80-- ~Q4225
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<br />~S. »>~ sad `huo ttat. d _ ~ '7 ~ ~` d Y ._
<br />19 aqd hetwem Harold G. Ft~tton and Rase E. Fenton
<br />(6arein:ftat xferxd to as rsortge~or) and the Adminietntor of the Small Susiaw Adsinatratia~. as a~tmay~'[lar
<br />Govwmegt of the Utssted States-af Aquriea (hereinafter xferred to as mortgagee), wtto tttafnOtigs sae-a~oe•aad
<br />plaaeefbraasat Empire State Building, I9th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska b8f42
<br />•tt+ [hat .for the ewaidentian bereiaafter Rated, receipt of which is barely ~nowle~.the
<br />' does taottgage, Belt, ttraut, aaaiigo, and-convey ante the mortgagee, hie attasmasot~ and atig~:aAii
<br />of the folbwiag prapeety arrested and ~ iq the Counq of Hat 7
<br />^.s.a' to a£ Ne}~as:.a -
<br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Block Five (5), in. College,
<br />Addition to West Lawn, in the Citp of Grand Island';.
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Together with and igrluding all building>, all fixturee including-but not limited to alt plwnbtng, heating, light-
<br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, inrineratittg, air conditioning apparalu., and elevators (the mart}gattur hereby
<br />declaring dial i{ ia.inlendeal that the irenu herein enumerated shall l,e deemrd to have been prrmanently in-
<br />>tailed a+ part of the realty), and all improvement, now or hereafter rxi~tiny thece¢n; tl,e hereditamegts ar+d
<br />appurteganrxn: aqd all usher rightw thereunto belagRiot;„ or in anywise appertaining, aad thr rrvreti ieq aqd re-
<br />ren:iocu, remainder and r+emaiadei•a, al) righ{s of redemption, and the rent,, issues, and profits of the alw+r
<br />dewrrihad°P'nPertY (Provided, Fwwevrr, the[ the mortt;n#or sha{I Ire entitte,l h, ihr lws:r..iou ui ~..+id prol,rrtv
<br />and it{-tolitrt and retatq-the natNs, issues, and l+rofits until detach hereunder). '1'o trove and -rn iroid the aa+ne
<br />unto-thetnortp,.aFee-aqd-the :~uceeasurs in interest-of the moMgogee t¢rever in (re simple ur -ereh other estate,
<br />if. any: e;a ia.eteted"herein.: .
<br />'1"he artnttgi•~r coyeganta thit he a hwlally witted aqd pewesaed of and has the right to sell aqd aagvey said
<br />prapertyt -tttst [he setae-ie free ftagr all eocucabratced except as hereinalwve"teeited: sad that he 6etehy 6inda
<br />himael! wd hu soeceatora is interest to warraai alai dafaad [he title aforesaid thereto sad avert' pact thereof agaitw
<br />the elms of p~aana teAonaaoever.
<br />Thu iasirumeat is gives to secure the pagmaai of a promissory note dated ,s- ~_!,Ij,,.;,~' '--"
<br />iathq_w'iaoiptttsgasaf-(!--24f~f.1Q;4p:-.sa;hy. Harold C. Fenton and 12one E. Fenton
<br />in ht~ha!{ „{ tite>$selves.
<br />~x r:.m ,z. ,s-rs+ a,.,a,,. ra;,~.~ ... as,otx.,
<br />