<br />That fife MmrgaSor wit!-pay the iitdebtedrum as beteinttefare provided. s ~ "' ~ - ,
<br />That the Mortgagor 3s. the-tivmer of said Property in fee sirztple and has good right and lawful authority to sell add - -' -
<br />coavey the rime seat that the acme is-free and rifer of any Lien -or erienmliranee: and that Mortgagor will warssat artel-defend the- - -
<br />title to said Ptem6es agaieat- _the~ctaitas_ ot"- a1F pr+eaeaa wtuiiaaeever..
<br />To pay immt~ately-whm due sad-payable at4 ganertd taxes, special faxes, specie4 aaeessmenta,- water chargea.~ sewer sere- ~ -
<br />C ice cliargea, and naher-faxea and charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the dept secured hereby, and W famish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon request, with-the original or duplieata receipts therefor. The Mortgagor sgrees that there-elhaif ba~itdded to-- -
<br />~ each monthly payment required hereunder or uitder the evidence uC debt secured hereby an ant estimated try the Mortgagee -
<br />to he su6icieat~to erist>Ke. the Mattgagrx to pay, as they hareems rkie. aH faxes. a®eas.ienta, and similar ehetg~~uf+ai the:-pram-
<br />lass suhjeet thereto; anyde6cieney because of the insuftciency nt such additional payments shalt Fre torihwith` delxisitad by ttia-- -
<br />Mortgagor with [he Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any deFault under this Paragraph shell he deemed a tt!!fauit in -
<br />payment of fazes, assessments, ec similar charges required hereunder.
<br />_~ The Mortgagor agrees chat there shall also Fre added to each moathiy payment of principal and interest required here-
<br />under an amount c. timated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to pay, ae it becomes due. the insurance
<br />-`~' prnmium ore any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay-
<br />" relents shalt be forthwith deprrsitsd }ry the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any defaalt under this
<br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment nt insurance premiums. If LR policy ur Policies deposited are such aB hmra~
<br />owners er all risk polio e, and the deposik+ a sufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee rosy apply the deposit to
<br />pay premiums ors risks required to br insured by this mortgage.
<br />Payments made bv' `.he Mortgagor under the :rhuv+• p ragraphs may, at the option. of the Mortgagee, tw held by it and
<br />canmingled with ocher such funds or it own (ands for rhr payment of such items, and cntil so applied. such payments arz hrrrvhy
<br />plrxfged ae security for the urpa:d bniancr of the :norrgagr indrhtednrss.
<br />To procure, deliver to. end m inwin fur flee iv-n«-(it .,! thr• :ltortgager during the Iife o[ this mnrtgaKtr urigVnai nolicies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at Ir•ast ten clays t,rfun• thr• rx prration .•f any such Ixnc~lrs. : unng agamst fire and uthsr insurable
<br />hazards, ra ualtiee, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may cry-mre. in a mount equal to the indebtednem secured by this
<br />Mortgage, and in rnmpanies acrrptaMr v. rhr• Mortgagor. with Ins. i;ay-ahle rlausr• in Savor of and in form acceptable to the Mortga-
<br />gee. 7n the c ant a v Fohcy ,. not r wed :- , r bnforc - !ays of ,~ rzpira t+rn- the 3.to rigagee may procure insurance nn the
<br />imprrwement-sV pay thc• Fermium thr•rrfu«r. unr. _~eh ~<, t shall•l.frume + ,edratzlr: durv and !payable -.yith mtzreat at the mta set
<br />forth m sand nnr.• anal pa,d anri ,hall i. ., •. .rod h. this m:. rgage Fa;lun• .:n *.he ;,art r:f Hre 11octgagnr ter turmsh such renewals
<br />ae are bream required :.r laiiu:e in pay +r u s adr~anrrd hrr••undor .hull- ar the op[+un r.f the Mortgagee. rvnstitute a default
<br />under the teau of this mortgage- Thr •iriirrry~d ~ueh polrc:, ~=, .h::if .o tt:r• ,~., n. .•t .iefauir. ,~r•nstituts an a¢ergnmrnt of the un
<br />earned p mium.
<br />AnV a leer _ .., ~vlnttgageP [.. ern ,:{ .~ .,r .,, .T.rrRr' ,•+r ~" •rgal nst may hR ,- arnrd by tl,r .Mortgagee
<br />and applied i and the pa• ,nt -,t t„ nNn.hr .,~~rr +. ee .h. ,-. iron ,i.c 'ri rt~ager. ti <b .ether ..boil.- ,. ,
<br />part may ce pad ., r to thr~MuaRager i,rt:s used r„ repair . r+: :.u+idmgs „r ,o •.udd~n«w huddrng=• the-rr plaer r.r .
<br />other purpose a ub act atrsfactury to !hr >A,rtgagee w~+tirout nffrer:ne the teen ,~n the mortgage for the iud amount enured rhere
<br />by before vrrn payment rv-rr rrx,k intone
<br />Tu PromRfi3` rr--pair. restors- „ ., staid :.nr .,.., -:: r .-npr:,.-n:r r,.i ~. ... ., ,,. :. •.. r .n s --~hirh r r fem.
<br />come damaged or destroyed: to kern -said premraes m rrxv3 nrrdroun and tepav .,nd tmr tram a z+~hanrr~~I en nr sthze~lizn o
<br />rL-tin of L ,,.,,. pr ssty -utwrd:ra.rv.... the ., .. ...., --t ... -.f --.. . ;•an - ,at r ,
<br />?aid~property n r to : mt a rite n .and Fremi.us ,. -• ,kr n _ --the v h r-~Irr - re t-r_ix rt f,r=r•~6yry,"~. edF elrxll L c
<br />less valuable, n r to diminish o mpaii vaha• by a - act ~<~. nm, sr•vr ro .a-t. t.r , ~~mplr ..-ah ,.;1 mqu «mf r, wrrvt ;mow w~llh resFrct
<br />W the mortgaged Premises and rt he use thereof.
<br />That should the Per „ , ny Part ' r+=,d L• :a ,.r -r;imag..i iw •, .,, :•i ~.: .abbe +,n pro.~om..nr „ .,mde:nnauon
<br />proceeding. nr under the right +o[sa ant dnn,ain, .. aqv other m .the AtnrtgaKre shall he +•mitlerl to ail rompensauons.
<br />awards, sad any other Payment u relief thervfur. and shall ire entidrrin atrits nptrnn, to r•ommence, appear in and r+nrsravte rn it
<br />own name any action or prtneerling, , r to make a -nrnprnmr5r o wddrrnrnt rn ro raanm wuh .ocir taking or damage. ail such
<br />rrompenaetiun, atverds, damages. right of action andvpnr vrctis are hereby nsstKned to the MortgaKe•t, who may. after deriucbnK
<br />therefrom ail its ezixrtrrea. release any moneys so rrx~eivert hp rt ur apply the ,srnr on any indrbtednc~ srrured Irnreby "Cho Mnrt-
<br />gagoe agrees.to execute such lurlher assignrnertL of any comtx•nsabun, awards, demagcs, and nghis of aoturn and prureede a.. lhr
<br />Mortgagee may requirc-
<br />Thet in case of iaiiure to Perform any of the r rnanr. h~reur, the Mortgagee may `' • .~n the Moagagor'> behalf ,•+ rvihing
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also du a st it may deem + e =e-saarY to protect the hen thereof. thm the MurtKaqur will
<br />ropey upon demand any moneys paid pr disbursed by the Mortgagee for any n( the atx,vs purerrees. and Hoch n s wgettirr with
<br />interest thereon at the rata prwided in said note shall become sr uch additional rndrhteriness hrrshv per red rand may fir it
<br />claded in any decree foreci~sing this mortgage and Fw paid out nt the rents ur prrxreds o1 salty of mid premises iI nut ntherw+se
<br />paid: that it shall not be obligatory utwn the Morigag~ hr :ngmrr mto the vabddy of any hen, e umbrances, o m ad-
<br />vanCittg-morreys sa above authorized, but twthing heratn contoured shat) trs cunstrusc{ as reriuinng the Mortgagee to arWancr- why
<br />tooneys. tot any such pugiusa nor to do any act hereunder; and that Mortgages shall not incur any perwntat hahility because of any-
<br />' thiitg.it.inay do or omit to flu harsuttder.
<br />- In the event rd the default by Mortgagor in ihr pay meat of any mataiim~-nt. a reyu nr~! by th.• tiotr .. r,l i~,~r.-bti. -
<br />- irs the performanm pf the obligation in this murlKegr m in rice note : •cured thereby, flies Mortgagee shall br• ,~ntdl-et rtn dr«.lare the
<br />drrbf aegured hereby due and payable without notice, acrd the Moe tgngee shall Ins sntiUerd at dx option, without notice. either by ifsrll
<br />or, by a rePeiver to be apprantet! try the court therao( and witfw„t regard to Ute adequacy u[ any security for the indeMedness v
<br />cured hereby, to enter upon nerd tats pnsi+rssinn of the n urtgaged premises. and to contact and recorvr rhs rent: i+ rr, and pn.fits
<br />thereat, and apply the ratme, leas cgsta of operation and rvilectian, upin the indehtrrinesa w. onset by this n urlgage: saint rents.
<br />imuea and profltsbaing-heraisy assigned to the MortgaKse as further zrrcurity for the payment of all indehtstlnrssrsecurtvl hereby.
<br />h The Mortgagoa shall have the Power to nplwint any agent nr ngenls it may desire for the pugraer of rrpauing vud pnvm
<br />tees; renting the sap+k: collecting the rents, r. and i me, and it may Fay out of said int:ume all ezpensrs rn urrsd m rent-
<br />. ing and managing the same and of cdlectirtgvthe rentals iheref nom. Thr balance remaining, if any, shn11 hr• aPVlred toward the
<br />diaeharge nl the mortgage intiebtedritnxr. 'I'hi: assignment is to tenninaia and become nuts and vo+d utwu rrlra...• of th,s mortgage
<br />