$Q~.0tJ4275 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS-INISEtr4!'URE, made this lath day of AU4ust I9_~, by`>~'l,arme
<br />~Iirtnfe_R._-ieinhardt and Susan L_ Reinhardt,'husband -and wifie, each in his and-her°°aen
<br />of n~ t t County, Nebraska, as tmrtgsgpr~%, and Grand Iaimd Tn» Company of Grand Island, a-eapomtfon-
<br />organized sad eaetiag unda~ the laws of Nebraska with its prindpd ofHrs and pkrte of bmioesa at Grand 3stmd, Nebtselta: m t
<br />WITNE93ETH: Thatsaidmr S .Band in twnaideration of theaum of ... ._ .-
<br />the receipt of which iv hereby aelmowkdged, do by theaepxesenm mortgage and warrant uat~ a'~, ALA ~ e
<br />forever, ail the fo-owisg described real estate, situated in the County of Fla 1 7 ..Y_
<br />end Stain of Nebraska. to-wit: - - -
<br />Lot One (1 ), in Block Three !3), in Bel-Air Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Together with ell heating, afr wnditfoneng, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screere, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, sad window aliadea or blinds, used on or ht comrection with said property, whether the same are tww bwmd on said propar[y ar herwfter
<br />placed titeraor..
<br />TO fIAVE AND 1'O HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenements, herediiaments and appurtenanws therwn[a be~
<br />fongirtg, or iri anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title m the acme. Said morgegor __~__hereby covenant _.._ with said
<br />mortgagee that the ~L-_-~ rP , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner. S_. of the premises above cnnveyecl and deuritx~d.
<br />ami dre _ seized of a good and indefeasible estem of inheritance therein. free and clear of all enwmbrances, and that- t. hel__ will
<br />warrant and defend the title therein forever against the claims std demands of ell persons whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALYJAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered m secure the payment of the sum of -_ __. _ ____ -. __ __ __.
<br />Six Thousand One Hundred Fift,~ five Dollars and_00/1G0 ***uauarsis_6,155.00 i
<br />wifh interest. thereon, together with such charges end advanwa as may be due and payable w said mortgagee under the tcnns and conditions
<br />of the promissory nom of even date herewith cod setvrsl hereby, crawled 6y said mortgagor 5----to snid mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />io said cote. and to secure Che performance of all [he farina and conditions contained theroin. The corms of said nom are hereby incorpurnt d
<br />herein by this reference.
<br />It fs the intention and agreement of the parties heroin that this mortgage shall aLao severe any future advances made co avid mon.gagor_ y__
<br />by said mortgages. end say and all indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated whict, said mortgagors, or any of them, may awe u,
<br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whether by nom, bwk acwunt or otherwise. 'Phis mortgage shall remain m fuU fan and effect betwia•n
<br />the parties hereto and then heirs, personal repraaentutives, su ~ceasocs end assigns, until all amounts sacutrnd hereunder, includinK future
<br />advancee, are paid in fuC with interest.
<br />The martgagor._$_ hereby eaeign __-_ to said mortgages all rents and income arising at any and all limas from snid profmny and
<br />hereby suthotize acid mortgagee or its agent, at im option, upon demdt, to coke charge of said property and collect all rents and inwme
<br />tittle{rom and apply We-came W the payment of interest. principal, ktsureaw Premiums, tease, asseeemen[a, repairs or fmpnwemen[s
<br />neatgeary m keep said property in tenmtablewnditi~n, or to ether charges or payments provided for heroin or in the note hereby secured. 'I'h~,
<br />[sat assignmaut shelf continua iu fotc^a until the uapafd baiarce of said nova ;a fully paid. The taking of possession hr~eandc ,hall in nu :nar:arr
<br />ptevcat ce retard snid mortb'sgee is cha coAection of acid some by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />The failure of the mortgagee m assert aqy of im righm hereunder at any time shall not be construed an a waiver of its right to asses: the
<br />satin at any later time, and to insist upon and enforce strict compiiaoce with all the farms and proviaione of said note and ai this trwngage.
<br />If said mor'I,gagor S shall cause to be paid to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, std under-the tenor and provisions
<br />of said mm hereby eetntterf, incittding future advances, and any ezmpsions or ronewals thereof in accordance with the [erne end provisions
<br />therwf, and if said mvrtgegor _5- shall comply with all the pmviafons of said coin and of this mortgage, then these presents shall 6¢ void.
<br />otherwise Fo tenam fn faR force and etfea, std said mortgagee shall be entitled m the possession of all of said property. encl maY• at its option.
<br />der]e:e the whole of said mm and a0 indebtednme represented thereby m be inunediamly due amt paysble, and cony foreclose this mortgage
<br />or take aqy other legal action fo profsct ifs right. Appraisemaot waived.
<br />This ngrtgag®shall be binding upon tud shell enure [o Che beneRt of the hews, execumra, adminietremrs, aut~wsaory and assigns of thr
<br />respective parties herein.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Mortgagor._5_. hn YE'.__ hereunm set _.._ _i_.hei r_____.. hand 5._.-the day and year first shove
<br />written ° ~ "~
<br />_7
<br />_._._ _ _..... ,ifrGni ~~e`in5~~r
<br />- _
<br />~~ L .~
<br />_ £
<br />Susan L, Reinhardt
<br />-- --- - .
<br />