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80- ~;G4169 MORTGAGE <br />Tffi&' fidD$N`f'f7RE, made tkb_ Rth day of AD° is is ~i1_. by and trKwbea <br />Raul J. Herten end Susan R. Herten, hustiand and-wife, each in his and h r own rigs. <br />acid as spouse of th o h¢r <br />~_ tIa i l (`pty4p. Nerl%oka, aa.mortgagor _S___., and Grand Ielaad Trust Company of Grand Islaxd.-a capaxation <br />aag¢nfted and eaeting coda the lava at Nebraska with ire principal office and plae of bnaimsa et Crrand Ls3®d. Neb:salw, u <br />WITNESSE'TH: That aaidmat~aca S -_.s woad-;a ----"- -rtm,,,t rtw m,,.,.,r _. ___,__-.__----~--._.,-._-.. <br />the remipt of wtiic6 is hereby aelrmrrled®ed, do _ by these prreenta mortgage an~ta --1"`ar»'sa~oa~ian and eaeigne. <br />forever, all the fofbwing deaerrbed real estate, attested ID the County of _ Hai 1 _ <br />`. and State of Nebraska. Cwwit: <br />Lot Thirteen (13) in Elock Fifteen (1,5} in Scarff's Addition to hest Lawn, <br />In the City of-Grand Island, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />!3.- ~ - Tegethal with s!f hearing, sic conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixture-., including scraps, awn <br />~_ - - doors, sad window sh°d,w or blinds, used an or in connection with said property, whether the same are paw located on ~ storm wb:dows and <br />4:... Paced thereon. property or hereafter <br />'#j`~_ TO FtAV£ AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and singular the tenements, hereditements and appurtenatrs@a thoreetntr~ b~ <br />- laoging, or in nnywiee apperteiaiug, forever, and warren[ the title to the same. Said morgagor,5..._.. hereby covenant _-__ with said <br />~ _ <br />ntertgagtoe Lhat _._ _.the y-_ _..__dCe__._ , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner_;..__ of the premises above convoyed end described, <br />S' aed dre_ _ setced of a gotat and indefeasible estate of inheritance therein, free errd clear of ell encumbrance, aml that~Fea +~w:ll <br />_warraot and defer iha rifle thereto forever against the claims end demands of all pereons whomsoever. <br />PflOYIDED AL WAYS, end this emtrument ie executod and delivered to senrro the payment of [he sum of __-_-___ <br />Sir ?housand Twenty dollars and 00/lOG ********_****_******_** <br />-- ------- - ---- _ DoAers is 6 020. Qo----- -- -- I. <br />wiW interest thereon, together with such charges and ndvnncee an may bo due end payable to said mortgagoe under the terms and conditions <br />of the premiasory ro4 of even date herewith and secured hereby, exercuted 6y said mortgagor -_.S.-_ to said mortgagee, payable ns expressed <br />in esed note, and 4o secure the performance of sU the terms and conditioaa wntained therein. Tha terms of ass note are hereby ia.^orporated <br />hcoin by this rafHence. <br />It u the inlmtba and agreement of 4he patties hereto that this mortgage eiu11 also assure any future advsncre roads to said mortgegor_~ <br />by esid mortgagee, end my and aLL indebi,;.dnese in addition to the amount above stated whist, sold mortgsgore, or any of tlwm, rteey owe to <br />said mortgages, however evidenced, whether 6y rwLe, book etxoum ar otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full tore and effect between <br />the portico hereto and their hairs, personal reprosentativea, suexeeaoro and ensigns, until all amounts secured hereuraler, including futurv• <br />advances, are paid in fuL' with interest. <br />Tice mortgagor_ 5 _- hereby ensign __-_ to said mortgagee all rents end irrcome arising at say sad ell timrm from said property Bred <br />hereby authorial said mortgagee pr its agent, at its option, upon default, to [she charge of said property and collect all rents and ira~ome <br />-..thetaram sad apply the same W the payment of enGereet, Principal, innrtceuce ptemimu, lases, aeeeaemenW. repairs or improvements <br />neweeary to heap acid property in temnkabla coadi[ion. or to other charges or paymenuv provided for herein or in the rwte hereby secured. This <br />rea4 a6algiittrelrt shall eontimmae in [Deco tmtil fire unpaid bsimca of need noW ie fully paid. The taking of poaeenaeon hereunder ehsll in nu manner <br />---~.-. p?gvanb or nM,atd eagl-m_aitga~in_Lh@ t»lfeaiion of ot4erwiaa <br />The failurenf the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder at any lima shall not be construed as a waiver of itn right to assert the <br />t same at any tafayt time, and m inaint upon and enforce strict complraace with elI the terms and proviabna of said note end of th. mortgage. <br />t If said S shell cause to 6e <br />awrtga8or paid to said mortgagee the entao amount due it hereunder, and under the terms and provwiona <br />oS said mete ttsreby secured, iachrding future advances, and say extmui@na or renewals thereof en attordcs@ with the 4e+ms and provisions <br />r thereof scot i# said mortgagor ~..._ shall comply with all th~pmuiaiona of said nq£e and of Chls mortgage, than these preaaats shalj be void; <br />~ otFtatlaire to esaua4n in tall Poree.and affead, end said mortgagee shall ba entitled w the ponseeaeon of all o(eaid property, and may, at its apteon, <br />declare the adrotB of avid-hots amt all irtdabfsuiaeaa represented therary to be immediately due and payable. and may toreelcee then mrrtgage <br />~~ or tape say Ot6m' k$af satiop to protect its right. Appnreement waived. <br />S This awrtgags shall be binding upon and Shell enure to the beue6t d the h@ira, aaecutora, admirriatretora, xu(axWwra and assigns of the <br />i reapartiY@ parties hereto. <br />S tY WITNEfk5 WHEftEOP, seed Mo <br />i atgagor_S.- hayr~.._ irerwtnto ,~ hand th@ da and ye~irat shove <br />written. /" - '' <br />X2`7: ~ - <br />a~-- <br />_, <br />~, y. / ~ . <br />Susan R. Herten <br />