<br />~~1~~84
<br />Id0&TGACE
<br />TrB1ItTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23,749
<br />KNOwwLLalExavTxESEpRFSeNTS:chat Dana A.-Ferguson and Dorothy M. Ferguson, each in his.
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether ore or mote, in tsxtodewdw of the mead
<br />Fifty-four Thousand and No/100-------------------------------------------_________ „r.,:,.~:
<br />Imned to said trortga¢or by Tha Equitable Building and Lvan Association of Grand Islard, Nebraska, Mortg~e, upon .540 ahem ~'~~
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifirate No. L 23, 749 , do hereby 3rant, conrev avd rmrtgage :)nto the said ASSOCIATION the faannirg.
<br />desceibed real estak, situated N Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, hereditamznts and afrpuaenances thereunto belonung, including attached flour cavermgs, a6 window screens,
<br />wir)M)w shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air cvnduionmg, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories [hereto, pumps, stovea,
<br />refrigcrawr-s>, and other tiz[urns and egwpmem now nr fxrcafter auachW tour used :n wnncaion wnh card real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agrea that t!:e n vrtgagor shah and will pay all taxes and asmss[tnots levied o:
<br />azussed upan said premises and upon this mortgage and [he bond xcured thrrebv)brfare the same shall became delinyutnt; to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon [hc buiidh)gs un uid premres situated ire [he sum of s 54 DDD. DD payable w said ASS0t1AT[ON and to deliver m said
<br />ASSOS"IATION tha policies fur ss)d insurance: and not to mmmn ~a parmrt 3nv rraatc onus about said pramisasc
<br />In vi default nt the pedorntance of any nC the terms and cundrhons uE ihir mortgage o: the band secured htraby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />un demand, to em:tied «) unmedrau passrsstan of the nwrigagrd pnmrscs and [hr rn+)rtgagur irerzhy assigns, transfers and sets met to the
<br />moneaget ab ihr rents. rcvenuas and ituome tv F derived iwm the nrortueed premrus during. such Fmre as the n)ortgagt indzbtedrr_sa shall rernait.
<br />unpaid: and the mongagte shall bare the puw-er [o appo.nt any agent ur agents :€ may .lesrre Cur the purpuxe ai repa,inag surd pre[orses arxi renting
<br />rite same and cvbec[ing the reins, rertnuex and inurme, nerd is may nay out Dui sa)d rncume sii exixensrs of reoanina said premises a[td nerxssarv
<br />wmmtssurns and rxpensts necurrcd m rert«ng aril nunagtng the same and .ot ;:uilrctiriy; r. nests [here(ram; the balance remaining, it any, to M
<br />appBtd Inward [hz discharge of card rrxutgaKr mdeb[edncu; thew nghis ut (hc mvr;s^.agez may 6e azercised at any tune during [he existence of such
<br />dtfauiE, irrespective of any tempevary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents. however. ~ np.m rhz Conditun, Tiu[ d the smd '•tor:gager .,toil repay said loan o .r hetirrc the maturity of said shares b}
<br />payrrtenC pay mtmthly to rod ASS(X'IATION uC the s+ t sprcdled m the iAmd x red heretry as uuerest end principal un said loan, on or befmc
<br />the Twentieth day ui zach and curry :nvnth, uuoi card Ivan a loth- pmd: pay all taxes anJ asuu~mams IeneJ against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, betbrc delmyuen y: furnish approved insurance upuu ma buildings tltemun in the sum of S 54, DDD. DD payable
<br />[o said ASSOCIATION: ropey m uid ASSIX'IA'i'ION uprm demand all money by n peed lire <uch tuxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maxunum Igal rate thereon from dare ut payment ati of whreh Mungagur hereby avrres ar pay: pnrmrt no waste un said pramrus; keep and comply
<br />with all this agreements and conditions of the Bund hn s 54 000 QD this day erven by the uid hLu[gagu[ to acrd ASS(X'IATION, and cvmply
<br />with all the reyuircnxnts u(lhz Consti[utron and By-Laws of 'said ASSOCLi'tION: then these presents shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in Cub toter and nay be iarecio>ed a[ the opnon ut the sa)d :1SSt?C'IATION niter lailurz fur three mmtths to make any of acrd
<br />payments ur be three months m arrears m making stud monthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions o(uid Bond;
<br />rind Mortgygor agrees to have a recernr appointed Ibrthwith m cad[ foreclosure pnrceedmgs.
<br />If there is any dmnge in ownership of the real estate rtturtgaged httem, by isle ur otherwise, then the entiro remaining mdeb[ednrss hereby
<br />secured shall, az the option u(7he Pywtable budding and i.aan Association ut Grand Island, Nahraska,bewme mvnediately due and payable without
<br />further notice, and [he amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond (or my~ additional advan es made thereunder, 'itch, Irom the
<br />date oC excrciu of said option, bear interest at the maxrtnum legal meet and this mongagc may then he foreciused to satisfy the amount due on acrd
<br />twnd,and any other bond fur add)liunai ad}anccs, together wish all sums pa)d by acrd The I~.Nuttable Building and Lvan Asssx~ia[ron vl Grand lslanJ,
<br />Nebraska fur insurance, taxes m)d asse>sments, and abstracting ezlension charges, wrth interest thereon. Iron date oC payucent at the maximmn
<br />legal rate-
<br />As provided in Uie Bond uaucd hereby, while this mortgage remains m eiiect the n:urtgagee may htreafltr adrance additional sums tv the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns ur succexwrs in iutetrst, which sums shall be within the xruri[y oC this mortgage the same es Bin funds miginatly
<br />sectned [hereby, the total amamt of principal debt nut to ezeeed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br />tad this 9~ daynf August A. o.. le 80
<br />an rguson ~
<br />Dorothy M. erguson
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ~ On this 9th day a( Rugust r) 3D , btfara rite,
<br />the undervgreed. a Natary Public m end (or seed County, priwnally wnie
<br />Dana A. Ferguson and Dorothy M. Ferguson, each in his and her own right, and as s~oMske of
<br />each other '° are fine nay wwn lu
<br />me to be the identical parwn S whose narrrz S are affixed io the above utitnmizn[ as ntirrtgagor 5 and they severally
<br />adtnowkdged the said instrument to lx their voluntary act and deed. ~ '
<br />WITNESS my hand and Natarial Seal the dale afbresatd_
<br />I~
<br />hIy Commissimt rxpues ~, __
<br />`~i/ t j r 1_ ,~c~1 _ _
<br />GENERAL NOTARY ~ State at atBroris I Noiaryrublic
<br />tariaM ar JOY M1i. BEAZLEY ~ - _~
<br />My Camps. Gp. Sept. 1. 146L.#.
<br />