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`~~" OG4208 <br />141ffi~'1'€~,~C:Tf! <br />LoE Eight, (8) $n Block Two (2}, in,Valley View Subdivision in <br />tkte East Aalf of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 11 <br />Nnrth~ Range 4 West of the 6th P:M. <br />- Tottethar with and including all bui-dia~, all.futturee including but not limited to a!1 plumbing, heating, ligha <br />ing, ventilating, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditi. Wing apparatus, and elevators (the moNgaRor hereby <br />declaring That it is-intended that the items herein ewmerated shall be deemed to have been permanently in- <br />- staged as part oC the realty), and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and <br />appurlenanree and al! other-rights thereunto belangin&, or in anywise appertaining', and the reversion and re• <br />-versions, remaimlrr and remaiaderx, ail' rights oC redemption, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above <br />_ °'--'~desrribetl-.--~tac-/pravit~L, howxever, that the-mortgagor ehaU he eniitied Io the possessian of said propat.y <br />and tot eoliet:tand retain the rertts, ia;ue;, and profits umii default hereunder}. To bare ahd _ta ha-d the same <br />unto .6he~. ntartgagea-atnL-rbe ~sutoedsors iw.intereat of the mortgagee-Corever in fee simple-ar sueh~ather estate, <br />_.if enysasds:atatedherein. _ _ _ _ <br />T.Ixt etpr~tas9es~,tltas:dteis lnrlaliq seised aad, piaNaaeel of attd has tlte: right to n+ll amt <br />ptreperty,-;tltat ahe~seme-is Csra~fmta=all=~axcapt ar-hereinabave~reoiled: aad tit he Lergly~6iada <br />himself aerie hiaattceeasam in and defend the title aforesaid. thereto aad every part thereof against <br />tdtae4dt~tt`~rdi<rer. <br />~ ~~~ <br />Tbia inatrtttneut is given to eeeute thc~ payment of-s proaiiesory Dote dated <br />ta~thg~nittruraaa~nfli,^~5~(IAii A4 +«i~+apd~= Edward 7, and Irene .A. ISi ey <br />- in Iviaalf i,f themselves <br />._sas r°,n.-"__ <S~Ta}~~_'_~.--~~ue fllaeine. <br />