$0-- ~G4i40
<br />!/ORTGAGE
<br />MOR'CGAGE LOAN NO. L 23, 746
<br />IWOW AIL MFSI SY THESE PRESENTS: Tbat tAi chael F. Htalmel and Beverly D. Hummel, each in his
<br />and her owfl right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Twenty-five Thousand and No/100--------------------Mo"~r'wt~«°°`°r'°""''°`°°~a`°~°[[°ftt`~°f
<br />-----------------------------
<br />mltnRs
<br />loaned to said,t[ortgagor try The Equitable Building and t.rsan Asao®tion of Crand islatsd, Nebraska, Mortgfgee, upon 25D aharea of stud[ of
<br />aid AS.SOCdAT10N, Ceniftrate No. L 23, 746 , do hereby gttmt, convey aad rmrtgag unto the acid A.4,SOCIATION the fo8owug
<br />deaeribed real estate, situated in }IaB County, Nebraaks:
<br />together with all the terfements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached flour coverings, all window xTeens,
<br />window dudes, blinds, storm windows, awning, heating, au corWitioning, and plumbing and water equipnxnt and acceaortin thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />refri~rators, astd other fixtures and egWpercn; now or heceafier attaclxd to or used ir. connection with said real mate.
<br />.4nd wheceas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor sham and will pay all [axes and aastssmenia levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon Uris tm>rtgagu and the bond secured thereby before the same shag become delinquent; to fturdalt approved
<br />insurance upon fie bui3durg on said prcmixs situated-in the sum of 5 25 , OOO.OO payable to satd ASS(X;IATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASStX'tAitON the poticxs for said insurance:and nut [n ~rommi[ or },trtmt arty waste an or about said premises:
<br />In case of defaut in the performance of any of the terrra and conditions of this rrrortgage nr the bond xemed hereby, fix mortggZ ahail,
<br />ao dersund, be enlititd to irrmtediam possession of the mortgaged premises sod the mortgagor hereby a,~n., transfers and sets over [o the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, reveetxs and incnrrte to be derived trvm the mortgagW premixes during such tune as the ntongage indebt<dmss aha{I remaL-t
<br />unpaid; and the t[urrt~tgee shall have the power tv xppuint arty ageri or agents it :ruy desire far the purpose of repauirig saW prerniaes and renting
<br />the :sou and collecting the rents, revenues and inxttx, and it ntay pay out a( said income aB expenses of ttpaiting aW prcmisea and necessary
<br />xmmissions and txpertses incwred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the 6slana retoaining, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discttatge vF said mvngage indebtednc~ti: tiuae r„ttts nl the mvrt;,ar,^-e. :car t~ rxez.istd at a ,q tirrce d[trzg its zxisttnx of ouch
<br />default, irrespecvve of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />Than Prtmnts, bavrever, art upon the Condition. That if [he aid Mortgagor shall repay said loan an or before the matwity crf said shares by
<br />payment: pay monthly m said ASSOCIATION n( the sum specified in the bond seemed hereby as ir.[nrest and principal an aid Ioan, tin or bt(oce
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every nwnih, until said loan is fWiy paid', pay aB taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />and flee Bond seraued thereby, before delinquency; Furrtiett appror d Insurance upon the budding thereon m the sum of 5 Z 5 , OOO , OO payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOC(ATION upon dcroand aU tnarxy by it paid for such taxes, asseasracnts and inamancc with interest at
<br />[he rtuximum legal race thereon from dart of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waale on said premises; keep and armply
<br />with eB the agreements and conditions of the Bond for 5 25 OOO OO[hia day green by the said Mortgagor iu said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws of sod ASSOCIATION: then them preaents shall become null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall remain in tuB force and may 6t forc:!uaed at the optiar. of the said ASStlC1A ICON niter failure Iv[ three months to make any of said
<br />payments or be ttuee months in arreatx in making aid monthly payments, ur to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Band;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees [v have a receiver a quieted forthwith in such foreclosure prorxeding.
<br />IC :bete is any change in ownership of the real estate rmortgaged herein. by sale ur otherwise, then the entire rertuinirtg indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shalt, at the option of The f?qui[able Buadirrg and Loan Associafion of Grand Island, Nebraska, bextne immediately due and payable without
<br />further notice, and the amount remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, attsB, From the
<br />date of execdae of said option, beer interest at the maximum legal cart, and this nwrtgage may then be fomciosed to satisfy the amomt due on said
<br />FwtW,md any other bond for additioml advartcea, together with aB surtts paid by said The Egttitabie Bolding and Loan Association of Grand IsfmmJ,
<br />Nebraska For inatuae[ce, taxes and asaeswnents,end abstrxrting extension chargta, with inure[ [hcram, from date of payment a[ the ttuximum
<br />kgat rate.
<br />As ptorided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage rcmams m etiect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />matters of said Bond, their assigrta or sur;eessors in interest, which surm shall be within the security of this mortgage the same as the Funds originally
<br />aecttted ih¢reby, the total amount of prirrciFral deb[ not to exceed at arty irme the original amount of this mortgage.
<br />mtea chit 7th. day of August .4. ~., 1 ~ 80
<br />~1~~tei~ ~ ~~..~
<br />tAi ae3 F: HuB~el l~tmmc~
<br />11EAt,, ,
<br />Beverly D. Hurmlel
<br />STATE flF NEBRASISA, ~ ss On ties 7th. day of AU9US t 19 80 ,before me,
<br />the wtderaigtted, a Notary Public in end for said Couaty, pcraoually came
<br />Michael F. Humnet and Beverly D.,_Hurmlel, each in his and her own rat, and a~er~tmytotoWh to
<br />each other `'~"''~~;, are
<br />m to be the identical person S whose ~~; _,_dI["Ld~,:'ixed to the above imtruurent as mortgagor S and they sereratly
<br />~ '
<br />acknawlerigtd flu astd utatcurrxrtt to be r ~@'~ r` vvlupt;rq nd deed.
<br />w7TN(SS my stand attaetal ~ t44 dote $(ore ~ d.
<br />~ ,
<br />MY Cummmsirsn espir~ J $ ~t~r'~r' _ ( F ' y ~ f /_ j ~` ..
<br />IOYasp rte /;' Notary~Public~
<br />~ fr
<br />ti ~~_ .
<br />