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<br />1 t3 `~. 'YS~' M(7RfPtYfAGOR F[IRTff?ER (~YENAPIf'S Ah'D ACaREF°: <br />That tier Mortgagor evil! pay the iradebtednrta ea hrxinaefox yxvided. <br />9~ That the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in tee simp4e and has good right and lawful aut}eority tr se?I and -- -- <br />7 rnnvey the same a~ flat for same a Ciee~aad clear-at any lirn or enett~treace; and that Mortgagor wilt warrant and ~drferid fire <br />title to said prem~ agairot tlte_daims-of atL perao[n~ whoe[+cevrr: <br />To hay immediately whendue and payableall-genrrat•taites, special Lases, speaal affiessrrtents. water charges: sewer serv- - _ <br />ice charges. and-atlrer rases and charges against said propettp, and atl taxes levied on the deht secured hereby, artd to furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon rsgttetN; with-~ the original or dvpli[u[te receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there-shat! .be~, added to-~ ~ - <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidener of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee- <br />~ to I>e-sa9ic,eat-Yn=enahie-the-MGefgager to Pay, as they bernme due, ail to:ea, assessments. and similar chargs~ npon-2l~-pawn-.- __- <br />ilea -subject thexfn; any deficiency because n! the insufficiency of such additional payments shall be forthwith-deposited-hy the -- <br />~Mortgsgor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deemed a rlriaulf in <br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder. - - - <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt also lw added to Pach mun[hiy payment nt principal and interext required-here- ~ . <br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance- <br />premium o any loco rancY Iwlin• delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency heeause nF the insufficiency of such additional pay- -- <br />menfs shall tee farthwiih deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the hinrtgegee. Any detavlk-unde'i'this <br />paragraph shell tee deemed a default in the Payment aC lose raneePremiums. I( the policy or pnli4ies deposited are such as home- ' <br />owner; or ail risk policies, and the depusiL are insufficient tb psy the entrn• premium, the Mortgagee m - apply the deposit fn <br />pay premiums on risks required to he insured by this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragt~aphs may, at the :rption of the Mortgagee, be held hy~it and <br />commingled with other such funds or iLs own fonds for the payment of such items and urtfil w atiplied; such Payments arethereby <br />pledged as .security for the unpaid balance nt the mortgage indchtedneas. <br />-fu procure. rieliver [u, sect n aintain Fur the ItPnetit r,i thr• Mortgagee rturing the life of this mortgage original Policies and <br />enewals thereof. delivered m leas[ ten days t,etore the rzprruion of a .unit poheies. in ring against fire :rod other insurable <br />hazards, r~sualties, and wnkingencies as the Mortgagee may require, ire amount equaEuto the indebtedness secured by this <br />Mortgage, and in ~ mpan accePtabte to the Mortgagee, wrth Inss payatsieaclause m~avor of and m form acceptable to the Mortga- <br />gee. In the a ant any policy ~; net r wed r. r haters t n day.v ut rs •xpuannri. th.- Morlga;eee rosy procure insurance on the <br />improvements, Pay Lhe premium therefor, and'mch s m shall heo~me immedraiely due and payable with interest at the rate set <br />forth in said note until paid urd shat! hr .r~cu red by r±hi-s ntertgago Iraduee <.n the pert nF the l-fnrtgagur to [urnrsh such re vats <br />re herein required .:r fadure In pay x ur .:dva road hrreumier .belt, at flip r,pircn ,rf flip Mortgagor•, r~-nstitutP a rletault <br />under the terms of this mortgaee- The dehven~ ::. _u< uue- ,hall ~.n the •-vein of default, o_nstrtut<• an yssignment of the un <br />earned premium. <br />Any sums r -red by the `d nttgagee b. -. __n of L.+ ,1nr ¢u Ke ;.,_ ref a ... . _ , releme<! by the 1k:Ngagee <br />and aPP1iH1 toward the ptymrr.<. •;t ;he= .iebt heretic ss«<.. r.,i. ~~~- art t.. <.phr,o :~f the ^~urtgag~. wrh mums ertber wholly or in <br />par^, may b2 ,rahE -Pr +:, tip Mn.-~~•rnr ~ .x :.',x ..-. -t,.. ~ .tit::. .., u' i.L':;d:..w- .; -- << .. ,.. <br />ether Purpose ., ubint satesfac-tury to rite \L.rrgagr.- .. ai~r.ut afirctu:e tiny-.,~..n..rr t~,<- v.crtgar G,r rt.e tell ate .,ac.t --re.rd beer <br />Before sucn payment r._r t~a,k piano. <br />Tu p€om ptly reps -_ , e r,•ut~fu+ _ t.t n~ ~ r. .... -_ ~k ..r -t<r .,n tn,. t . - been '-. - <br />e damaged or de tmyrrlr :, }:ee}e aid t - F,r,d r odic ,- . nd :end t r • t.nm ~« t r han«c . hen o ether lienh+•r <br />claim of lien nut expressly suhcrdmated to the life Err.-ot. ,:ur 6, .;: P. r ~, : n:r .:.,. -rulawfc:l ~.,~ , , ., , - r,u., .. ,• . .u, <br />said property n r to pe rot waste c caul Ire t.s. mrr t.. d,, .. nether act ,v herv~h~~ r.r ~ {r n:u<•rrr i,. orbs ~r nr , d shat! fwrome <br />less valuable. n r to rbmmish c mPa~r rts value by » - ,« r .~r on,r-ssruu ,., .,,=t- :,, ~ ,~ rph :. dh a; n•*Iwremrnts ~~t ~hnv with respect <br />[n the mortgaged premises xndrthe use thereof <br />"Phut should the Premiv~s r. v turn rhrn•=.1 t.~ :a.. .r ,I.rrnaR~~,r by :. .,n ~,, n: - i,uhhr :nap rovemerrf . r.:nn< .. tuunn <br />proceeding, or tinder the right of eminent domain. ,rz rn raher manner. the 0.7c+rtga„es• .licit b.~ : nhttad m all- rnmpeasabons <br />awards, and any other payment ur retie( th<-a•Cor. and shallvbe entitled. a4 its uptiun_ trr oo c appear in sort prrxsecute m its <br />r name any action <r pr redmK- r to rocks any- u,mpr, rs« :: settle-meet a .:., ~wch takrng ur dmnage- All such <br />coropemation, awards, damages. right of action and proceeds a e hereby asiyneri to the Mortgagee. who may, after deducting <br />therefrom all its expenses, release anti- moneys so r<v:etvrd by it . r apply the crone wr any ntdebtedness srcure<I hereby. The ~tun~ <br />gagor agrees to execute such furttter assignments of any cunt{tensabon, aw ands. darsrages, amt nghts u( ncbun and proceeds as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That in case of [ailurc to perform any of the cnvenanta hereon, the Afitrtgagee may do ern the Mortgagor's behalf everything <br />m covenanted: that the Mortgagee may also rlu any act it may rirrm r. ~<-scary to protest the hen ther<-nF, that the Mortgagor wdi <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee t<s,r any of the starve purposes. and such n .together wrth <br />interest thereon at for rate Provided in said note shat! Ixcume s. uch addtaunat meirbtednrss hereby .<< nst rend may Iw in <br />eluded in any decree foreclosing this murlgage and tin paid out of the rents or poxes-ads of sale of satd prcmmes if not otherwise <br />paid; that it shall not he obligatory upon the Muregsge to mqw ne into the validity of nny lien, rncumhrances. o claim m aJ- <br />vaneing-moneys as above authorized, but nothing herein eontamed shall tx• ronatru<sl as r<etutiinK the Mortgagee to advance »nv <br />monrya•for any sash pvrpasa ear to da any a ~. hereunder. and that Mortgagor .hail not incur any irrr:,unal habdity isr<nux of any- <br />thing_it,may do or omit. to da hereunder, Ii <br />In the event oC the default by hfortgngor in the payment nt any installment. as requiravl by the Note necurrd hereby.. { <br />in the performance u( the obligation in this mortgage or in the notes .red thereby, the ,Mortgagee snail be rninteri m dN<iare the I <br />debt secured hereby due and payabte without notice, and the Mortgageershalt be entitled at rts opuon. wuhout ounce, etthcr 6y ttselt j <br />or_by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof. and without regard to the adequacy of any ae::u ritq fur the indebtedness .<-- JI` <br />cured-hereby, to enter upon and take Postes'siori ref the mortgaged promises, attd to collect and receive the mots-. rssura and profits <br />thereof,-and apply the same, .less costa of operation and c Ilection. upon the indebtedness !secured by this mortgage; satd rents, <br />issires~and pxfitstreing hereby assigned to the Mortgage as further security for the payment of alt indebtedness secuceri hereby. <br />The Mortgagee shall have the power [n appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pu ruse of rrparrinr, said Prem- <br />ises; rentrng the same; crollecling the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay nut of satd income all expenses mcurre[i m rent- <br />ing tvd~managing the same and u( collecting the rentals theretrom. Tho balance remaining, if any, shall hr applied toward the <br />discharge of the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is tr. terminaM and became null an<I void ulwn release .d this murlgage. <br />J <br />