nu wore un sod prrnusr,, keep and a•~u{xl}
<br />with all the agreements anJ conditions of the Bond fin S 2g ,GOO, OO slur Jay grveu nv :hr v:il Rtongagur w uul AS80C L\ I ION, .:nJ ,uugriy
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By~Laws ul seed ASSOI'IA PION: then these presents .+bal1 become null sad vmJ_ uthntwr.+r thou
<br />shall remain in full force and may be furecluszJ at the option ul the wed ASSU('IA PION after IaJuu• ivr ihr ee a unths :u make say ,d ,aid
<br />payments or be three months in ancars in making surf mmahly payments, o: ru keep and cunrpiy wnh qtr agrcrnuutswrJ nnrJruous e,f uW h~a:d
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appainteJ furthwnh in wch foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change in uwrership of the real estate rrwrtgaged herein, by sale ur otherwise, than re`c enirte rc- -mop mdebicdness ircrrby
<br />ucured shall, at the option of Thu P.quilable Building and Loan AssrrciaUUn of Grand Island, Nehraaka, bea>nre unuuilratel}' dire anJ payable wuhuut
<br />fudher notice, and the amount remaining due under said nand, auil any usher bond fur any addrtwnal advances made tharcunder, shall, flora dw
<br />dale of exercise of said option, bear interest at the tnaximum Icgal rate, and this muttgagc may (hen rte furrcluseJ to sattsiy the aneomu due uu son!
<br />bond,and any other nun) tar additional advances, together with alt runts part by sat) 'I'hr Equuablz Bolding and Loan Assucranun ui Grand Islarrd,
<br />Nebraska for insurance:, taxes and assessments, and abstracnng extension charges, with mtcrcxt thereon, from Jatr of pay oleos at the nu>_x.mum
<br />legal rate.
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this nturlgage remains m elfect the aaxtgagee may hcraafter advance aJJidunal sums a+ the
<br />rrokers of said Bond, their assigns or sueceswrs ir, interest, which sums shall rte within the security of this mortgage the same as der Fonds uesgmaliy
<br />secured thereby, the total amount of principal debt nut m excerJ at any time the origrnal urnowa of this :nutiga;fr.
<br />Gated fns 6th. day r,r August a. i)., n180
<br />i Qann R. Hansen ~~~
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss. On this 6th . day of AUgUS C I y 80 , br(urc me,
<br />the und ersigned, u Notary Public m and Fur sat) County, perwnally wttte
<br />Koann R. Hansen, a single p~s9n : who is persunal{y known to
<br />,
<br />,+'
<br />me to be the identical person whose -~ _ d5 - - to the above instrument xs nwrtgagur -and She >GI9t~'
<br />acknaw;edged the said ma[rument ro be
<br /># ; • otuntary~t ,,
<br />eed.
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<br />~TNFaS my load and ta~Seal tt~d3tCat rgkatd. ~~,
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<br />MY Commissmn exp::es ~ i ~ ..,
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<br />tape-zas ar ^.. Notary Public
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