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~~~=~~:`~ SHORT FORIA lJmn _ 45124----- 1 - 54 <br />FRO~RTY iMFROYr~Yt$N'T 'iwi-"- <br />Foaw TVO.2tt tRSV, lthn <br />REAL ES7CATE MORTGAGE <br />~-•- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 Kxow ALL MEN EY THIS rrrs <br />~rf. Steven CTGardner and Carol L. GardneryYhusband and wife,L_jointly and each f-n <br />their own right <br />hereiIIafter Called Mortgagors, in confficteration of dire stmt of..73~E19:CX..Tf~E..Tltaff~yg~;-n H,rxa umannvn <br />SEVENTY FOUR AND 261100----------------- __--- ____--_____ <br />(~ 23,974.26 )DOLLARS, the receipt of which is hereby aclmowledgeA, do hereby MORTGAGE <br />and CONVEY an absolute title, inducting all the rights of homestead and inheritance, Hato FIRST <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, heleinaftm tilled <br />Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated ia......_.FIa11-...-.-._.._... <br />County, State of NEBRASKA, to-wit: <br />The Southerly Forty-four {S44} Feet of ;,ot Two (2), and the <br />I4ortherly Twenty-three (N23) Feet of Lot Three (3}, all in <br />31ock Twelve {12), Clausen Ccuntry View Addition to the City <br />of Grand Island, Hall County, tYebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HO'L,D the real estate above described, with all appurtenances thereunto <br />beloagL~g vats the said Martgagce, forever, pprovided always, and thi mortgage is upon the eapreas con° <br />dition that if the aforesaid Mortgagors, their heirs, eaecutora, adrnir,eatrntors or assigns shall pay or rauas <br />to be paid to the said Mortgagee, iffi successors or assigns, the principal sum hereinabove set forth, all <br />according to the tenor and effect of a certain installment note of said Mortgagors bearing even date with <br />this mortgage, and shall pay tries and assesemenffi levied upon said real estate, and all other taaea, levies <br />and assessments levied upon this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure, before the <br />same or any installment thereof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be void, otherwise to remain <br />in full force. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to ay such tasea, the <br />Mortggaagee may pay the same and the sum so advanced with interest shall be paid gy said Mortgagors, <br />and this mortgago shall ats~d ae security for the eame. (Z) That Mortgagors covenant vnth the Mortgagee <br />that theq are lawfully eeirxd of said real estate and covenant to warrant and defend the said real estate <br />against the lawful rlaima of all persona whomsoever. (3) That in case of a foreclosure of this mortgage, <br />the plaintiff in such proceedings shall be entitled to take possession of the premises, protect the same and <br />collect the rents, issues and profiffi thereof. (4) That a failure to pay any of said money or any install- <br />ment thereof when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply wtth any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shall cause the whole sum of money herein secured to bernme due and collectible at once at the option of <br />the Mortgagee. <br />.: <br />Si ed this. %x da ~ ~: . <br /><-i=- <br />.: do ~ / r !.•< ~ t-~ ...._..- <br />~ raven 4 ~arunr9r <br />/ ~ v <br />STATE OF NEBRA8ISA Carol L. Gardner <br />Roll ss <br />. _....._.__.._-__-._....~._..Cotmty, <br />~. ~ <br />Oa this .._..1..~......... day of ....r:L/.~~,Gst..;::~.~....., 38.x'.:'. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and fox <br />f <br />saH cotmty, piwsomlly came ...Steven C. Gardner an„ii_~3.~ei....L,...._GaxdAex.....husband_and..xez.fe,-.......... <br />penofmlly (mown to me to be the identical petsoa whaee games are allized to the above and foregoing instrument, ae <br />moxtgagots, and each actmowledged said imtrumeut to ba his or her voluntary aM and deed. <br />witaeea my hand sad notarial seat at._......._Grand.Islandr ;:ebraska <br />t]u date Imt shave written. ....................................._................_.......__-... <br />- ~ <br />`. <br />fi EEMERAtaafApY-tt~l~alNHrnf~ otaryPubha <br />i~ COallmaelon ~ F <br />e:inres_....-.._....-.. - •• ........_...>~anoifas..BasFs <br />T'-"""'°:... ___MV Cnmm`Erp. Oat. t!. l9et <br />