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'_ . � _S . . . — . ` . , i " � _ �._.. <br /> n <br /> � ``` - " . .-r` ' 4 — I�'�-.�'z�,.. `. '_ . . _. � . �c. . � �` �� . ;,� �•'— <br /> -, . - -. � . c.._ �a='vi-_:"=+ . _ _ . . -- .t ' -- ,v-_. <br /> � " <br /> �. . <br /> � i <br /> , . ,. ._ � , , �� —.- <br /> , �":� <br /> � ... <br /> . :. <br /> _. . . . � 11. :_�^ .. :c' _ ' _ _ . .. _ . <br /> . °. " _.. � -� ' -� �� - - � , ' � ' ' � <br /> -- • . �..i .. ` _ _ • . _ - , <br /> �� � _ . � ;� -.. � - 9��� ��a�3� .- � - <br /> ' .�n�tion w atise�t�icing of any part of tbe Propeny.or for convey�oe ia iieu of,rondeettu��e heieby assigaed and " - <br /> shalt be paid to l�nder. � ' . <br /> . In tt'ie e�ent of a total talcing of the PrupcRy. th�pmceeds str�kt:be appli�d tottt��swn_i.recuted by this Secnriry,. <br /> � Insnuinee�whethec or not the�t due.weth any eaces�paid to Bocrower: In tha e�renF�o$u partial taki�g of the Property �n ,, _ <br /> � wFiuh the fait,market rsiue of the Property immediatel�befoce the takitig is ec�ua�ca or��ater than the atnuunt of ttte sums <br /> _ ` secured by[his Security G»rument immediatef}befare ihe talcing.untea.�BunowcF artsk Lendes oti�•isr agree in writing. . --- <br /> the sums s�ured hY tl�is-See�si�Y Insu�ttnen�shal{be reduced 6y th�•amount of thu.�ceecis multiplied by the fultawin� <br /> fr.�ction: (a)tt�e total amount of the sums serurod immediatel}6efara�,fhe taf:ing:dividsd by[hl the f�ir_marl:et vatue af tf�r _� <br /> — -.�.__.�. � . . � <br /> � property immediately before the Iaking. Aay halanae shil!6e pai�cia.Busrower.�: leE;tA�er•ent of a partial tafung of the , . _ - - ------ --- <br /> _ Ycopertjr in whlch the fais martcet vaiue of the Prope�ty�mss�diatelyt;peforc the taKings�is tes�than the amuunt of the�ums =- <br /> - = seccu�d immediate[y befot+e tGe tal:ing.untess Bonowes and 1-end�s•othen�ise a�in w�riring or untess rpplicabte taw ' v _�_ <br /> ue <br /> - ' ��is�pmvide.s.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured:by�this Security,[�:itntmeat whether°r nut the sums are �,�__�y-- <br /> '-_ -- � then due. � . . �=- - - <br />.`•� �'� � If the ptupertjr is.abandoned by Bomower.or if.after notice by�jl.ender to 8aaow,t�:ihat the condemnor offe�to mat�� __ --- _ <br /> _ � . �awar�or settle a claim for bamages.Baraccer faits to tiesp4nd ta�iA�nder within:3(Urf�js after the date,the naGce is given.., . ____-- <br /> I.ender is authonud to coilecr and app ty t h e p r o c e e d.s.a t i t s o p t i o a i�e i s h e r t a�t o r a t n�i n n r r e p�s i r o f t h e P r u p e r►y or ta the . ---- -__--- -- <br />- ''s�ms sec�rrd E�y d�is Securiry Ir�strument,wheti�c ar not then due. � �tion o8:p�cx.'eKds to P*imiPal shall not eatend or �.�.�,=����_- <br /> Unless l.endec an�Botmwer at[rernise agrec•in writirtg.ariY,'�PPt� �---_—� <br /> ree <br /> +!ancE?ur•�hae�t!�amc�unt af suck payments. `��;�-�-_ -- <br /> .post�wna the due date af the monthIY�aYmentstefe�d m in par.►�ra�. <br /> . 1!. Borrower Not Rekascd; Focbtacance B� Lender �b�t,:a��1'�i�er:: �xi'enYioa n€the time for payrttent ar . ��==-:_-_ <br />•,,` •. .-__r-=—� <br /> � modfication of amort'vrtion of the sums secured by this Se�aritF fisirume�st.grante��l.eiuier to aay succesx�r m in[eresY `•;';�<y- -- <br /> ' �" � of 8orrowec shall nat oQrrste to refeaxe the liability of tt�origin�;Surrowef o�'e�ts'He�'"���in interetit.Lende� . __.;.;;; <br /> ., ;'�= �- , <br /> `_';:;s�: _ r - shall not 6e required to commence pmceedings again�t aity succe�:�;r in irttecest or��eficse csr�.;teisd time for gayment nr • <br /> .�,�,;; atierwise nsodify amortiz�tion of the sums secure�!t�y-this Sec�uity��Tftrument by tra.5o,ti4 of aay.rien�m�y��not be a +��:'`. <br /> � - Barrower or Borrower's saecessors in interest. Any facbearanoe��,.�n�ier irt ete�i:►i?��ac�.ri�i� . - r-« �_ <br /> .;,�', � waiver of or pmclude the ezer�ise af any ri�t or mmedy: . . :. : . . nts of this � _ <br /> � t Z.,Succ e s s o r s a n d A s.�B o u a d:J d n t a o d S e i e r a l I.i a h i l l t y:C��•'�co�•enacits ais�i:►gseeme . . <br /> _ �,,-Y`-:: �' Security In.ctrument sh:dl bind and beaefit the successors and assig4+s af Lenderand�8orreswer.subject ta the p�isions o f _ , _..�� _ - <br /> ` ��'���-'�• " 1�.Borrower's covenan�s and agrecmeatti shail be joirit.aad several�Ar�'',flarrawec wha co-si�ti this 5ecurity "rr.-- <br /> �,�.�,>,: -.,._ paragraPh 1 and cunve that '�.- <br /> ' �='-"`` ' lnstrument but does nat e?� the Note: lal is casigning this Savrity Instrumetst�inly to muc�gage.gran Y _ <br />_ ,y......�._::_�' , .�..--- <br /> , ; .f.:,;�._..�, <br /> :,� ��r�. � ,.-:;-' . . Borrower's interest in the Froperty underthe tertn4 of this Security,�ristrumenr� tb1 is tt4t pe�scmaliy obligatedla pay the tiums .. � _ <br /> • ri -_,.• . ^�'" <br /> . _ .�:�?��'�,.:.:;�, �,_ �� ��. secured by this Securit}Qtnuumenr and(c)agrees that l.ender and-tu►y othor Bntscw�er may��ree to extend,modify.for6ear . �, <br />. ���+�- - '�=or make any aceommadations with regacd to the tertns af thi4'Scr+irity Inwruitisa�oc 1he Nate withaut ihat Baaawers ,- <br /> 'i'`t ��,`'�. t� ..�,.r;,' ; :� conscnt. � ' .�_ <br /> • � ,.�h�('r; • " `,�.; : 13. Luan Charges. If the toan tiecured b�thi. Security;#nurumen� is,u[rj��rt tc�a law which set�+maximum loan �_-_ <br />