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<br />54-- V *~: <br />- - Y~.1!' - <br />" <br />~~!!~ Itaide ~' E9tCed lnt8 tltta (~ ~ of <br />19ab ,by and between- Virginia M. Harris and William F. Harris <br />(hereiaafter referred to a ciortgagor) and the Adminiahator of the Small Buaioer Atiai~ae, eta a~mey of the -. - <br />GarUpmmt of-the United States of Altterira (hereinafter reterred to as mortga6ee), who-tmaimios.agi~n6ts~-~:. <br />piaeeofhminssat Empire State Building, 19th ~ Farttam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102¢ <br />~tntseasra, that fer the ooadderation heeeioafter staged, eeeeipt o~ Which- is heteb! . <br />ntettgegar~daea hetelsap moslgage, etd1, grant, aasigs, aamd convey mto-the mortgagee, his-aaae~s'~d :..~t$-: <br />of the folberins• tieseeihed-'ptroperty siioateal arts baiteq- is the rte! of Ha1Z .. <br />State ~ Nebraska <br />Lot Ttsenty-Six (2&) in Ravettwood Subdivision, Beiag a trttct <br />of Laad Cotttprisiag a Part of the South-Half of the S,outhettist <br />Quarter {S'~SE2) of Section Thirteen {13), Tot~mship Eleven ~'(11} ~, <br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. <br />Together with and including pll buildings, all fixtures including ben not limited to all plumbing, heating, ligh4 <br />ing, veutfbttiog, rafrigeralirzs, incinerating, air eonditinninq apparaws, and eleva Wrs (the ntorigagor hereby <br />declaring that it is intended that ihr items herein enumerated Shull he deemrd to beer. been prvmanently in- <br />>talled as pare of the rea-ty), and alt improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and <br />appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaininX, and the reversion and rr- <br />verroions, romainder and remainders, all riglus of redemption, and the rents, issues, and pevtfils of the above <br />de:,rri;ied' propertr~-{provided, however, that the morlgaFor shall be rntilfed iu the posses+imr of ,aid property <br />and to collect and retain: the rents, issues, and prnfits until tlrfanH hereunder), Ta have and to hold the same <br />unto-the-mnrtgagee~and the sueeessors in interest of thr mortgagee forever in fee simple or such other esWle, <br />iCany;~ ss-is~atated herein. <br />lthe~tttertgagotoetxgmb•t6ist lu-~is latritiliy seisrod--ins-posseasedof and has the right-to ee8 errs convey said <br />property; that Hutt ~ame.b ftre from-alY-encumbrances- except n hereioahore recited; and that he- hereby binds <br />hitttself atul Lis ettcaeewrs in interest to warragt aad defend the title aforesaid thereto and every pert t6 f against <br />the el~eof tdl=ltenamrtehlagsoevec. <br />This itMiromeat-isgiven to secure the payment of a promissory note dated , ~ ~ ~''~ ~ <br />ttutheprsaatpaiwatotE"-20;200:00",etgaed'LY Virginia M. and :+'illiam ~larris ' <br />in Mehslf ai themselves. <br />NA ra,s §fi fB~YS) rer.fra, r~iUaar rrr OMwirrr. <br />