80- vC~4183
<br />119tt'rGAGE _
<br />kroxrewc£ LOAN NO. L 23, 748
<br />tarowwLLla~+ecYTNFSef~esErrrs:Tnat Alfred W, Beckley and Judith K_ Beckley, each in h9s
<br />and her over. right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Thirt~Nine Thousand Two Hundred and NOJ100-------Muitgs~or-whethe:oneo:maae,tooed
<br />kraned to srid taatppsr by The F,yoitable Btuiding aad Ltwr Aafociatioo of Grand /shad, Nebruka, Mortgagee. ripoe - 392 ahaesof afark d
<br />ASSSOCIAT[ON, Certifiotc No. L 23 , 748 , rks hereby grant. cwrvey and rnatp®e imta the said ASSOCIA7tOH fife fobris6.
<br />iiixraibed real estate, sidstsd in hall County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tenements, !xreditamems end appurtenanrzs thereunto belonging. including attached t7oor wirings, all window acrr<rrs,
<br />witsriow shades, blinds, storm windows, awninzx, 'r:canng, au conditioning. and {,lambing and water eyuiprnent and aus9orira thereto, pumps, stravex,
<br />refrigerators, a:.d other fiztuias and egmpmenl n,,.. or hereafter attached to or uud in wnrxction with sa,d real esute-
<br />Am3 whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues h<reby agrzc ;hat rh< mortg}svur malt sad wnl{ pay e6 to<-e: and aaaem,ents kind or
<br />assessed upon said prcmixa arW upon this mortgage artd th< iwrtd severed rnrreby before rix same snail became detinyuent: [o furnish :pproxd
<br />insurance upon the building on said premises vtuatcd in th< sxim of S 39 2DD . DO t'aYalek ru ~t A,~SCl{'1A770N and to dr!ixt to saki
<br />ASS(1C'IATfON the policies for said inavranm: and nut to commit nr pertnil anp waxre.,n ur alwut said prcmracs,
<br />In cam of default in the perfcrrrrursrt of any r.t the corms aad conditwrrs of tnia nwrtgage or the !rand soured turchy, tee retorter ~,
<br />ore deirand, Ire zntetkd to immediate po,.n ..t am :raurt~gn! prcxnrss and th< rraMgagstt ;~rcby assns, srarssf~ assf pis oxs to tlx
<br />erwngagee x11 the rents, rexnrxs and mwnve to iK derived tram the mortgatuti promves Jwmg swat time as the rra,rtgaeEx mdebtiWnm ~kail remmn
<br />unpasd; and the rrtott!cgee shalt has the powzr to appumt any aunt or ag<nts it nay .iesrrc Tor the pwpnse ui rcmaie,rp, soul premises and rentiug
<br />the same and wlketing the :rnta, rcvcttues and itxatrrx, arW ii may pay out ;,f surd iticwne all <zperisrs of repairing ~ prenmes aru! rtetxsary
<br />ix,mmistiuns and exnens<s tncurted m ren[urg and rnaoagmq the sa,m~ ~snd ut u:otkcrwg rc,ntal_r thetclrr?m= tiro halantx rrt~u* sng, .1 any, to be
<br />app(kd toward the discharge ,:1 sa:d ruxtgagz :ndthterimss', itte9r :ignts ui :h nrrrtgager may t,c ezr:rc~.ai a: ary time during the cxatemx W such
<br />fault, rrar~ectivr ut anY t<mE=•irarY w"aivc o(tix E~scx-
<br />Thcse Presents, huwexr. are upon ih<COnditwn, Thai J the said Murtgagui shalV ,epay caul Iron un ur kxl~ue :iu r:utm,ty u( ,aW shares ray
<br />payment; pay rrwnthly to card .ASSCIC'IATION u( the cam specified in the [fund secwed h<roby as rnter<st and prmc,pal on sa,d loan, un or before
<br />the Twentkin day of each and every month, anal said loan rs lolly paW; pay all taxes and asseswnrnts levxd agan,si scat prcmuea and un atn Mortg}ge
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delirpuency: rurmsh approveat inwrmtsY upou thr bwWmgs tMrrun in arc sum n(s 39, 200. UO payank
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSCX'IA'f10N upon drernnd ail rtwrxy by it pnW tier such taxes, .srxsvtxnts artd rruursrice wial mterest at
<br />ttx rmximtun tegpl rate thereon fmm Jate oi' paynxnt a6 ul which Murtg;,qus hereby agrees to pay; pcnm[ nu waste on saW presnues: keep and wrriply
<br />with aU the agreements arW wndrtwns of the Bssnd for S 39 , 200.00 this day q,ven ray the ssid Munpigur to saW ASS(X'1A7'ION, amt wmply
<br />with a6 the requh<enents of the Curistitutiun and By-lawz of said ASSOCIATION: then these pr<sertls snail txwnx rsu6 a,W vwd, othttwne they
<br />shat) remain in fWl force anJ uuty tar furrtiwe,l at the option of the said ASSOC!A'f10N artn 1:Wurc for tbere nwnac to make any of axed
<br />payments or be lbrw rnunlhs m arrears in ntaknig said nnsntnly paytixnts, ur Ir: keep and wmpty wnh its agreenenu and amdrtwnx of sad Bond;
<br />and Mnrlpygm agrees to have a reszixr appc,intcd (or[hwith in such fnreeluswe proceedings.
<br />tt there u any ctmngt in uwricrship ~f the real estate nwrtgaged heroin, by sak ur u[lxrwssc, then the ensue rentsrnvig imkbtedness Ixreby
<br />seetrred shall, at the option nC 7'hr Lyuitabk Building and Wan Association n(GrarW Isand. Nebraska,t+ewme imnxdutely due and payable mt(wui
<br />further nutirx, and the anwiwt ,emaining Aur antler said nond, and any uaxr bond for any additiuiwl advarscrs nude ihcrrwidet, stud, trorr, the
<br />rote of cxercue of saW option, bear interest xt tit.. rnazimum legal rate, and fhu nmrtgsge rmy wren be fweelrrsed to sxtrdy Ilse airKwnt due on soot
<br />bond, ar:+l arty other boml Ica atlditircnuil adnn,xs, tipether wrth a6 corm paid by wild Toe Equitabk Building and l.uan Anau:iatwn of Grawt Island,
<br />Nebraaka fur inswanc<, [axra and aaaesutxnts, and abstracting eztetmon charges, tvtln interest theseun, from date of payurnt at the rnaxiniwn
<br />legal rate.
<br />Aa provided in the Bond secured hereby, wlirk this rtiurtgage rcimins in eCtert the itwrtgngee rruy hereafter advanrx additwnal sums to the
<br />toaketa of raid Bogd, their asaq{ISS ur ww~<xsurs in in[errsr, whrcn rums shah be within the security of [his nturtpage the same as the funds ur yimx{Iy
<br />aerated t!xsaby. tIG total ~asw,~.wt ut fxiricipal debt :wt t:±ezcmt at auy t;n,e t:,t urig:na: amount nC Geis nwxtga~.
<br />Chia 9th , '; ' day ~f August A, u., 1+> 80
<br />t.
<br />?~ u33-fh'~eckier -_
<br />STATE OF NBBRASiCA, ~ th, this 9th day of August !0 8D "before nx,
<br />rn< usidcnigned, a Notary Yubtic m sod for said County, prrxtmally axrrx
<br />Alfred W. Beckley and Judith K. Beckley,
<br />each"in his and her own right and as spouse of each other, won are personallyknownw
<br />tae to tx ton iilcstirst pussm $ wliuar cons S are =third h> the abuv< ~ as rrwrtgagur $ ,red they severally
<br />ackmrwkdgad the said insirurwutl to be their voluntary aU and deed" ~ ""'~,
<br />WITNk;SS my hared arW tdntarial Seal the date afinesard. y, , -'~"
<br />My ('mamiasion expires .~ ~t GCs.!` ~ C ~ l.,- ~~`+"'--r/i
<br />-~~ ~ ~ - Notary Puntic
<br />tarasr a' / r , rq a'S'3
<br />