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$~r-- 04219 <br />Lendtc's u'rinen agrcemcnt or applicable law. Aorrauer shat! pay the amrn+nt of :r!! mnrt^.agt insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts dishu: ud by Lender pursuant [O this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shalt became additional <br />indeMrdness of Dorrower secured by this Marteage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. sucF. <br />amoams shaD ix payable upon notice from Lender to harrower requesting payment thereof. and shalt hear inieresf from the <br />date of disburscmrnt at the rate payable from time to time nn outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such tale wenld be contrary to apphcablc taw, in which event such amnunu shall hear interest at the hig}sest rate <br />permissible und__-r applicable law. Nothing contained in Phis paragraph 7 shall require Lender [o incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. fnspecrinn. Lender may make oz cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Praper+y. provided <br />shat i.ender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying :casonable cause therefor related to Lcnde~s <br />interest in the Properly. <br />q. Cortdemnatioa. The proceeds of anv award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, ip- connection with any <br />condemnation ar other taking of [he Property. ar part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall lx applied to the sums secured 6y this Mortgage. <br />wiUt the excess. if any. paid to Harrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Aovower and Lendtr <br />c+therwise agree in writing, there shag tx applieA to the sums secured by ihi= Mortgage ouch proportion of the proerxds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this 1lortgagc immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediateh• prior hz the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid In Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by florawcr. ar iL of;er notice by Lendtr to Borrower that the candemaar offers w ma:,e <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails ra resportd to i.ender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is avihoriud to collect and apply the proceeds. at f_endcri option. either to restoration er repair of the <br />Propeny ar to :he sums secured by this Margage. <br />l!nless !.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in ,writing. any such apnEicntirn: of proeceds to principal shall not extent <br />nr postpone the due Jale of the mrouh{y installments referred to is paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time (or paymrnt or mndific:pion of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interes[ of Borrower shall no! operate to release, in any manner. <br />the Lability of the original Borrower and Barmwer's successors m interest. Lender shall not be required M commence <br />proceedings agairst such successor or refuse to extend time (nr payment or nthencisc modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made hp the original Aormwer :end &xmwcr's successors in interest. <br />I1. Forbearance by [,ender Nnt a Waiver. Am• forhearancc M' Lcndcr in txcrcisir;g am• right nr remedy hcrcunder, or <br />otherwise aTordal by applicable la.w. shall oat Iw a waiver of n preclade the exercise of anv such right or remedy. <br />Toe procurement of insurance ar the payment of lase, or other lien, or <harecc by Lender shall not he a waiver of Lenders <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness colored by this biorrgagr. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. A!I remedies provided in this >fnrteace a.e distinct and cumulative to anv other right er <br />remote ender This Mortgage or afforded by law nr ryuits'.:uui may he extr,+sed concurrently. independently or successively. <br />I3. 5uccessors and Assigns Boned; Jvinl and Several liability; (';ry' prRZr~g _oven;tms ynd agreements herein <br />.:ontamed shaft hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure to. the respectttre";rtcccssors Aiit)pissignc of I-ender and Dorrower. <br />subject to tine provisiots of paragraph t7 hereof. :VI c<venants am XgYeentents nf. B`ofrmrrer shall he ;nine and several. <br />-. <br />The captions and headings a( [he paragraphs of this Rinngagc c:stcfnr'a+h:~enicnee~,dal3'--,:end arc not to he used to <br />minty rct nr define rhr provisions hereof. ~y- <br />14. once. Emcpt for any notice requu d rndtr apphcabl 1~ : ~f br'~ii q rn #~ ma•mtr. (.;; m:: +:,xme to <br />Brrxwer provided (or -r the. 'sf ortgage ;hall h t,~v t 1 y t cr by _ccrfificii matt addresscd 'o Dwroucr at <br />the Property rsddrexs or t s ch other .tddresa ac Dt rrc ucr mas srgrre ~ t } ,ton (d LenBcr as prowdcd Loreto, a.nd <br />(h) am' notice to Lcndcr shall he en~en by ccrtifitd marl rc!lrm rcc~!'',[^-q.CieS!cd.-._tts`Z•.i:ndct'=. address crated harem n- <br />saeh •ther address as Lcndcr may d signals by mice to D rnnstr a@ ppts fi3ed=hergasj.' retie : ore pro' clod (or in this <br />r.4c+ngage shat! he deemed to have 'seen given to Darrowtr or Lcndcr wheg,gttfAn ii# I$e, sri:nmcr clcsienated herein. <br />75. Liniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Scv erability. !'hie h,nn of mor~~g'e~e'{''dinbines umforrn covenants for national <br />use and non-uniform eovenams with limileci yaria[inns by jurisdiction In consul ufe a uni(onn stcuril}' insfrm noel covering <br />reel property. This Mortgage shall be governed by the is of the µinalittian in which the Property s lotutcd- in the <br />event that any provision ar clause of this Mortgage nr theiNote con0ictc +vith applicable law, such ennlliet shall not aQect <br />other provisions a( [his Mortgage or the Note which ~ n be given sliest without the antllicting provision, and k) this <br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the \ote are declared to he severe Mc. <br />16. Horfower's Copy. $orrowtr sb:dl he furnished a cnnlnrmeai copy of the Note ant n( thh Mangage at the lime <br />of execution ar after recordation hucni. <br />17. Transfer of the Pmoerty; Assumption. If :iD or anv par! u( IiM Property pr an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Aorrowcr without Lender's prior xvri teen cansrnl. excluding (:q the crcntion o(a lien nr atcumhrmme suhordinatc In <br />this Mortgage, (bY the creation of a purchase money cocotte} :ntercv fur household appli:mccs, (cl :: transfer by devis_, <br />descent or by ''+peratioa of ;aw upon the death n(a joint tcn;rm or p:,ac.iass~- <br />Lcndcr may.:u Lcndtt's option, declare all the sums saurred by this Mortgage to L•r, <br />hnmediately' due and payable. 1 ender shall have ++etved such opton t+. aceelerut i(, prior m the ,ale or u:msfer. Lender <br />and the person to whom the Property is t,: he sold or !rmsrcrrcd reach :~~ em in urning that the credit of ouch person <br />is satisfactory n> Lender and that the intrrea ryr;ahle on the eum+ srcaredih.`iti hi, Mong:rge ,hail hr at such rate as Lendtr <br />shalt requ_st. 1( Lendtr has wmved the option u, accclcr.ttc provided i ihi, p.n _rrph 1'. and :I Rorrou cc's susee,or <br />interest has executed a wrinen assumption agreement uccepttJ in .. rinng by 1 ender. I ender ,hall relr:nc Dorrower fro+m ail <br />ebligapans under this Mortgage and rhr Note. <br />1(I ender ezercines such opuon to a~ccleratr. Lcndcr ,hair marl Borrow rr notrct of n9urit+an : auordans uuh <br />nat;+g r.+ph i3 ix=root Sash nptict shalt providt n period or rot icr than }..:i,s. !n+:n Rte d:ur the noti. ~• ~.•.,i1ed uithm <br />whreh Borrow-tr may pay the sums JeclarL•d due. II Don octet Imis m p:n ,.i - _,nn .~- the c rotten ...ugh nenod. <br />Lender may. uithoW further noucr nr demand nn Hon'ou cr :nsoAc ~ a..+, ,,:as pc:male+r :,t parag::q,!! I1 heicn( <br />NoN•UwFoant CoYEw ANlS Dorrower and tsndtr fm tltei " r Ham and aer cr .,: l.:i i,,u> <br />18. Arcelerationt Remedies. Except as provided in parugruph 17 by ~of, upon Ronuwu s 6reucl+ of au) a roam u. <br />agrccment of Borrower in this Mortgage, incinding [hc ruvvuauts In pay +w hen due am ,unn secured try Ibis ~\!ortgage. <br />Lender prior fo arcMerafion shaD atnif Halite 10 Rormwer ns provided in purat;raph IJ hereof specifying: ell lets breath; <br />f2) the action required to cure cosh breach; I1) a date, not Tess than 3U da}s from the ilan• the notice is mailed 1n Borrower, <br />by whicA 5ucb brewlt must be cured; and (4) that foilure In cure ouch breach vn ur before rhr dale specified in fire Holier <br />may result in acreleralion of the sums secured by (his Mortgage, forecosure hr judicial proceeding and s:+le of rhr Prupcrt}. <br />"i'hF notice shat! further inforne Hmrower of [be right to n;astale alter acceler afiun uud the right hr insert in the foreclosure <br />prtxeeditrg the nonaxisfence of a defauii or any other defense of Borruuer m as elrratiun and forcaiowrt•. If the brooch <br />is not cured on yr before the dale specified in the notice, Lrnd¢r at Leader's option ma} dea l:uc all ut the sums secured by <br />this Mortgage to he immediately due and payable without firrthrr Armand and mas 6+reelosr h+ judicial proceeding. Lender <br />shat) be emitted fv cvliect in such prorredirtg atI expenses of forrclrnurr, in.tuding, but um limited In, costs of documentary <br />cvidcgn'c. ahstracU and rifle reports. <br />t4, 69rrowerrx Rich! lv Reinstate, 4,ttu'th'tandmg [ cud's ~ r._ .. .L+ . _ a.! t,; -. Air++igu{•c. <br />Dorrower snail have the right to ha 3n} nrocudi ivs heGU I .- 3cr -. ,._ (.. 's., ~:~.: , .r a.r.r.n r .. . s tone <br />