$(}-: 404212
<br />NON-UNIFURW COVENAN75. Borrower srW Lender furHler covenant and agree as cal bws:
<br />tT. A¢eMratiwe; P-anedias. Upon 8arrawer•s 6resch of any cavenint or agreement of Barrawer in this Mattgage,
<br />trcludlrg the coverunts to pay when due any sums secured by iR~ Mortgage, Lender Prior rfl acceleration-shill mail notice
<br />m tsorrow•r u fuovWetf in paragraph 74 hereof specifying: f/) the Wench; 12) the action requered to cure such breach; (31
<br />a dep not fats thM povW W br tw aMSi %iw from Mi dsro tM rwairw is modes b 8onow r, by wtach aud+ 6radt moat ba pxad: qld Iai
<br />ttrit failuM tp cum audr braacn on or Defora Hr db apciflW "xr dro tgace may raaui! in acelriam of The awns aacura0 b'J din
<br />atanRlaGa and sob a1 the PropatY. U tM broach 3• trot curd on or betom the Qa» apacified pr the nntiw, Candor K taxdari option may
<br />d•dae• atl d dti wns tecuntl M tt8a ModOaDi m be innttsdisteM duo end txtyibb wslate furdrsr Mmand ittd maY tor•dwe ihii
<br />rAmgpp. try ladieiN proeeWing. Lew sha0 be emeied m topers }n ivdt praezidinp as expwms of foreeWaum, irtdudtn~ bra aot
<br />tvrnimd, m cosh of daartnaraaey evidence, abmrsi aM tiW rsporte ire esatgnabse ahomeys res. 7xnminW by ipWie+te• la r.
<br />ta. Borrower's Right m Reins~te. N•Mithsianding Ixnder's acceleration of the sums sedur•d M erns Mortgage,
<br />Borrower shirt hive the right m have my proceedings begun by Leader to enforce this taork3age discontinued at stry time
<br />prior m entry of a Jtaigtrtint enforcing this Mortgage if: (a) Bohower pays lender all sums which would tae then due unWr
<br />this tAarkjige, ttm Nate and notes securing FuWre Advances, it any, had ro accNeratim occurred; (b) Borrowrer cures iH
<br />brexttes o! any other covenants or agreements of Borrower cantalned in this Mortgage; (c) Borrower hays all --reasonabM ex-
<br />pen•es-incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants acrd agreements of Borrower cantaieted in this Mortgage and fn enkxckg
<br />Lender's remedies a provided In paragraph 77 hermf, including, buF not limited to, reasonable atmrrtey's feu: atwl (d) Borrawar,
<br />takes such action ss Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interest in the Property -
<br />artd Borrower's abligaNon m pay the sums secured by this Mortgage stall rontinue unimpaired. Upon soda payment and cure
<br />by BarrWrK, this Morgage etW the abligaF;ans secured hereby shall reamin in toil force and effect is i! ro taeleratfon had
<br />oeeurred.
<br />79. Auignment of Rentz; Appointments of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As additional security hereunder, Bex-
<br />rower hereby assig.ts m Lender the rents of the Property, provided that Harrower shall, prior m acceleratfoh urtder paragraph
<br />i7 hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due arM payable.
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph t7 hereof or abandonment of Ifie Property. Lender, in person, by agarttor by )udiciaity
<br />appointed receiver shalt be entitled to errter upon, take possession of and manage the Property and ro collect the rants of the Pro-
<br />-perry inckuding those past due. Ail rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to payment, of the coats of
<br />management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not Nmited to, rxeiver's tees, pranitms on receiver's Fronds
<br />and censorable atmrney's feat and then to the sums secured by this tortgage, Lander and the receiver shaN'be liable m account
<br />far-those dents xWiily received, ' '.
<br />20. Rntease. Upon payment of alt sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall release this Mortgage without charge
<br />m Harrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, i(any. ~'
<br />' 2t.'. Future Advences. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option prior to release of this Mortgage, cosy make
<br />FuWre Advances ta-Barrowar. Such Future Advances with interest thereon, >hali be secured by this Mortgage when evidence6
<br />by'prnrniisory_nMes stattrg that said rotes are secured hereby. ~.
<br />22. Bnrrower't Riaiiing Address. If an address is entered after Borrower's name on the Arst page hereof, rpticai Ttvm
<br />Lander m Borrower which, puratunt m paragraph 10 hermf, would be mailed to the Borrower at the Property Address, may at the
<br />aptimt of Lander, tae maUed-m such Borrower's address.
<br />fN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. /IJ
<br />B"""""" KEVIN T. VOLLMER
<br />Borrower SUSAN C. VOLLMER
<br />S7ATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Rflll
<br />On this - Zlth day of A net 19$O, betor a the u ders'gned, a Notary Public in
<br />-.: artd:far said County. persanaely cams _ G-~{~-~ ~V _~t1,I,,~~r fl21ti S~~,jj ~ - VB.~,ZB~P
<br />parsmm)ly krrown m ma la be identical persons whose names are attixad to the above and foregoing instrument as mort-
<br />gagora, aver each acknowledged said Instru~re t to ye sy~ her 1 t y act d dreg.
<br />_ ~, Witttus fay hand and I.at Lt2'a11Q ~s18Ttd, tYe~OrflB~SB tna a las~ 'tree.
<br />My Commission expires' ~t ~yt~`~
<br />v : •4,NEt,9tt !p No~aryPUblic
<br />[i0'ARy
<br />2 CBMw!iS3iUN •
<br />u ) fXl'I F2e~ )
<br />CM-NEB-17;75
<br />RfdS38
<br />