s~- ~c~4zs~ ~ ~~~~
<br />- - -
<br />i4 ~' j ; ,~sadbearoan , 6era3xt= L. La~exs ate Rita i:_ beers
<br />(hereinafter referred to as rortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Bmev>aat Adai~ratiala. as rBpatf of-tha-
<br />Govetvneeat of the Unsied States of"Antaritea (hereinFfttrreferred to. u eaortga~eej, tvlwamaat~aec ydd
<br />.- -
<br />Pi~Af"~~Etapire State Building, 19tk rr Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska 68102"
<br />~tttsttse~e, eh~ for the caesiderstimn--h~a$er aiusd,::•oE arhieh::u,hnsaltf"a~,ewsr>I~e$i tia
<br />mst5dttes haxeby~ mtaggage, se~grart ~- aoti-comer: muo+thc taaetga~e,;hicsseamaass >tt~ aatierar: a$
<br />uE the ibBowin6 dera3lzd "property aitnated'amd' heiag iu the C.omny of Basil '
<br />Stated 'iebraska "
<br />The Northerly Thirty Two Feet (32'') of'lot twelve', (12)
<br />and.the Southe;ly Thirty Two, Feet"(32') of Lot Ten (10)
<br />All.. In Block Twol(2) in University,'Place, An Addition
<br />' _ '.-to the City of Grand Zsland,'Ball'Courty, Nebraska
<br />Tagetber witlt-aadiuehrdin~rll buildings, ail fixtures iateleding. but not. IimiteJ to all plumbing, heathtg, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, retrigerating;::irnineratisig, air:conditioning apparatns, and. elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declariag ihatut is iatendefl_thet ihallem~ heroin enitwerated sludi hr. deemed to iwve been permanently in-
<br />s:alledsu: part of thFrraityj,sadali_improventeMS now or;hereaf4tr existirtK.thereon; the.hereditameats and
<br />appurtenances aod;all ether. rights tberettata belonging, or. ia,anyw'iso. appertaining, awl. rite reversion -and re-
<br />~versians, remainder and-remainders, all rights of redemption, and the rent,, issues, and profits of the above
<br />' deseribed'prolxrty(provided, however, that the mortgagor shall lm retitled io the possrssioa of raid property
<br />and to eotiarF aeidirsain-#hr rears, issue,, and profits until default hereander). To have and to hold the same
<br />unto the ntorigagee and the suereseoes in inteie5t of the mortgagee forever in fee simple ar ;ash other estate,
<br />if say, as is etated'heeein.
<br />` The iatoript6or covettim4 tititt he ie iatvfrilly seized and poeiaeeed,of and has the right to seU and eoavey said
<br />pcoperty;~lNat the eaiee is ftee'fsom alI'encumlrarce~ except ae liereinabove recited; and-that he hereby binds
<br />himxlf°.attd.itlasacemaarsanriate;at.to warraatand.detend ibe title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof a~inat
<br />tbcelatntso[ al] perptuwbomooavez.
<br />~Tltts imtrumeni is given to secure the{ ayment of a promissory note dated ~K Ct ,'~/ /,¢~ ~(j ,~~
<br />io=she- tih"e alcam'of'~ / ~
<br />p ~ 55,2)00-.~00 ~ee1~' Gerald L. and Rita K. Laroffiers
<br />in het,»if of themselves
<br />- -. sansoe».var ts..rat r....a,.. masc....... os..ta..
<br />