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VV- i.J L~`3N~1 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MotrtGAGELOArtNO. L 23,751 <br />KNO1V Aid. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Delbert D. Theasmeyer and Lois A. Theasmeyer, husband and <br />wife, AND Oary F. Voecks and Judi A. Voecks, husband and wife <br />Mortgages, witeiher Otte m uric, in d the ss of <br />Fifty-seven Thousand Six Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------- ~~ <br />Loaned to said mortgagor by The I:quitabk Bolding and Loar Assoration of Grand Island, Nebndta, Mortgagee, upon .576 y,eq ~~ of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23,751 , do hereby grant, convey aed rstuttgage rtsito the said ASSOCIATION the-foRoatog <br />desrn'bed veil esnte, atuated in Hall Cormty, Nebradn: <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (17) R & B SECOND SUBDIVISION, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />together with ail the tenements, herediiamen[s and appurtenances tMrcunta hetonging, including attached floor coverings,. all window semerts, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air rondi[ionvtg, artd plumbing aM water cquiprtmn[ artd acceasorits [hereto, ptutspa, staves, <br />refrigerators, and other futures and equipment nave or heru(ter attarSmd to or used in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that th< mortgagor shall and will pay aU nzea and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />imm~nrx upon the buildings nn said premises situated in the sum of; 57 , 600.00 payable to slid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION th< potici<s far said insurance; and nut ra mmmu ar permit snv waste or. or about sand premises: <br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the twrtd secured hereby, the rrtortgigee shall, <br />on dcrnand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets aver to the <br />rnongagce all the rents, revenues and inwrrm to be derived from thr uwrtgaged premises during such time az the rtwrtgage indebiedrmsa shalt terrain <br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall have the power [o appoint any agent or agents it rosy desire far the purpose of repairing said premixes aM renting <br />the same and collecting t},t rents, revxnsa and sncome, and it mzy pay out al said inco[rm an expen~a of :epalrirtg said premises arrd nzrassary <br />mmmissksns and expcna~s incurted in renting and rru..~ ~ the same and of calketing rentals the[efrum; the balance remauting, if any, to be <br />apptsd inward the disettazge of aid mortgage indebtednex; these rights of elm mortgagee may be exercised at airy tisrx during the exiilentt of sut3s <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver a(the same. <br />These Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That if the said Mortgagor atilt repay said ksati on or before the maturity of said shares 6y <br />payment; pay monthly m said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in th< flood secured hereby as interest and prinapil on seed loan, an or before <br />the Twrntieth day of each and every rnanth, until said loan is ftruy paid; pay all taxes and assesments levied against said premises and on this Mortytge <br />and the Hood severed thereby, before ddinquenry; (uxuiskt approved insunna upon the bsWdings thereon N the sum of S 57 , 600, 00 payable <br />to aid ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand a6 murmy by it paid fur such taxes, assessments and inassnna with interest at <br />th< maximw-rr legal net therein from date of payment an of which Mortgagor hereby agrees [o pay; permit no waste on raid premises;kap and comply <br />with all the agreerreents and conditions of the Bond Cor S 57 , 600. OOthis day given by the said Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, and cumpry <br />with all the requvemrnts of the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then then presents shall become null and void, otherwise they <br />shall remain in (all Force and rtay be foreclosed at the option of the aid ASSOCIATION after faatue fur three months to hake any of said <br />payments or M three rnomhs in arrears in making aid monthly payttmnts, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to have a remiver appalnted forthwith N such Corech>smre proceedings. <br />If there u anY change in ownership of the real esnte mortgaged herein, by salt or otherwise, then the arfve remaining indebtedness hereby <br />encored shah, at the option of The Equitable Br[itding artd Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebnska, become iuurkdietety due and payable without <br />farther trotioe, and the arnsunt remainimg due tutder said bond, and any other bond for any additional advmas msade thereunder, shall, from elm <br />date of exercise of sakl optirsn, bear interest at the naximttm legal nee, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to satisfy elm amount dtx on said <br />bond, and any otlmr bond tar additional advatttxa, together with all semi paid by said The Equitable Builtting and Loan Association of Gnvd Island, <br />Nebraska for insurance, razes and assessments, and abstnetirtg extension charges, with interest thereon, from date of payment at the rtaxunum <br />bgal n[e. <br />Ace provided in the Bond secured hereby, while etas mortgage remains N effect the mortgage may hereafter advance additroral sums [o the <br />makers of said Borul, their assigns or stscsxawrs N interest, whkh scans shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as the ftmdsorigitWly <br />sec ed tlmruby, the total amount of pruscipal debt not to exceed at any tir[m the original amount of this mortgage. <br />Dates this 1 day of August A, D.. I9 ~.. ~ ~ <br />----- - <br />er ` gasmeyer ~~" Voec s <br />s <br />Cols A. Theasmeyer udl A. oec s <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss On stria 12th day of AUrJUS t 19 BO , bcfam tree, <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />the undersigned, a Nonry Public is and for said County, perwrtalty carne <br />Delbert D. Theasmeyer and Lois A. Theasmeyer, husband and wife AND_ ~ary F. Voecks and <br />Judi A. Voecks, husband and wife ~ ° are Personally known to <br />the [o be the identical pawn 5 whose ranm S dre affixed W the above imstrurrtpnt az rnortgagyf 5 and they savenBy <br />t9rat k th ~ - ~ <br />a aw dged the sard snskrurneni to be et r votuntary act and dead. <br />R7TNESS my hand and Notarud Seal the date a€otesaid. <br />My Ccteraimisrm expires <br />aeaat®ai aotaaY state c; nrnm:ia <br />tstnxsa at JOY M. nEALLEY <br />MY lbntni. EsV• Sops, 1, 1881. <br />,, ~ <br />'cam ~~~'' 1-~~.---11-„-"-~~-i-`J '~ <br />~~--~~ - Notary <br />