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8Q--E~04i97 MUBTGAGE <br />THIS MOR'tCrP1C.E is made Phis ..... .... . ...11th..:......dsy of... - -Aup~tsst ..... ..;... <br />24 80 ., baween the Mortgagtn,., .-G.ilkxes: $.. Chapztt drid.LraTy. ~.~4. rP}Ca •~~~d ~7+7~:e, <br />..:..............................:.. . . (herein "Borrower"), and-the Mott,.~oitf+{?d:~~~l._£$~F~~ <br />S1,trjitga .arid. YDdA ~$$ t ....... a ......:................. ..... a cotptiratiatt. aad'.~ - <br />... <br />tinder the laws of ... iJe}a~;aska . . . ...... . ....................whose address is.. 45b3, _S)ndge.5trect . - <br />..~..Ng~raska, 68232 ............................................(huein"I:e~dar"1. <br />WH~strws; Borrower is iade~ited to Lead@r is the prinapal stem of.. Fif:Lyt :13iue. zhrid::~~tu`. hued- <br />ant Plo/100,. :....,.,: 58,400.00 - --..:I)otlars,wbichindebtednessisevideottdby<Bextxfws~e's'ttote <br />dated... Ault . Sl .. Z~80 ....... (hr.rein "Note"). providing for moathly installments of pcfnaijtal sad i <br />with-the balaaee of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dm atttl payable on.`~.ptember l,_, -zq~,q......:... <br />Ta S~t)na to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with inttrsst , the- <br />- pmt of'sfl athu2? Stt85, wlih inrarest ih2re075, et#variced In aCCardaTwY „az-ewiih r6 protscz-'~ -58E~'".'. - - <br />Mortpgs, and the pexformatrce of the covenants and agxeernents of Borrower herein contained, artd (b) the ~ylsteot <br />of-any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender prvsoant to paragraph 21 heeeof (herein <br />"Ftttore Advances"), Bazower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey. to Lender the following ' ptnpePty <br />located in the County of.... ,Fall ..................... . ..........,., State of Nebraska: <br />---Lot Eight (9), Block Pour (4), in rrentwood Suadivision in tae City of Grand island, <br />Ball County, ~braska.--- <br />9007 Ea Pre w acP , , ~ ;^ ;~I:i ? <br />which has the address of.....•...... , ~x..=..'.'tt :R44. `:'? ................. . ~-. <br />[stnst) Ic~ty) <br />Nelrraskz , , , 6ESQ}........... (herein "Property Address") ; <br />Isaa ,ne zIV cmt <br />Toott'rxgn with a19 tits impzovemenis now or he;reaher erected on the property, and a{I easements, rights, <br />apportenattixs, rents, royalties, mineral, oi{ and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock. and ail <br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, atl of which, including rep[acemen[s and additions [hereto, shall be <br />deemed to bo and remain a paR of the property covered by this Mongage; and all ai the foregoing, together with said <br />property (or the leaseho{d estate if this on a leasehold) are heron retsrred to as the "Propert}'". <br />Borro'sxr covenants-that Borrou~r is lawfu;iy seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right is mortgage, <br />grant and convoy the Property. that the Prapertp is unvncumberc~, and [;`ai Barron::; :s~;{ warm^t and ='efead <br />sutt=rsiiy tlm vf#- to **-!r: Pxap;rty against a!{ claims and demands, wbisct to an: ieciaratiorx. _ascrnenrs e-r :cstriciio,^,s <br />tisicd in a sc`,zditle of ezc~piions to coverage in ary titl~ .nsn.anc~ polio. insa.^.ng I.rrd~. _ int_r_s! ir: the Prop,:: i. <br />N~-^1 io4.,miiy-6i 15--faAGtI FMtMC UNIfOaM IaStpUMEAt ,~t_~0~ <br />