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<br />80-° U Ci 4181
<br />
<br />Ts:;a tasde and ettt~ed inw thin 11th 'day rt lttz~iist v'`
<br />i9 SO , bg and batevesn ..Herbert H. Lockwood ate Goldie E'. Loclttsood
<br />thezeinafter refereed to v mortgagor} and the Adminietntor of the Small B®neas I-dmmiatratista, ~ ~!"-n€_~e
<br />Goverameat of the United Stater of America (hereinafter xferred to as mortgagee}, who mNntaioaau~a~ae-ati-
<br />ptamafbaruawat Empire State Suiltiing, 19th e6 Bertram Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68302
<br />Wer~ts, that for the eoneidentian hezr3aafter stated, raeeipt of ivhieh u haebS~a~rjpdied, tlSt
<br />mtortg~ tbae 6ateby raortgagq-sett, grant, aatign, a~ad cattvey rmtu-she mortgagee, hs aaotiaaaca ad-a~igr, a4
<br />of the foibtvieg-derribad ptroperty sitaaud and be®q.in the Crmnry of Aai l -
<br />State oi., Nebraska
<br />i
<br />i
<br />Lot 9fi' attd 97 Hawthorne Place, an Add3titm to the
<br />City of Grand Is,lattd, Nebraska I
<br />Together with and including all buildings, all &xtures including but not limited to all plurnbing, heating, light-
<br />init. ventilating, refrigeraEing, incinerating, air conditioniu„ apparatus, and elevators (the mortgagor hereby
<br />declaring that it is intended that the itemF herein enumerated shalt lee deeneed to have been prrmanendy in-
<br />stalled as part gC We really), and all improvements now or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and
<br />appnrtenanrns and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise npperlaininK, and the reversion and re-
<br />ven;ions, remainder and rcmairtders, all rights of redemption, and the rents, issues, and profiU of the abm•e
<br />deret~ltod=-property- tlii'o*'ided, isowerer, ihaf the murtitagor .Mali he rutiiled io the possesian of said propene
<br />and to collect and retain the e•tflte, issuer, And profits unlit default hereunder). To have and to hnl,i the same
<br />ante thettaettgagee end the sueeessoe•s in interest-of-ills mortgagee-forever in fee simple or arch-other estate,
<br />if any, as:is stated herein.
<br />The-nforegagor eaveuana Ghat he~ fe Ltvfolly eeimd sad ~paseeeeed of and hss-the right to Bell and convey said
<br />propextp:: that tite:ea»ta-ir free-Cram--all--eacttmbrant:ea except.ohareinebove recited; and that 6e hereby binds
<br />himself aad hie auacaswra in interest to warrant and defend the title aforesaid thereto aad every part thereof against
<br />she eleimsof all Petro®vrMamsoever:
<br />This inatntmeot is van to secure the a mast of a romieeo note dated A ~.
<br />K' P Y P rY Attgttst 11, 19ga
<br />in:thepriscipa}atmaof-g_ 1g~g00,00 ,atgeed.by Herbert H. Lockwood and Goldie E. Lockwood
<br />in hahaliof z$~selar~.:
<br />6aA rs"tr3el ii-.ib1 Fiw,aeu Gdtu.r ,n ab,~:,u.
<br />