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F' ', <br />F <br /> <br />I3EE~3 ~` TRUST <br />TF3I& BEED flF TRUST is tttade this.... 7~1t of ... Atr~ettat ........ . <br />S9 80 , ttt~ng the Trtidar,.. Jeht; .$ ; . $e7~,erg$g. ,J e~; . FP.slde3$~' Browne . 6 Wa:fa .eactr. in <br />his and. her own, right, pP~?$@..(hcreirt "~x~rower") ............... <br />Attar-tey, at Lay ...{hereur teFrusttx"). and the Sene6eaaty. <br />_Catty.~exalSavings.Company.of,Grand.Island,Nlg ............ .. a~~~~.~ <br />ttttti~ tbt laws of ASebraska whtxe addreis is ............... . <br />. ZIZLN.. Webb Road Grattd Islands Nebraska .... . .. . ... . .. . . (~~m.•,). <br />HoRROwBtt, in eattsideratiott of tht indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein cleated, irrovosabty gFaMs <br />arm conveys to T in trust, with power of safe, the following described property located in the county of- <br />:..: r ....................................State of Nebraska: <br />-_ - FRACTIONAL LOT SIX {b) IN F?.ACTIONA~I. BLOCK ONE HONORED <br />_ _ SEVEITI'EEN (117) BAILROAD ADDITION 1b THE CITY OF-GRAAID ISLAND, <br />__ NEBRASKA, AND C~iPLEMENT BEING FRACTIONAL LOT SIX (b) ill <br />-~ - FRACTIONAL BLOCK 6NE HON-AED SE9EHTEEN (117), IN KOENIG AND <br />WIEBE'S-AD-ITION, ALL IPI THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL. <br />CO[TNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />which has the address of .......9) 4. W€at..1, st .......Grand .Island , .Nebraska ..68801 ............. . <br />(5hNn tCISYI <br />........................(herein"Property Address"); <br />(St~M+uwt rW ~i <br />- Toctrersa-with al! thz improves=cots now or hcreaftzr crccted on the property, and all euxntents, rights, <br />appureettattees. rents (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender W collect and apply such <br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and aft fixtures now or <br />ltertafur atiacired_to-tire propetty, a)1 of wltieh, ittciuding repfaeenxnts and additions thereto, sitaG be deemed ti hz <br />and retttain a part of the prolxrty covered by this f5ezd of Trust; and all of the foregoing, togither with +a~d propcrt~ <br />(or theleasehald estate if this Decd of Trust is on a leasehold) arc herein «fcrred to as the "property": <br />ToSeeuae t() i,etufer (a) the repayment of the indchtzdness cvidznced by BorrowcPs nose dated.. Augurt.. . <br />. 7, 1980 (herein "N a") in the principal sum of. T[,iE,NTY,EIGHT, Tt{gU$Qplp,. TF(O,yUNURE.R .'TWENTY. . <br />-- ~It1E, AND °1(100- (-Z$-,25.31) , . _ , .. poilars, with interest thereon, providing for monthly instattmcnt. <br />...................... <br />of principal and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not xionzr paid, due and payable on..... _ .... . <br />..........9-73-9R .. . ........ . ... . ........: the payment of :all other sums, with interest thereon, advance) <br />in aceordanez herewith [o protect th,_ security o[ this Uczti of Trust-, and the performance of the covenants and <br />- ~ tigreements~of Borrower-herein contained; and ib) the repayment of any futu« advances, with interest thcrcnn. nutda <br />- toHpnowcr by L,enderpursuanhto.paragraph 21 hereof (herein "Future Advances"). <br />Borrowet:cnvenants that Borrower is lawfully>ciszd irf the estate herby zonveyed and has the right ut Erant :nxi <br />t:onvey.the. Property, that the Propkrty is urtencumlmred, ;tnd that Borrower will warrutt and dcfznd ccneralty the <br />title to the Ptuperty against all eiaints and demands, subicct [a any dectara[ions, casements ur restrictions listen in <br />schedule of exceptions [o coverage in any title insurance policy inuring I.cnder's interest ~n the Pntperty-. <br />NISF'F 3j$0 <br />