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lk(E MORTGAGOR FUH2'HER- NA1V'f'S AND AGREES: <br />That the Mork will. pay the irtdabtedtteas as hereinbefore provided- -. '~ <br />That the Mortgagor ie.tfar owner of said property in fee simple and tree good right and lawful authority to sett and:" - - <br />r»nvey the same and first tfte-aasrre is free-and dear of any-lien or. erteurnbrartce; and that-Mortgagor will warrant std defend the ---'.. •_~~ <br />title to said premises agafrtst the claims of alt-persons.whanisaerree.~ - - <br />To pay-immediately wfierr due and payable aft geitrrai taxes, species! fazes, tgteaaf assessments, water charges, s¢wer serv- <br />ice charges. and outer tams and charges against said property, and al} taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee. upon request, with -the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that tttert sltal7 tee added-to ~- . <br />each monthly payment requited hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured h¢reby an amount estimated try the Mortgagee <br />to he sufficient-fo etta6te tha~- Mortgagee to pay. as they become due. alt lases, assessments, and similar charges--upon'the~p7re}», __ <br />lees-aabjeet ttxretn; any r7eScier>xy because of the inaaMtcienty of such additional psymenty shaft be forthwith deposited -try -the -~ <br />Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a riefauli in <br />~ paymertt oftaxes, assewmtentn, nr stmilar charges requtred hereunder. <br />-~ The Mortgagor agrees that there shaft also be added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required-here- <br />under an amount ¢stimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, av it becomes due, the insuranre <br />'Gw premium rm ary insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of fhe insufficiency iif such Pdditiottal pay- <br />~ meats shall he forthwith d¢prtaitr-d by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee uPOtt demand by the Mortgagee. Airy detauk under this <br />paragraph shah ire rieemed a defaui± in the payment of insurance premiums. If th¢ p<il icy nr policies deposited a e such as home- - <br />owners or ell ask policies, and the rieposi is are insuffieier.t-io p;ay the entire premium, the Mortgagee m y apply the dew vit to <br />'~ pay premiums on risks required to ta! in-cured by this mnrtgage <br />Q Pa-meats made M1y [hr Mortgagor under the aMrve pars {; raphs may, nt the option of the Mortgagee, € -heid~hy it and <br />(~ rnmmingle-d with other ~ur•h funds nr ~tv own funds for the payme;n[ ref such items, and until .w aPPlird, such payments are hereby <br />pledged ae secunty for the unpmrf balariw •~( the rnur[gagr indebtedness. <br />To procure, dr•irvvr +u, and maintain for the benefit of the Sier[gagee during the ;ifs of this mortgage ociginai ryolici¢s and <br />newalis ~€heraof, delivered at least ten clays trrfore the ,•xpiration of a .,uckt {+olioi¢s.:n nog against [ire and other in cable <br />hazards, caeualtiea, end rnntirgen s the Mortgagor may require, i .. mmmt equal to the indebtednes- secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in companies ae:ceptat>le to the ~Sortgage,•, wHh tors payahle,~!ause in Savor eC and in form acceptable to the Mortga- <br />gee. In the a eat any policy a not r .wed „ ur he&,re ten d, is ,~t it expiration. the Mortgagee may procure in, urance un th¢ <br />improvrmentst, pay the premwm th,•rr(n<r. and n ;hall br~.~ mrd+atrly der rind pnyabte with incer¢st at the rate set <br />forth in ;aid noG omit yard and ..vhatt tM ..cured h~: at hrs n.,,.-_gagr~eFe+lure .m the part cf ±he Mortgagor to furnish such re wall <br />re herein required ur failure to pay a . --~ s advan„•d her<•under .hall, ar the .grt+on of [he Adortgagee. c. nstitute a rlefaul[ <br />under she terms of this mortgage The ., ~.. ,r+~,i ~u<t I,of:sir-.hall. .n the ,.u+c :.f drfsult.. nashtu to an a_aignment of the un- <br />earned premium- <br />Anv _ ~e-i _ ., Mortgage+• ! ~ Pa~.,r. ., ,.;_.,. ~iarr,agr i. _. .=<I a net m n retained h the \~:,rrgaq¢c <br />and app(trr+ tows-d ,, t:- :x -.. r_i~ . < .,..,. ,. •. ~ <,~ -hr . „ n ., n r .. <br />r.gaLrr. - ,ether ~+, o~tv <br />part map ~ paid o rr t„~t he ?YSortgagcr t, ire used t repair ~,uh - wl --ors •.r k. +.dd ~ tr..~ .road -z ,hr ~, ,sacs .-r for a < <br />other purpose -- ob}set t, the Murtgag,e with~,ut .+ff_c-.•tirv •h.~ ;i_r~ ~~n ti,~- n,orteagr in-the full amo~mr e.-ru rr •: hr e~ <br />by hef=x¢ ..uch ayment e.e. .ink p!sre <br />1b prw~ptle• regal estor_ _ rrH del a y h,:;:-d i.•„- ._ -rnpn,;-=•r.<-n rh r ._ :...retn•r • n :hr , , ~.rhu •. - ., <br />e damsged or ! irogeri~ k tF said ~> d end t -i re. arri fr , l,,,m any m ~ h n . Rlrrn oe a !her ha•n`or <br />of i. n not r arr.a r.. r ~ . .,,- , a. _v .r.,.. , s.... <br />aid property n r tarp m[ weals a d _, -. ~.iu .- - h ~r .,. ~I ~h+ ., r.p,•rt: fy r . edcPt.a;l I~.,come <br />less- valuable, nor to diminish or impa~,- its value byrar.s .wt ..r ~,a;n F~r.m ;-, ,-, ... ,. ;i:R ..,,, ..-;11 a~rl uiremrnt. ~f law with rrspeet <br />to the mortgaged prrm+ses and the use fherenL <br />That should the pre ~~ atv {,nrr ~hem.~i kx• i:+ken ~~. •a .,; hr~ - .~~„.•f ., + ina,h• unpn, •nt ~. ,undrmnat~on <br />proceeding. o under the nght+u(},-r rot dnman~, , my „thee r the yf urtgager .hail hr- rntdted ntu all rrompensauuns. <br />awards, end any other payment o relief therefor. at n shall tee rntitlednf1+tr its ~~ption, to r< nenr•e, appear in and persecute in iLs <br />own n ary action or pcaerding, , r to make ~-, om{xtt:mice ~.r -~ttt~•m,~n; .. ,-:. rct~n with =ur~h taking rnr damage A71 such <br />compertsafion. awattL, damages, nght of action and~pnx:errta a a .terehy ass+gned ~o the lfottgager, w+~o map. sfter deduet+ng <br />therefrom atF ifs expenses, release any moneys so nrntved by a ur apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby'. The 17ort- <br />gttgor agrees to execute audt further asetgnments of any comlx>nsatum, awants. damages, and nghts of action sari prsx.eeds as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That in case of fai!trr to perform ary of th<• oovr::ants t:rreir.. the ?:7cagagar :nay +! m the Mortgagor's behalf .a ryihing <br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee map also do any net rt may ~irrm o< scan a ~mhrt the hen thereof. that the Mortgagor will <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid nr disbursed by the Mortgagor rnr any of the shone pu epos and such moneys together w+th <br />inter~f thereon ak the rake provided in said note shall txa~wnr uch arldu moat !ndrhtwtnrssa hereby .scored and rosy Fee in <br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this mnrtgage and tr t!md nw ••f the rents or pr«orrxfs ut ,ale of caul pramisrs if not n[herw+se <br />paid; that it shall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee to mqu+re mw the validdy of any hen, encumbrance., or claim ~ ad~ <br />venting-moneys as shove authorised, but nothing herein contained shall be conainterf as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any <br />moneys for-any such purpose nor to do any act hereunder, and that Mortgagee shat! not incur any personal liability because nt any- <br />thiae-it may do or omit to do hereunder. <br />!a the event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment ut any inststlment, u acquired by the Note .- red hereby ~~ <br />in the performance of the obligation in this mnrtgage or in the note sceured ther¢by, thesMortgagee shall hr roll tl¢el to drr,lsre rho- <br />debt secured hereby due and payable without notice, aru7 the Mnrtgageu shall be entitled at rte option, wdhout nvt+m..•ither by dsell <br />or 1rY a ieeeiver to be aDPointed try the court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness w- <br />cured hereby, to anise upon and take p[rs§edsiod of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and rereive the rents, is rs noel profit <br />thereof, and apply the same, less costs of operation and rolleclion, u{wn the indebtedness se red by this n urtRag¢; sail rents, <br />is+nree-and pre8ta being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further security-far the payment of ail indebtednravtsecurert hereby. ,- - <br />The Mortgage¢ shall have the power to ap{win! any agent n agents it may desire for [he pu epees of rrpatring said prim- <br />iaea: renting the same; collecting the rents, revenues and i come, and it may pay out of said in me all expense. matrrcd m rat- <br />ing and managing the same and-of collecting the rentals ihere(mm. The Fralance remaimnq, it any, shall hr applied toward the o- <br />aiacharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This savignment is to terminate and trecomr cull an<I void upon r<•Irasr of this mortgage. - <br />