-- 0~ 4253 11+ifl~'I'G1~G~
<br />day- Augast......... ..
<br />18.8¢ , botsraam fire liioetgagnc, ~~, SC. M...M4[#tI.S ./,~H).1~9f~,11t~ .E.. MQ~t I:S, . htr5t~artd: a#td .vl f~`
<br />............ . . . . . ~ - . - - - - ............. (het "Bmsoac+er'q, sod' the. Home- Feetaaa~' .
<br />Savatga and Loan A~ottiati~, a eaepeeatioa attd tmti~ fire fawe of The i3rdte~ 9tatae of
<br />America: ttrlroee address is 221 Hearth Locust Street; {hand Ials$tl, Nebrasska (>[~s "Leader").
<br />UiryiP~F ,~C, 8orrowez is indebted to Lender is the principal st[m of. TH i RIY, FL?UR THOtiSAtlt3 TWO: k~f)
<br />ANO N01 t t3U------~--------- ....---- Ooilars, which indebtedness is evidenced.by Aortpveec's tm~,:
<br />....:... Rtytisf' { 3; "l9tid ........ .
<br />........................... (herear "Note"}; Providing for monthly installments of grtnc[pal aad interest,
<br />wifh-[he balattce.of t1re indebtedness, if not-soarer paid, dne and payableon..... Q.September;,i.,;Z(}89 ..: _.
<br />To SecrmE to.l.ender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the-Note, with interest theretm; the
<br />paystent-o€ all other sums, with interest ihe;eoa, advanezd in accordance herewith io protec[ t#e scrXUity of tna'
<br />Mortgage, arui the performance of the covenanu and agreemenu of Borrower herein contained, and (b} the repayment
<br />of arty fanrre advartees, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Funrre'Advaaces"}, Borrower does hereby mor~tg~aagge, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />leeated',im the Cottnty of .................. tfAL1..................., State of Nebraska:
<br />whit#ttact#eaddreasof ................Lot fO,..Campbel,l. Ave:...., ..... Con.i.phan.........,
<br />[StreeU leibt
<br />.... Nebraska 5$$32 ...therein "Property Address");
<br />..............
<br />[stela arm fro et ORt
<br />Tr3c~i'Ht:tt-wit#-all t#e-improvements now oe hereafter uected on the properly, aad all casements, rights,
<br />apputtertances, rents, royalties, mrneraf, oil grid gas rights and profits, water, wafer rights, and water stock, and all
<br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, ai) of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be
<br />deemed to be aAd remain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said
<br />property (or the leasehold estate if this Mortgage is un a leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfullq seised of the estate heeby conveyed and has the right to mortgage,
<br />grant-aad ccmvey the. Property, that the Property is unettcumbered, and that Borrower wilt warrant and defend
<br />ge[[eratly the title [o the Property against al! etainas and demands, subject :~ any declarations, casemeots ar restrictions
<br />lisietl in a se,'tedule of ~xxceptions to coverage in any title insurartcs: poitcy intnring t.enttei s inzcrest itt the iroperzy.
<br />~-i to i Fapily-6175--FMIWFNtMIC UNIFOiM tt~iMUMEMi
<br />