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~4)-- X04212 ~cir*e <br />bRTGAGE is tgadt this 4eh dry of Auprsgt is~.batss'aan the hbrt9agor, <br />1 T Rfn.T]#.R arW-C~AiI C_ V[1T.S.A(P.R ,whose address is - - <br />Roafl Colorado$, Colarada SU9f17 tr rq(n •t~nd.r•). - <br />tYftertaa, eertcwer and Larder (vve executed n eonetructian Loan Agreereerrt of esvr wts therein ^Agrwmrott't lesdar <br />whieh Lertdar has node eo Bor.dwer a lo.,- in- the principal aexxnt of FQgly Z'yJQ THf)jUSA~ ADD G16 ~-_ - - _ <br />IiUNIIRED--- ----- Donors ts~tAmwnr) for mq gxPn~: <br />Purpose of perfor(Nng eertafn work ore tt(c imrtgagetl prMdses desvibetl below; std <br />tYheroas, in omr+ecdon wtttf the Agraenlnd and ptvstunt to its terms, Borrower bas esearted a Nola (herein °Note^f _ _ - <br />ot earn date in ttte Loan Amount Payable to the Lender whereby the Borrower obiiggetl itself W pry to itte Under-the - _ - ' <br />ammnt so advanced, Plus interest » dtercin soled as toibws: On the firs) dry of MaZCh 19-$,~rtd'--- - _ -. <br />on the first day of eaeh surieetBrg month thareafler undl_~esgyg,~l s 1987 mkrest on the dN1Y (sal~+ - <br />of'[he Loan Amount outstanding latwtnt disbursetll during the Prior month; artp Shercafter m 3eptembeF 1, 19251 - - - <br />a final payment in an amont egwf [o the sum of the following: outstarrdir(g Wlenae-of-the' - <br />Loan Amotmt, inerast -on the miry dtanas of the Loan Amount outstanding during Uhe Prior month aw on Uw-lofty - - - - - <br />batanoes of the.LAan Amount outstanding during lht periotl cammendng from the date of first disbursement to _ - <br />Fehruarv 1 2481 - -- - ~ - <br />To sazvra'~to Lender (a1 the repayment of the indabtedn<ss evidenmdby the Nofe with interest theradt es set forth <br />n the Note,any exkruions-and/ar renewa{s ar modifitadorts o! sutdt Nate, the payment of alt other sums with interest <br />thereon advanced In accprdcnoe hercwiN to protect tiro seeurity of this 0.tprtgage and the wrtormance of the covenants <br />and agreements of the Borrower herein contained and contained in the Agreement, and Sb) the repryment of arty luturo <br />advances, with'-intres[ ittereon, nwde fo Borrower by Lentler pursuant to paragraph hereof, heroin "Future Advaacas", <br />Borrower does hereby-mortgage, grant, and mnvay to Larder, the WUow(r~g-described property located in ihq County - <br />o! - ~lSa'3 and Sink bF ebFaSka- - - - <br />~~~~ <br />Lot 6 of the Layton Subdivision in Hajj County, Nebraska. -_ <br />Together with a6 ma impro meMS n r hereafer t ecletl un the property and all a menu. rights, appurtenances, rents, <br />royalties, m rat, oil and gas rfghls and profits, water, water rights and water stack, antl salt fixtures n w or hereafter attached <br />to the mortgaged pre all of which, ]nclutling replacements a adtlitions thereto, shall be deemed to be and r apart of <br />the property c red by this Mortgagq; and ail of !fa foregoing, together wish smtl properly a e herein referred to ens tthe "Property" <br />Borrower cro nanUS that Borrower is lawfully s sad of ;he estate hereby < veyed and has the right to mortgage, grant and <br />wy the Property, that the Property is cumberetl, and that 8orruwer will w ant and defend generally the title to the <br />Property against all claims and denunds, subject la any easements and restr~clions approved by Lentler in writing. <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree az follows <br />1. Payment of Princiwl antl Inlcrea:. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the pnnmpal of and Interest on the IndMtetl- <br />noss evidenced by t(w Note antl late cfurges as providetl in the Nota. <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Irnuro Subject to Lender's option under Paragraphs Y and 5 hereof, Borrower shall pay to <br />Lender on the day monthly 'nstalimeMS of principal and inlgrest are payable under lho Nota, until the Nole is paid in full, a sum <br />(herein "Funds"l equal to one~twelllh o/ the ygar7y !axes and assessments which may attain priority over this Abrlgage, plus <br />one-twelfth o/ the Yearly Premium installments (or hazard Insurance, all ax reasonably estimated iniNallY antl (coin lime to lima <br />by Lelttler on the basis of usessmenls and bills antl reasonable estimates lhereo(. lender shalt hold the Funds in an acmunl which <br />is insured by a FWeral or Stale agency antl shah apply the funds tram said account to pay said taxes, a mts, and <br />ranee prcmitxns. Lender shat! make rw charge for sa holding and applying the Funds, analyzing sate accwnl or verifying <br />std compiling said asswsment std bills. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this Atongage <br />that intarasl on ttte Funds shell be paid to Borrower, and unless sucF1 agreement is made. Linder shall not be requi retl Io wy <br />Borrower srtp iMeraat en the FysetG. {Ender shag give to Borrmver, wiitmut charge, an wl accounting of the Funds shawfrg <br />credits artd t4Wb io the Funds, intrcal. If any, paid to Borrower pn the Funds and the purposq (or which each debit to the Fonda <br />was made. Tina Ftuds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this aortgage. <br />lF [heamowtt of Funds hall by Lander, togabter with the luture monthly installment of funtls payable prior to Ina due dates ut <br />taxb, assetamentx, and insuronca premiums shall exceed the amount required to wY said taxes, assessment end lnwrancc <br />prantums asthey fall due, such exms shall be, al Borrower's option, either promptly remold to eorrowar or creditetl to <br />Barhowtr on-monlnlY IMtiNment of furvt. If tM amount of Itte Funds held by Lender shall not txt w/ficienl to PaY Aaxes, <br />assassmanls, and.inwra[tce premiums as they fall due, Borrower shall pay to Lander any amount n<aesatry to mats up tnq <br />tleflelenty within.3d Jaya agar notice lruxtt Lemler to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Ulson payment in full of all sums secured 4y this ibrtgsge, Lentlcr shall promptly refpnd tP Borrower any Fonda held by <br />Lender. ' <br />CM-I:EN-11-75 <br />gM63Y <br />ORIGINAL RETURN TO EYANS FINANCIAL CORP.; BORROWER RETAIN COPY <br />