!.ender's written agreement nr applicable law. Borrower shah pay the amount of ail mangage insurance premium': in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disharsed by Lender pursum[ Yo this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, gall become additiana3
<br />lock Madness n( 13orrawer secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower znd tender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shah be payable upon rrttice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shaft bear imcrtst from the
<br />dale of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on rultstatrding principal under the Note unfeu pa}RrimE of
<br />interest at such :ate would be contrary to applicable taw. in which eve?ti cuch amounts shall bear interest at tht highest rate
<br />permissible under aoplicahlc law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shalt require lender to incur any esper+se or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />A. lasptxtion. Tinder may make or cause to be made reasonable ent;fes upon and inspcctirrrn of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give 8arrower notice prior to any ouch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor rotated to Calder`s
<br />~ toreros[ in fie Property.
<br />9. Candemttatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for Jamaees, direct or consequcniial, in canrtutian with any
<br />'M condemnuion or ether taking of the Propeny, ar part thereof. nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />ri and shall be paid m Lender.
<br />°GM in the even[ of u total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />~} with the excess. if any. paid to Borrower in the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />Q nrherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied n7 the sums xcured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equril to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by Ibis Mangagc imnrrdiateh• prier to Iha date of
<br />r~ taking 6ea;s m the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of :eking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />O paid In Harrower.
<br />1f the Pioperty is abandoned by Borrower. or if, after notice hp t.endcr to Rwmwer that the condemnor alters [o make -
<br />an aw;,rd ar settle a claim for damages, 6arrowe-. faits to respond !n Y.rnder within 30 da}•s after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Propeny nr to the sums secured by this M1for:gaer:_
<br />Unless lender and Borrou•cr otherwise agme in •.criting. any cuch aPPlirainn of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />nr postpone the due dace oC the monthly installments referred In in paragraphc 1 and 2 heseaf or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Belrased. Eatensron of the tmre (er paymem nr modification ^f :rmnrtizatian of the sums secured
<br />6y this Mortgage granted by i.ender to any successor rn interest of Borrower dtali not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liahilit}• nC the original Borrower and Borrnwtr'c successors in interest. fender shall not he required In commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to ecicnd time (.u Pa~mcm o nthenci~c modify amortization of the sums
<br />.accred by chic Mortgage by reason u( ;my demand made by she r•ricinal Borrower ;end Borrower's snccescnrs in inures[.
<br />li. Forbearance by Lender Nat a Waiver. Ann (nnc~•:;rancc he Lcndcr in rxcrasiac env right nr remedy hcrcundcr, or
<br />otherwise atTnrded by applicable law, ,hall nm i a w, rver n , ciadr the cxemise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The pmctrrement of incur nor ur the payment ut ta,:. nraother Lem .,rr~. har_•e< by Lender shall not he a cvarver of Lenders
<br />right Io :xcclcrnte the man:nty u(rire mcfchrednc=s .c. nrcd by rh:; A1nrre;,e„
<br />Remedies Gunulafivc. Atl r ., .-;dcJ :n thie ~inrtz.er o.-~ ,listinct :m,l .r:ondativc m anc ether right ar
<br />remade under thu bfarleagc- or elf d 1 1, .. nr ,tun : r.•S mac he • .. : ntle i ~ndenrl, r _accc ivrly
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Se+rnl Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />aintaincJ shat! hind, and the riehts hcrcundcr shall inure m. the rc<pecurc sr t sscrs and assi_•nv of Lcrder and Berrnwer.
<br />sut?icct to the nravi=runs ;9P narg~ rnh 1? heron( .All c~ n;mts and ~ rccmcnts al' Hor!awcr shall hg i,nr,t and =cvcra 1.
<br />-fkte caption :mJ headings et the p:r rer::phs e~( this ~Axtcagc ire for convenience r.nty ::nd at'e nm to h; useJ to
<br />.!!ter Pftt . drfnC ! retYltiu.?F;. It1.1.e'l~.
<br />id. Naticr. Except son env nmrce wquired under appiicai,ie 3:ne Io he g,.cn n another manner, ;ai a notice to
<br />.- ~ y ~. ern t
<br />i?orreuct r c-,dcd t.. ,n This Mn _ic strati };cart : :.e.c , r..n ._ tic i, ~taied m._r , a_rcssco - ,wcr a
<br />rho Pr,.pertr x,.dresz ~ ,ch tl cr -,ddre,~ a Borrow - _.c* ?_ nr I-,~ noucc• to Lender ~ s p+oe:Jed nerein. and
<br />fhi am- ° ,. c to 1 ~ndcr shalt he :: t;:ICd mad. :MUrB u.. :egac,Ir1. +-~ ten: c{~ ad:irccs Gated bcrcia :. to
<br />such other •addres, as f_endcr mat •dr+rrgn-sucri+} nohcc In Bourn+cr ;s provided hrreifl"-.4ny nancrtxnvidcd (nr ir. ~Ihis
<br />Afnrtgage sh:Jl be deemed to have been given to Borra,acr or !ender ,.hen g,ecn ir. the ma+mer cirsignated hPrcin.
<br />13. linifonn hlangagc: Governing !,aw: Sererability. l;u, iorrn nI non cage combines uniform covenants for national
<br />e and non-uui(onn covenants with limited varntlrons hr , :,.i:cunn I,+ , on+htule a ndnnn c _unty insirlnnrnt : leering
<br />real Propeny. this Vlongage sh:dl be govenrc•d M ;he law ,=f the ! r.Jrcur•u i ~hirl• the Prnp,:nv r- 1„eared- in the
<br />cvem Iltat any pro isiore or :louse n(;his Mortgage or the^+, . c<,nlii<'r.., nth applicable ;. :.Ir ~onfl:tt .trail r. ~[ atTcct
<br />other prtn isions of thu Mortgage nr lhr Nr.tr wheel : b< : rlic-r ,•nhout Lm ,nil:, nnc rr„+i,ioe. ,na Ir this
<br />end the pr inns of the bi ortgage and ibc Vntr :, dec•letcJ tn~he , _nmk
<br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shat! he (~.nne,heJ a .,•nh,;nx•J cope of the- V„m .,nd ,~f ;h~. \;ort}'.age : t the tlmr
<br />of execution or aftce recordation here:,(.
<br />77. Trmtsfer of the Property; Assumptiuo. It all o: Gus port nl the Propeny or :,n =ntcn ;t the, vin i-,~,iJ ~,t trsusfeu cJ
<br />by Borrower without Lcndcr', pnm :vnucn .-un.nn, r +.uding ,:n th_ + carrou „I c.~~ .mhrance .:,hardu,.ae Io
<br />this Mortgage, (hl the crcahon of a pure l+uac m.rnrv v -nrin mtvrect (nr L.r sritold appliancc,_ .. ,i vamt.r 'r~r vc:ise.
<br />descent or by ntx: ration of I:re upon the death u(a ju n!nena nt nr
<br />-r Lcndcr may.::! Lcr~dcr's opm,n. Jc.l rc :dl th+•. ~ s. :cJ f.c , +.L:~u ea;-•_ , rte
<br />immeJrafl}' due and payable. 1_cndei s'.udl ! a , -,ch ,ryn u,u : .._ ,.:.vc IC. p: ~:ot t ~,Jc r, .... r-,for I =, der
<br />nnJ the pcrsan m wham d+e I'n,lna tv is to be ,old svrs[rnxterrni rgac6 aercewenr m wnuuc :h~rt rho ccdn . , .~,.
<br />s satisCaetory to Lender and that Ihr intcrest payable ou rho Gums s,.aur.t by finis Af o: p:.:ge ,~.. 1 hd a s,i..h i~t tc d. i t-rc4cr
<br />shall request It Lrndrr has waived the option to a. ee!ecde p:,wrdrJ i t chi, p., rigr.:ph I' - ud d It.,rnn. a~: , .,_._, -,,
<br />rnterrst has executed a wiitteu a>~umpfion agrremenl aceepteJ m :. titnm by I ,,-uder_ I rnd,~t c_urH rrte.:co tiun,nr cr tn,m dl'r
<br />nhligatwns unJrr Ibis Mortgage and the Note.
<br />'.: !..ender ccrrcisrs such apuan to accclcr atn. Lcndcr .hall mail Borrn;c cr na:c: .•t :.., Jr. atn•n .~: ,,.,."ra.n n:e a:[h
<br />paragraph :4 hareaL Such nohcc ;hall Pn,vidc .~ xnnJ of : Ica, Ih:;:r 10 das+ :: .n- ., c toe u,.. _,. :. -.ea<d n rhm
<br />which Borrower matt pay the sums declared due. i 1 Bono, _. I',irk :o I i + .r n { ,-, , a _ - u.,r„• ~.,.h i.: -:,,d.
<br />I-ender ma}. without further nohcc or demand on 6oru,u cc ~nvoAc :: _ cnn~dm, I•u::u-u c.i h+ i~.rt.;g: apt- I. , ., :ol
<br />Ncf~.l{wraunt C;UVt;n,wrs. Barro4ver and l coder Imthe: co•.ru.rm :,nd ::erne .,.. ~..,,.~
<br />1K. Areelrration; Remedies. h:xcepl as prtrvirled in paragraph 17 hereof, open t3alfow cr\ bua:h of :cry +~, and ur
<br />agreement o[ 6arra+rrr in this 4Eorigage, including lbe corcuaut, Iu pay whru due craned b} tlds vbnYgaar,
<br />Lcndcr prior to acceleration shall moil notice hr &rrrawer as parr idvd in pacagruyh irJrNrrcui spcvih ing: r U um hrrarh:
<br />42) the action rcyuired to cure .such Irreaclr: (3t a date, col Irsi than 111 days from Ihr date the outirc i, aiivJ ru [tore orrer,
<br />by which such breach muse be cured; and IJ) that !allure ht cure s rrh bn•aJr „- r before the dale spar ,. r the noise
<br />pray result is acceleration of the sums secured by chi+?lurtgagn. fnredosurr• by judiri:d pn ocdiog auJ .Gtr urF the Fu,pcry.
<br />'the notice shall [unhrr iu[orm liurmwer o[ Ihr right n, ta•iusBrte af!er as refer atiou and theari{;Irt m a art in ttte laredusore
<br />praeeed[rsg the non-ext.+teuce ul a default or scat, utba defense o£ l3ortowrr ha a ccler:dion and lorcc tuxuc. IC the bunch
<br />is nut cured nn nr before the date sprrilird in the uotin•, Lendrn at Lcudcr'v opliun may dn4urc aft ut Ihr , cooed by
<br />this Marlgage to br irnntedintrly duv and pnpnLle wirt+uuf [urtbcr dcutand nnA pray fouch.,c by pxJrcini Proccedin;:. Lcudn
<br />.bait :_.s entitled to correct in such proceeding all esprnae., ut fore.lu..,r., including, taut out fi.::ueJ t+s, ru.t, ;.[ de ,ur,:rnt_r1
<br />erutracr, absira: is and :ittz raper ns.
<br />, ~
<br />19. $arruwar's Itig61 to ttciustate. Nonelthst•,ndutg t cndv i -. . ~-,...,..,,:. -,_ , .n„ ........ . ... . it.: :,~ :E.
<br />I[arn,msr shat` have the right n, h.rvc a .per:, acdutf~ I cR,, , ~~ I u,;is .- , .,_ .I,.::,,--, ,...~ _ ..: ,~ -..
<br />