?{3=uu415~3 Mt3~tTGA~E
<br />TEiIB MORTGAGE'ie tamde this ................ $~......... ihrp ~ .. - - - - Aurt}ttst ..... _ _ ,
<br />is8~..,betsveeetlmMartgrtgor; ~1:~t'l.L,.~AIE.E:C.,JUVR.4EFRA.A,.~AI.k.~Y.-httsband.x~nd.vrlfe .. '
<br />......................................{herein "Borrower"), sad- the Mortgagee. Hare.. Wit!'
<br />9svuoge sad t;,ean Aasocietioa, a cmporatioa txigeaized atu3. e:istmg ttx tbs laws of The Ualted S~stes of
<br />America, whtteeaddreea is 2BI 3out3t Locirat 3t~et, Grad Isletxl. Rebrsaka (he:e~ ,•I.~ea'•i.
<br />Witi;as,ts, Borrower is indebted to Ltxtder in the principat sem of. FQURTY. F.1,yE .TF.IDUSAMR .~{L~C$.
<br />.~~~1?(?"'-'~'--°~--------------.--FSalfars;-which ittdechesdness is evidettadbyBarro+ra'saiadz
<br />dam, _ , , , August .$, . I y8,0, ...... (herein "Note"). ptovitiing for mtmthly ittstaitmetus of privclpal atxl interest; -
<br />with the balartex of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, doe s~--payable an.... September. t_,.- Z(fO9 - -
<br />To SECtrRt=, to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by-the Note, wilt-igpg~t Iheaemt; tLe _ -
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage; amd the perforntanee of the covenants ana agreemenu o[ Borrower herein contained,' and (b) .repayment.- '
<br />of any fttture-advance, with interest thetton, made to Borrowey by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"gltt>se Advance"),13otrtnver does herebyALLrtgage, grant and wnvey to Lender t~ fallowing descn'b~ property
<br />lotted in ihe,('ovnry of .................................... . ...... State of Nebraska: ~'
<br />1005 West 5th .................... Gt;and,island,,.,,,_,,,,,,,,,
<br />wblch has the address of .......................
<br />[StreeU IGry}
<br />.Nebraska 68801 (~~} "Property Address");
<br />[state aM nn Ceae7
<br />TtrGti'rneR with a!I the improvemenFs now ar hereafter erected on the properly, and al! rasctrtents, rights,
<br />appuxtenauces, rents, royalties, mineral, oit and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stork, and aft
<br />fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, alt of which, including replacements and additions thereto, shall be
<br />deemed to bo and remain a part of the property mvered by this Mortgage; and all of the forxgoing, togetixr with said
<br />property (or the leasehatd estate if this Mortgage is on a Irasehold) are herein rxferred to as the "Property".
<br />Earrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby tonveyed and has the right to mortgage,
<br />grant end convey the Property, that the Property is unxnxumbercd, sad that Borcowcr wit} warratu sad defxnd
<br />g_~rall, :the t~.lt to t~ PmpettY against at} claims and d€mtEttds, sohj~t to any d~tat:ttiotas, r~ssms~nts er restrictier~t
<br />lisixd )n a sshx.~'tt'ri, of e~eepuons to coverage in any title insuran::. ,^oEiry insaring t.etu)xr 4 interest in the Pra~r[y.
<br />~~{~${{~--1 to 4 Faml}y-6175-fIMWliNUtC llRS9RM iNffRtlMtiRt
<br />