SO- ~ ~ ~20FS
<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that if Ix shall fiat to pay acid indebtedness or soy part tfxreof whin
<br />dbe, m iha11 fail to perform any covenant or :greemeot of rhea-instrument or the proeniasory note secnrefihmtby, t#ie
<br />- et1l3re indebtedness hereby- secured shall immediately beeotoe due, payabk, am} roHeetibie withaat 6etit~ st +dst
<br />o¢lion of the mortgagee or assigns, regarditea of maturity, and the mortgagee or his aasigm may befeer of after entry
<br />atdi"said property withoue appraiaemmt (the mortgagor having waived and assigned to the mer[gageesil tig6ta. of
<br />appraisement 1:
<br />- _ ~ t ~ at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of ~ ti.S.f,. 2(Kil (a 1 : or -
<br />- (tr } at the optim of the mortgagee, either by anciian or by saficiution of aeeled bida,'for `-~ ~ sad.-.
<br />- beat bid complying with the terms of sak and manner of pavmcat specified is the published aotiaai s~de° fgtt
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale., by advertisement not tool than anee
<br />- during each of said tour weeks in a newspaper published or diseribnted in the wemty in whsth ia±d pmpesip--
<br />. is situated, ail other notice bring hereby waived by the mortgagor (sod said motigaga, ar a~j pmso6¢,as
<br />behalf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced br said aotej. ~id~%s>,k shall-`lie
<br />held at or on she property to be sold or at the Federal, rnunty, or city courthome for the connzptiir which the
<br />property is located. The mortgag« is hereby authorized to execwe for and on behalf of the mnrtgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at such sale a sufftcimt conveyance of said property, which emtreyanee alai) contain
<br />teeitab se to the happening of the default upon which the ezeeutioa of the power of sak herein granted
<br />depends; sad the said mortgagor hereby rnrtntftutea and appoints the mortgagee or any agent oe attomey of the
<br />mettgager, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such recitals and to e:seote acid
<br />emeveyan« and hereby rnvenaab and agrees that the recitab sa made shall be ef(ectnal to bar al) equity or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and ail other.exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are hereby
<br />expressly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />furl take any other appropriate action pursuant to state or Federal statute either in state or Federal
<br />court or oiherwiae for the diapositien of the property. - -
<br />In the event of a sale as hercinabove provided, the mortgagor or any person in possession under the mortgagor ehal-
<br />thin become and,- ttxet;-aAtkshaii forthwith deliver possession to the purchaxr at such sale or be
<br />eummariiy dispoesedrld, in ftetu&6a~ilitath the provisions of law applicable.ta tmanb holding. over. The power
<br />and agency hereby gtaal`~~ as intereet and are irrevocable hr death or atherwix, and are granted
<br />as cumulative !a the remedies (or coilertion'o[ said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />4. The pro«crb of say sale of said property in aaordaa«. with the pmeding paragraphs shall he app{ied first
<br />to pay the casts sodeapetteee of said role. the eapensee ineorred by the mortgagee for the purpose of pretesting or maim
<br />raising said prsperty, anti reasaaafrlt attorneys' fec-s; sequadly, to pay the in<kbiedneea secured hereby; and thirdly.
<br />!o pay any surplus or excess to the person or persona legally entitled thereto.
<br />S. Ia the event said property a wId at a jedtcial foreelasure salt or pttrawat to the power of sak hereioabore
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not suf6eimt to pay the total indebtedness exured 6y thu instrument and evidenced by
<br />said promissory Dote, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgment far the amount of the deficiency wirhoni
<br />regstrd to appraiaemait.
<br />6. In the event the mortgagor folk to pay any Federal, state, or Incal tax assessment, income tax or ocher tax lien,
<br />charge, fee, or other expetese charged against the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorized at his option to pay
<br />the same. Any amen eo paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indtbtedntv3e evidenced by said ,art, subject [o the same terms and conditions, If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />dixhargt the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all tares
<br />and liens and the cosh, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />shall be canceled and surrendered;
<br />7. The coveoanb herein combined -hall bind and the heteefib and advantages shall inure to the respective sun
<br />txron and aaaiQtr of tba parties heroto. Whenever used, the singular ntuaber shall ius-ttde the plural, the plural the
<br />ai~tlar. read rho use of say gender shall include all gmdenr.
<br />& No waiver of any covenant herein or of the obligation sernred hereby shall at any time thereafter be held
<br />to [re a waiver of Yftt terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
<br />9. In tatmpfianax with section 101.1(d) of the Rnks and Regulation of the Sma11 Basine+ss Administration [ 13
<br />GF.R. 101.1(411. th+a instrument is to be ce~irued and eaforeed in accordarwe wiW spplieable Federal fan.
<br />10. A judicial decrex, order, or judgatent holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or un•
<br />enforceable s{nll twt fn aqy way impair or preclude the ea(orcemcnt of the remaining provisions or portions of
<br />Ih1a iuetStttttsnt.
<br />su rv.. vac ta-tat ~ .. ...
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