58%y-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Ciauu '^be xeunan c..neraP eaypr Heaa, isyeela, Sc3,; -
<br />:1 G ~ 2OL) KNOW ALL a~+r BY ~sE PRF~rEN1S
<br />THAT Glenn H, Ja;21 & Y.elen ~. P ll , Husband & iTi}'e
<br />l~~9ag~ f
<br />of Fran County, and State of , in torisideration of the_smn:af
<br />S;s '=`housand eight P-undyed ninety-three dol3~a t
<br />t37j1o0------_~_ Dt7LLfIRS
<br />in hetnd paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY ante p ~-{~~93+C1~)
<br />Flower vans^,o. Inc.
<br />(ttrlartgagee ~
<br />of F.~T CoaPnty, and State of ,r?ehrask$ tke foUozuing described premises
<br />,situated in Hall County, and State of to-wit:
<br />Le~a1 Lot Ei~ht(8)
<br />31ock Thirteen (131
<br />1n I'3C'r:G'r aSXI kfarT
<br />Addition Eo 'i:e ^ity
<br />of !=your] islaresi, Fall `;aunt}•, P3etrrsska
<br />The FINl1HCE CFtAHt3E is computed on my
<br />Loan attheagreed rate ot296 per~nonth (24%
<br />per year) on the unpaid principal balance
<br />which is not in excess ot$3,000.00, 1'h%per
<br />month (18% per year) on that part of the un-
<br />paid principal balance exceeding $1,000.00
<br />but not in excess ot-$8,000.00, 1'/.% per
<br />month (15% per year) on that ppart of the un-
<br />paid balancaexceetting $S,OOO.OD but not in
<br />axcehs of $7;000.00.
<br />The intention being to conve}' hereby cn nbsolate title in jee simple including nll the rights of homestead and dower. -
<br />TO HAVE A:VD TO HOLD the premises about described, wtit/t all the appurtenances thereunto belonging !,
<br />unto tke said rnartgagee and to ~,heiT /Pairs and assigns, forever, provided alx~ays, and these ,presents are upon
<br />the express condition t1Pat if fhe aforesaid mortgagor their heirs, ereadors, administrators or assigns shall ':'
<br />pay or carne to be paid to the said mortgagee their heirs, exeastars, administrators or assigns, the sum of '
<br />Six thousand ei;-ht hunc:red ninety-three doL'ars L07/lil~olfars, payable as follows, to-xvit:
<br />Do[[ars an the day of r9
<br />S®e note and Sit'rai::;re Dollars on the day of rg
<br />Dollars on fhe day of rq
<br />Legal small 1naP raise Dollars an the day of tg
<br />Dollars on the day of rg
<br />wick interest thereon of per c~°nt per annum, payable annually alt atcording to the tenor and effect -.
<br />of a certain promissory note of said ~1enn F'., F. Haler. ~. 3a11. -
<br />bearirigeven date with these presents, and skald pay all tares and nssassPSrents levied upon said real estate, and all other '
<br />taxes, lezries and assessments tamed upon this mortgage or the Hots which this mortgage is given to secerre, before the
<br />same becomes delinquent, and L•eep the buildings on said premises inhered for the stun aj .~
<br />Tess, of any, pn}~aole to the .said mortgagee, then these presents to be void, othenuise to 6e and remain in full force. -~
<br />IT IS FURTHER :1GliL"'ED 1=) TTPa! if the said nrortgrgor shall jail to pay sr:ch taxes or procure suck ,
<br />insurance, the said mvrtyayee Wray }-ay such tares and procure such insreranee,• acrd the scut: so advanced, ;eti:it interest
<br />at per cent shalt be paid by said mortgagor, and skis mortgage slmfl stand as secrarity for Ute lama. (z) That
<br />a failure to pay any of said ruaney, art{ter principal or interest when the same berouies due, ar n. failure to comply zifh
<br />any of the foregoin call cause the zohole sum of money herein secured to h:°cmna due end rollectible
<br />at mice at the op o
<br />Signed eh' ~~~ of August . 19 0
<br />
<br />6t i /
<br />;'c% ,
<br />~y , r
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